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Chaweng beach

Chaweng Beach is the most famous, popular and crowded beach on Koh Samui, Thailand. It is located in the east of the island and is territorially divided into three parts: North, Central and South, respectively, the beaches of Chaweng Yai, Chaweng and Chaweng Noi. 

We will dwell on the Central part in more detail, as this can be said to be the main tourist artery of the island.

The entrance to the sea is quite gentle, and the bottom is clean. So swimming here is a pleasure. The only thing that can break the idyll is the big waves, which are not uncommon here from November to January. Also on the beach, various sea attractions are always at your service: like bananas, kayaks, jet skis, trips on yachts and boats. 

By the way, Chaweng annually hosts an international marine regatta. Soft white sand, coral origin and clear turquoise water - this was the first thing that attracted tourists here. Gradually, many restaurants, nightclubs, bars and shops began to be built around this beach. Over time, it has turned into a tourist center, where it seems that the movement never stops.

On Chaweng Beach near the ring road, the main supermarkets (Big C, Makro, Tesco Lotus) are concentrated, as well as most of the island's large stores, where you can purchase goods for any request and budget.

Therefore, there is no shortage of shops and supermarkets here, but if you want to get the freshest fruits and vegetables, it is better to visit the local food market. Most of Koh Samui's hospitals are also located here (Bandon International Hospital, Samui International Hospital and the most expensive and modern Bangkok Samui Hospital).

The active nightlife of Chaweng attracts many young people and lovers of noisy parties. And the variety of establishments will surprise many. There is also the famous Reggae Pub and a lot of bars with live bands, chic nightclubs, Ice Bar, where the temperature is always maintained at sub-zero temperatures, and many other places of no less amazing concept.

A 15-minute drive from Chaweng is Samui International Airport, which is called a boutique airport for its unusual design. At one time, this airport received an award for design. Inside, there is nothing reminiscent of the standard terminals you are used to. It's more like a big bungalow on the coast. It makes you want to order a cocktail at the registration desk. Transportation at this airport is primarily handled by Bangkok Airwaves, as they are its owners. There are no flights at night, so the noise of the engines does not interfere with your rest, unlike the sounds of night discos and karaoke spreading from all sides. Although, on Chaweng it is quite possible to find housing in a quiet place, away from this noise.

By the way, if we are already talking about housing. Here it is somewhat more expensive than in most other places on Koh Samui, but the choice is many times greater. There is everything from rooms and small houses to respectable villas.

Of the local attractions, I would like to highlight the Buddhist Temple of Chaweng (Wat Chaweng), located near the ring road and the pagoda Kho Hua Jook, located at the very top of a large hill, climbing on which you will have a beautiful view of Chaweng and nearby beaches. 

There is also a fairly large lake on Chaweng, on the shore of which one of the oldest bars on Koh Samui is located - Reggie Pub. 

Also, from unusual places, one can single out the monkey theater and the crocodile farm near the airport. Golf lovers are welcome on a small but well-equipped course, and fans of harder sports can head to one of the two Thai boxing stadiums located in Chaweng.

The list of attractive places in Chaweng is almost endless, but this beach is not for everyone. If you want active rest and constant drive, then you are here. If you prefer a more relaxed environment, then pay attention to other beaches in the south and west of Koh Samui.