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Discover the world's most beautiful coral reefs: a guide to the top 5 coral reefs around the world

While coral reefs are an indispensable part of the oceans, supporting healthy food chains, providing habitat for millions of species, and protecting coasts from storms and erosion, reefs are also known for their unique beauty. Unfortunately, global warming and massive pollution are killing coral reefs. If you want to visit coral reefs, now is probably the best time to do it as by 2050, 90% of reefs may die. The following list will give you ideas on where to find the most outstanding coral reefs.

The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

The Great Barrier Reef located in Australia is actually the largest coral reef on Earth. In total, there are about 3,000 individual reef systems consisting of 400 coral species. The unparalleled beauty of this place, surrounded by hundreds of islands with picturesque, pristine beaches, made the Great Barrier Reef one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World and one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The Red Sea Coral Reef- Red Sea

The Red Sea Coral Reef- Red Sea

The coral reef in the Red Sea is a true underwater treasure with vibrant life, hidden between the two driest deserts in the world: the Arabian and the Sahara. The reef not only impresses with its incredible length of 1,200 miles but is also known for its unique flora and fauna, with about 10 percent of the species that make up its ecosystem found only here.

In total, there are nearly 300 species of hard corals and 1,200 species of fish. Fortunately, unlike many other coral species, the reefs in the Red Sea are strong enough to withstand extreme temperature changes.

Okinawa's Coral Reefs, Japan

Okinawa's Coral Reefs

Located in the Nansei Archipelago between Taiwan and Kyushu, Okinawa Island is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan. It is also home to Japan's largest coral reefs, the largest of which, Sekisei Lagoon, stretches for about 26 miles. It is estimated that there are nearly 200 species of corals in Okinawa.

Unfortunately, this site is now severely threatened, as about 90% of the reef has been damaged by the phenomenon known as "coral bleaching."

Los Roques National Park, Venezuela

Los Roques National Park

Los Roques National Park covers the area of The Los Roques Archipelago, which is home to one of the most beautiful coral reefs in the world, containing 61 species of corals. The ecosystem is also rich in other species: 60 species of sponges, 45 species of starfish and sea urchins, 140 species of mollusks, 200 species of crustaceans, and almost 300 species of fish. Whales, dolphins, lemon sharks, and turtles are among the other inhabitants of the site.

The island of Koh Tao, Thailand

The island of Koh Tao

The tropical Gulf of Thailand is known for its beautiful islands, and Koh Tao is one of them. The shallow coral reefs surround the entire island. They are represented by both soft and hard corals, which come in different colours and shapes. To protect its unique natural ecosystem and pristine waters, Koh Tao offers a number of volunteer programmes.

The sponsor of this article is Aquaforest, a manufacturer of coral reef food and supplements: https://aquaforest.eu/en/product-category/supplements-and-foods/