Tsarabanjina beach

Azure waters, a beach with powdery soft sand, lush tropical vegetation - all this awaits a tourist who is about to spend a vacation on Tsarabanjina near the coast of Madagascar. This tiny islet is a 50-minute boat ride from Nosy Be.

Descripció de la platja

Tsarabanjina is famous for its rich opportunities for snorkeling. Branched corals, inhabited by shoals of green chromis, have firmly established themselves in the coastal waters. If you are lucky, you are sure to find the sea anemone, Madagascar clowns, parrot fish and butterfly fish in the local waters.

At Tsarabanjina tourists will find a resort working on the all inclusive system and offering luxury living conditions. Recently renovated villas include comfortable apartments equipped with air conditioning facilities, fans, bathrooms with original finishings, as well as cozy terraces with a spacious lounge area. Guests can enjoy relaxing massages in a small hut located on a hill directly above the beach.

There is a diving center on the island. Fishing, kayaking and sailing are also included in the list of activities in Tsarabanjina.

When is the best time to go

Na istočnoj obali Madagaskara vlada vlažna, tropska i monsunska klima, u centru je umjerena i morska, na jugu u pustinji - sušna, na sjevernom dijelu - subekvatorijalna. Najtoplija temperatura je na sjeverozapadu Madagaskara. Od početka aprila do kraja oktobra, prosječna temperatura vazduha je od +13 do +20 stepeni, ostatak godine - od +22 do +30 stepeni. Ovisno o regiji, pada 400 do 3500 mm padavina. Na obali se javljaju razorni cikloni. Najbolje vrijeme za opuštanje na otoku počinje u travnju i traje do studenog. Ako je svrha putovanja izlet u nacionalne parkove, morate otići u odmaralište na jesen, kada su životinje najaktivnije.

Vídeo: Platja Tsarabanjina

El temps a Tsarabanjina

Els millors hotels de Tsarabanjina

Tots els hotels de Tsarabanjina

La platja participa en les valoracions:

4 lloc a la classificació Madagaskar
Valora el material 45 m'agrada
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