Els millors hotels de les Seychelles

Valoració dels millors hotels de les Seychelles a primera línia de platja

Les Seychelles són un prestigiós complex turístic de l'oceà Índic, format per 44 illes, dues de les quals són coralls. Al llarg de la costa, trobareu platges privades i ben cuidades adjacents als hotels, platges salvatges verges i urbanes. Les Seychelles són sovint escollides com a escenari idíl·lic per a casaments, on es forgen moltes famílies feliços i perdurables.

Les Seychelles són una destinació exòtica per als amants del sol, l'oceà, el surf, el busseig, l'snorkel i altres esports aquàtics. Amb centenars d'espècies de peixos, desenes de coralls i una gran varietat de petxines, tot el que cal és una immersió per trobar un pop, una tortuga o un altre habitant de l'oceà. Les Seychelles tenen un ambient tranquil; és un santuari on podreu assaborir unes vacances en solitud amb la natura.

Molts hotels amb platges privades operen dins del complex. Aquests enclavaments exclusius només són accessibles per als hostes de l'hotel. Situat als racons acollidors de l'illa (badies i cales), cada complex ofereix la seva pròpia platja privada, que garanteix la privadesa dels hostes. No s'admeten intrusos, amb una excepció: l'accés a la platja es pot concedir prèvia acord amb l'hotel. Aquestes són les úniques platges privades de les Seychelles.

Abans de reservar el vostre viatge, és recomanable revisar les puntuacions dels millors hotels de les Seychelles amb platges privades per seleccionar el lloc perfecte per al vostre retir.

Fregate Island Private

Preu mínim / dia: 3978 €

Rand asub kuurordi tasemest allpool, seda ümbritsevad kaljud, džungel. Seal on väike lumivalge liiv, ookean on türkiissinine. Põhja langetamine on sujuv, vool tugev, on käegakatsutavaid laineid - ujumine on problemaatiline.


Fregate Island Private on eraldatud hotell Frigate saarel. Kõrgel rannikul on hingemattev panoraam, ilus vaade aknast. Sellele pääsete õhu kaudu helikopteriga või paadiga üle ookeani. Kuurordi ümber on troopiline džungel, tohutud rändrahnud, smaragdist ookean ja õilistatud mahajäetud liivarand.

North Island Seychelles

Preu mínim / dia: 0 €

The coast is covered with snow-white fine sand, palm trees grow on the territory, boulders are found sometimes. The ocean is boiling, the current is strong, the waves are high.


An exclusive, comfortable hotel on the territory of the North Island. It consists of villas located along the coast of the Indian Ocean. Wooden villas with a kitchenette, bathroom, include all necessary modern furniture, household appliances: air conditioning, TV, fridge. Each villa is provided with an electric buggy upon check-in. The hotel has restaurants with different cuisines, SPA salons, gym, diving center. Outdoor terraces allow you to enjoy breathtaking sunsets. Guests can enjoy diving, snorkeling, surfing, fishing.

Six Senses Zil Pasyon

Preu mínim / dia: 1266 €

Clean, snow-white sandy with large boulders and coral. Entering the water is problematic. Special shoes are used in order not to get hurt. The coast disposes to dive, snorkel. Sea urchins and fish live in coral and stones.


Luxurious five-star hotel consists of many villas. This is a paradise place with great service. The villas are modern, equipped with necessary furniture, and household appliances. There are kitchenettes, bathrooms, pool, terrace with ocean view. On the territory there are restaurants, kids club, you can do water sports.

Hilton Seychelles Northolme Resort & Spa

Preu mínim / dia: 335 €

Rannik on liivane, kohati võib leida rändrahne, ujumiseks on kaks laguuni. Rand on väike, ilus, põhja langetamine on sile, ookean on puhas, sügavus suureneb järk -järgult.


Hilton Seychelles Northolm Resort & Spa on viietärnihotell Mahe saarel. Tubades on kaasaegne mööbel, aknad, rõdud ja terrassid, kust avaneb panoraamvaade India ookeanile ja mägedele. Teenus on tipptasemel. Jalutuskäigu kaugusel on basseinid, restoranid, autorent ja pood. Villades on tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Territooriumil on: spordikeskus ja ilusalong.

Kuurort sobib suurepäraselt romantiliseks ja lõõgastavaks puhkuseks. See asub mäel, mida ümbritseb lopsakas taimestik, kivid. Välitegevuste armastajad tegelevad sukeldumise, kalapüügi, jalgrattasõidu ja veesuusatamisega.

Four Seasons Resort Seychelles at Desroches Island

Preu mínim / dia: 730 €

Ookean on rannas soe, rahulik, peene valge liivakattega, seal on palmide loomulik vari. Rannajoon on 14 km pikk. Rand sobib erinevate veespordialadega tegelemiseks.


Mugav hotell Deroshi saarel. Tubades on kõik, mida vajate hea peatumise jaoks: uus mööbel, konditsioneer, satelliittelevisioon, vannituba, tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Enamikul tubadel on rõdu, kust avaneb panoraamvaade ookeanile. Hotellis on kreooli restoran, baar, poed, tasuta jalgrattalaenutus. Seal on mänguväljakud ja hotellipark, toitu saab tellida ööpäevaringselt tuppa. Tipptasemel teenindus, abivalmis personal, korrapärane tubade koristamine. Populaarne meelelahutus: snorgeldamine, sukeldumine, kalapüük.

Villas Coco Beach Praslin

Preu mínim / dia: 200 €

The bottom lowering of the beach is smooth, there is a natural shadow from palm trees on the coast. The depth is increasing gradually, the water in the ocean is clean, turquoise. The waves, the current is strong. The sand is white, soft.


Modern villa in the city of Anse Kerlan. The rooms are equipped with comfortable bedrooms, bathrooms, equipped kitchens, garden, barbecue and picnic facilities. Furniture, modern household appliances. The service is top grade, the rooms are cleaned daily. There is supermarket and snack bar with affordable prices nearby.

To plan your leisure, contact the hotel manager. There are such popular entertainments as: fishing in the ocean, diving with a mask, diving, golf, hiking. Free Wi-Fi is available for guests, and the rooms have satellite TV. Free guarded parking, there is a car rental as well. The terrace offers breathtaking ocean views.

Constance Lemuria

Preu mínim / dia: 572 €

A private clean beach with a snow-white coast. The water is clean, warm - the beach is located in the cozy bay of Grand Anse Kerlan. The water is calm, warm, clean. Entry into the ocean is smooth, the depth is increasing gradually.


Hotel on the island of Praslin, the coast of Anse Kerlan. Built on a hill surrounded by sheer cliffs and jungle. The rooms, windows and terrace offer breathtaking panoramic views of the Indian Ocean. The hotel has restaurants, in the suburbs there are city beaches, entertainment. You can spend an active holiday playing golf, go diving, snorkeling, surfing.

Banyan Tree Seychelles

Preu mínim / dia: 363 €

A beautiful private beach with light yellow sand, 1 km long. Entry into the water is smooth, the depth is increasing evenly. The waves are high, the current is strong. The ocean is clear, sky-blue. The coast is suitable for walking. Palm trees grow on the beach, some areas are rocky.


Modern hotel on the island of Mahe in the tributary of Intendance with access to the beach. Visitors rent villas with private pools and terraces. The apartments are modern with new furniture, appliances, equipped kitchen and bathroom. Each villa has air conditioning, satellite TV, and free Wi-Fi. On the territory there is fitness center, spa, tennis court, pool with sun beds, car rental, equipment for water sports.

There are restaurants with European, Asian and other cuisines of the world. Vacationers do yoga in specially built pavilions on the slopes of the mountains, ride bicycles, go diving, snorkeling.

Hilton Seychelles Labriz Resort & Spa

Preu mínim / dia: 261 €

Ilus, puhas rand. Rannik on kaetud peene lumivalge liivaga. Põhja langetamine on sujuv, vette sisenemine ühtlane. Ookean on soe, puhas.


Viietärnihotell suurepärase teenindusega asub Silhouette'i saarel. Sobib lastega peredele. See koosneb villadest ja tubadest - apartementidest. Enamikul neist on rõdu või terrass vaatega rannale või ookeanile. Seal on palju restorane, toit on maitsev. Õhtuti on elav muusika ja DJ.

Valoració dels millors hotels de les Seychelles a primera línia de platja

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