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Egyptian Pyramids

The Egyptian pyramids have been considered one of the wonders of the world for centuries. How much talk there is in the world to this day about the construction of these sand giants of Egypt.

There are so many points of view that it is impossible to count them all. Sometimes the most incredible opinions appear, for example, that the pyramids were not built, but "brought" to Egypt by alien civilizations. This refers directly to the point of view of the "alien" creation of the world.

There are about a hundred different pyramids on the territory of Egypt. This number takes into account not only the pyramids that have completely survived to the present day, but also those that at this point in time are ruins left to us as a legacy from ancient civilizations.

Egyptian pyramids stretch along the banks of the Nile, in the heart of the ancient capital Memphis. The seventh wonder of the world - the pyramid of Cheops - is located in Giza, the desert plateau of the Nile Valley. There are also two more famous pyramids that are very popular with tourists – the pyramid of Khafren and the pyramid of Mikerin.

The Pyramid of Cheops, one of the seven wonders of the world, belongs to the fourth dynasty of the second Pharaoh. Looking at this pyramid, doubts may really arise, but whether this gigantic creation belongs to human hands or whether it is structures from outer space. Many historians believe that in ancient times there could not have been equipment to help erect such a pyramid, and it is impossible to build such a creation with human hands. But this question is from the field of mummification. After all, people living in those days possessed the secret of mummification, but now - during technological progress, thousands of scientists cannot restore this secret.

Probably, flights to Egypt are enjoying such a stir precisely because of these pyramids. There is something mysterious and unique about them that the human eye wants to contemplate from year to year. Indeed, it is impossible to look at the pyramids of Egypt in the picture, you need to see them yourself at least once in your life.

By the way, there are only burial chambers in the pyramid of Cheops, no ornaments or drawings were found, inherent in those times. Therefore, it can be judged that the pyramid itself was built up exactly as a tomb.

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