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Entertainment in Spain. Flamenco. Tourist feedback

Flamenco in Spain is a very popular show among tourists. Typically, flamenco can be seen in the evening hours in Spanish bars. The owners of the establishments often invite Spanish dancers to entertain the audience. The performance can be seen absolutely free of charge if you order something from the bar.

We happened to see flamenco in Spain on the territory of our hotel. By inviting dancers, the hotel owners "spin" in this way their bar on the roof of the hotel. The show began at 21:30 and lasted for about 1.5 hours with a short break, during which the dancers rested a bit, changed their clothes and refreshed themselves with cocktails.

We have a lot of impressions. Dancers in bright costumes climbed onto a low wooden platform and with all their strength began to thrash their heels so that they could be heard even on the first floor (the performance was held on the sixth). Flamenco dance is accompanied by movements similar to tap dance. I want to note that our dancers were far from young, which is just good - the older the dancer, the more experienced she is.

Flamenco was performed by two dancers, and a middle-aged Spaniard was engaged in musical accompaniment (played the guitar). If in the first part of the performance the dancers performed exclusively on their own, then in the second part a spectator, sitting in the first row, was called from the audience to warm up the audience.

The audience perked up noticeably, it was very funny to watch how they try to teach their dances to a beginner. During the dance, the dancers raised their luxurious skirts a little so that we could appreciate the skill of the performance.

We loved it, especially the fact that you don't have to go anywhere to see flamenco. Spain is a wonderful country!

And here you can see the Best hotels in Valencia by the sea and excursions in Spain https://excurzilla.com/en/spain