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Bali: what you need to know, what to see and try?

Those who love life and want to enjoy it 100% go to Bali. But as a rule, all the pleasure of tourists ends at a luxury hotel and a nearby beach. To really get to know Bali, to feel all the idleness and bliss of relaxation, you need to take only 7 steps. Not everyone is told about them, and more often they are completely silent. After all, the laws of the tourism business are harsh: it is necessary to sell a more expensive tour and a hotel room with several stars.

1. Getting to know the temples of Bali
Even locals won't tell you the exact number of temples in Bali. But, if you believe the old-timers, there are more than 20 thousand of them. In order to get around them all and life is not enough. Therefore, you can safely head to the main temple on the island of Bali - Pura Besakih, located on the slope of the volcano Agung. It is not even a temple, but a huge city of altars, sacrificial slabs and small shrines. Bali residents believe that the Agung volcano is the center of the earth.
That is why Balinese people sleep exclusively with their heads to the Besakih. After all, it is here that all the temples of the globe come together.

2. Conquer the wave
Throughout the year, tourists can conquer the waves on the beaches of Uluvata and Kuta. It is here that you can ride a wave absolutely for every taste, and even color. Long, sharp and fast, broken and turbo - conquer any of them. But, nevertheless, before you pick up the surf, do not forget to take into account your level of professionalism.

3. Do you want a Hotei?
Did you know that the pride of every Balinese is figurines made of ebony, sandalwood or crocodile wood? If not, then hurry up to purchase this sample of sacred art! After all, the figure of the chubby god Hotei or the Garuda mask is the most original souvenir from Bali.

4. Respect the monkeys!
Pura Luhur Uluwatu Temple is famous for its shrine all over the world. But, if you hope to see ancient ruins or historical sights here, then do not worry. You will be warmly welcomed by cute monkeys. They will definitely pay attention to the ladies, removing all the gold jewelry and strong men from them. After all, why do they need SLR cameras and mobile phones? But seriously, by all means hide from these thieves everything that can be hidden from the monkey's eye. These four-legged ones should be respected and appreciated, because they are sacred animals.

5. Try coffee for $50
If you think this is a joke, you're wrong. Kopi Luwak coffee in Bali really costs $50. And this price is quite justified! After all, when else will you have to drink a drink made from unusual grains .... digested in the stomach of the musang animal.

6. Not for the faint of heart
If you want to see the nightmare firsthand, then take courage and go to Lake Batur in the village of Trunyan. Here you are lucky enough to get acquainted with the Bali - Aga people. They believe that it is not necessary to accompany the dead on their last journey, it is enough to leave the corpse under the sacred tree. The bodies are not covered with earth, not covered with bamboo, but left to lie here for two years. Then the bones are carefully collected and laid out on the stones. And why are horror films still being shot in Hollywood?

7. Hide the left hand
If you greet a Balinese with your left hand, you risk falling out of favor. Bali residents eat, greet and do household chores only with their right hand. They also believe that the human head is sacred. Therefore, in no case do not touch their holiness. That is why Balinese people do not build multi-storey houses. After all, it is unacceptable for residents of the floor above to walk on the sacred head of a Balinese.

Now you know for sure that the most interesting thing in Bali begins at the doorstep of the hotel!

The hotels in Bali with private beach

Excursions in Bali