Najbolji hoteli u Ko Changu s privatnom plažom

TOP 10 hotela u Ko Changu

Na Ko Changu nećete pronaći drevne hramove ili arhitekturu od koje zastaje dah: to je mirno mjesto za odmor na plaži. Džungle zauzimaju gotovo cijelo ostrvo, a svi hoteli se nalaze u blizini obale. Nudimo vam ocjenu najboljih hotela u Ko Changu sa privatnom plažom.

The Chill Resort and Spa Koh Chang

Preu mínim / dia: 89 €

A very clean narrow sandy beach in a small lagoon. There is a picturesque sandy strip and a convenient easy entry, when you exit the hotel. But the bottom is too rocky, with large sharp stones, coral (there are more of them far from the coast) and sea urchins.


One of the best cozy hotels on the island with its own beach and surrounded with greenery territory. It is a modern design hotel complex (3-storey main building and 2 villas), located on the Kai Bay coast. The hotel territory is small, everything is very compactly located, including beautiful pools (one of them stretches along the entire main building, the second is designed for children) with views of the sea and the restaurant next door to them. The hotel has small gym, spa with Thai massage services, and library with mini-cinema. As bonuses there are free water and fruit when relaxing by the pool and there are many toys for children. There is no special infrastructure nearby, so the place is not the best for youth parties, but ideal for lovers of a quiet holiday.

Gajapuri Resort & Spa

Preu mínim / dia: 66 €

Kaunis suur rand liivaga rannikul ja palmidega ümbritsetud, mille all on kiiged. Vesi on puhas ja selge, sisenemine on sile, merisiilikuid pole. Aga põhi on pisut kivine, korallid on soovitavad. 300 meetri kaugusel paremal on põhjas palju liiva.


Koh Chang on stiilne butiikhotell, millel on erarand ja mis asub saare lääneservas Kai lahe rannikul. Hotellis on kaunid villad ja avarad puidust koloniaalstiilis bangalod. Peaaegu kõigil neist on oma väike terrass, majadest avaneb vaade aiale või rannale ning mõnel on oma bassein. Ilusad ja hoolitsetud hotelli territooriumid loovad tunde, et viibite ainulaadses troopilises paradiisis. Lõõgastumiseks on lähedal spaakeskus ja avar bassein (lastele on oma madal paradiis) koos mullivanni ja baariga. Oma viibimise mitmekesistamiseks külastage ümbruskonna elevandifarmi või laenutage paadisõitudeks hotellist süstaid (saadaval tasuta).

The Emerald Cove Koh Chang

Preu mínim / dia: 38 €

An isolated sandy area of the Klong Prao beach with golden sand. The sea waters are very clean (without seaweed, sea urchins, jellyfish) and perfect for snorkeling. Entry into the sea is comfortable and not deep, the bottom is sandy. There are almost no waves here because of the breakwater.


This luxury Koh Chang hotel with its own private beach is part of the Amari hotel chain. It is located a little off the road, so it is not too noisy here. Spacious, well-kept and drowning in tropical flora grounds make this place ideal for lovers of a secluded eco-vacation with a halo of romance. All guest houses are located very compactly on a small plot and impress with exquisite design. For relaxation, there is a long and wide pool with jacuzzi, as well as spa, 2 bars and several restaurants. For children there is a separate pool and playground. The hotel offers scuba diving courses and rental diving equipment. You can also rent (for a fee) the hotel kayaks to travel to the neighboring island, where there is a sandy beach, lots of fish and wonderful snorkeling.

Chivapuri Beach Resort

Preu mínim / dia: 38 €

Mugav valge liivaga rand ja liiga lihtne sisenemine. Murdlaine kaitseb tugevate lainete eest, meduusid pole. Rannik ja vesi on väga puhtad. Puuduseks on liiga kivine põhi ja rannikust 10 meetri kaugusel asub korall, ujumine ja sukeldumine pole eriti mugav.


Eraldatud hotell Koh Chang oma rannaga saare lõunaservas, vaikses ja rahulikus kohas, mida ümbritseb kaunis loodus Khlong Kroi kanali lähedal. Külaliste majutamiseks pakutakse stiilseid ühe- ja kahekorruselisi Tai stiilis villasid, kus on puitpõrandad ja kaasaegne disain. Lisaks on olemas aia- või merevaatega rõdud. Hotell asub saare kaugemas servas ja on eemal elavast keskusest. Äärelinnas pole pidusid, diskosid ja klubisid, seega on see väga vaikne, rahulik. See on ideaalne koht Tai lõõgastumiseks. Hotellis saate broneerida massaaži otse rannas, külastada baariga restorani ja lõõgastuda sukeldudes kaunisse avarasse basseini (lastele on eraldi madal bassein), kus on mullivann ja merevaade. Ekskursioonid äärelinna elevandifarmidesse ja kajakisõit (süstalaenutus on tasuta) võimaldavad mitmekülgset lõõgastust. Umbes pooletunnise jalutuskäigu kaugusel hotellist asub Bang Bao küla, kus on värvikas kohalik turg.

Awa Resort Koh Chang

Preu mínim / dia: 38 €

An isolated sandy and pebble stretch of the Kai Bae beach. The water is very clear, there are no waves, but there are sea urchins here and there. The disadvantage is a too rocky bottom near the coast, but it is more sandy, although with the presence of seaweed, when the depth is increasing. Coral plimsolls are required.


A small but very comfortable modern hotel, Koh Chang with its own beach, beautiful architecture and spacious rooms is decorated in a minimalist design. It has a very good location - in the popular Kai Bay area, in the central part of the western outskirts of the island, which allows easy access to any of its attractions. In the neighborhood there are many different shops and cafes, as well as spas. The hotel has a medium-sized extended pool located almost near the beach, sauna, spa. In the evenings, barbecue is organized here, and in the bar from 15:00 every second drink is free. The hotel's convenient location allows you to visit the beaches in the area, since its own is not very suitable for swimming.

KC Grande Resort & Spa

Preu mínim / dia: 64 €

Üks Koh Changi hotellide pikimaid, laiemaid ja puhtamaid randu. Lai 450 meetri pikkune rannik on kaetud peene heleda liivaga. Sisenemine on väga sile, vesi puhas, põhi liivane, meri rahulik, kive ja merisiilikuid pole. Ideaalne snorgeldamiseks.


See Koh Changi hotell oma rannaga on saare parim koht lõõgastavaks pereks või romantiliseks puhkuseks. See asub saare lääneservas Sai Khao kõige atraktiivsemas osas ja seda peetakse üheks piirkonna parimaks hotelliks. See asub saare eraldatud nurgas ja samal ajal kogu linnainfrastruktuuri, sealhulgas parvlaevasadama lähedal. Sellel on üsna suur maaliline ala värviliste tiikidega. Külaliste majutamiseks on rannas mitu 3- ja 4-korruselist hoonet, kus on luksuslikud toad ja eraldi ühekorruselised villad. Ühe hoone katusel on bassein. Territooriumil on 2 veeliumäge, spaa, jõusaal, saun. Ranna ääres on restoran ja grillbaar. Lastele on madal bassein ja lasteklubi. Võite sukelduda või kalale minna. Õhtuti korraldatakse rannas värvilisi tuleetendusi. Siin saate lõõgastuda nii paarid kui ka lastega pered.

Klong Prao Resort

Preu mínim / dia: 25 €

An isolated wide and long sandy area of Klong Prao territory with fine white sand and shells, picturesque landscapes and sunsets over the sea. The coast is very clean (even at the low tide), entry is easy, the sandy bottom. There is no coral, but a lot of jellyfish.


This quiet and comfortable Koh Chang hotel with its own beach on the west coast of the island in the heart of Klong Prao Bay is one of the most beautiful on the island. On its very large territory there is its own lagoon, a huge picturesque park area on its beach and water channels. The hotel is remote from the center of the nightlife of the island, therefore it is a great place for lovers of peace and privacy. To accommodate guests, there are 4 two-storey buildings with rooms and separate stylish bungalows with panoramic windows located around the lagoon. The hotel has its own coffee shop and 2 restaurants, one of which is located by the outdoor pool with jacuzzi, and the second - on the beach itself, where massage salon is also located. For the children there is a playground with slides and swings, there is a shallow pool. You can go fishing or rent (for a fee) kayaks for traveling along the lagoon and canals. Snorkelling and scuba diving are also relevant. In the evenings, colorful fire shows are shown on the beach.

Parama Koh Chang

Preu mínim / dia: 44 €

Asub lähedal asustamata saarel. Ülekanne toimub kaks korda päevas, selleks kulub pool tundi. See on väga puhas valge-liivane ja osaliselt kivine rannik. Meresse sisenemine on lihtne, veed on väga selged, sobivad hästi snorgeldamiseks.


Kaasaegne hotell Koh Chang oma rannaga saare kaugel lõunapoolses äärelinnas on mitmete huvitavate kohtade lähedal. Sellest 10 -minutilise jalutuskäigu kaugusel on maaliline Trati mangroovimets, 15 - Kiri Phet juga ja 20 - Tan Mayon. Väike hotellipiirkond on eriti ilus ja hoolitsetud. Majutusasutuses on ainult 19 tuba (deluxe, deluxe ja superior, vaatega aiale või merele), kus on hubane puidust viimistlus ja kaasaegsed mugavused. See pole liiga lärmakas ja rahvarohke, lõõgastumise õhkkond valitseb vaikuses ja üksinduses, seetõttu on hotell ideaalne lõõgastavatele armunud paaridele. Selle territooriumil asub restorani kõrval kaunis suur kala ja kilpkonnadega akvaarium (seal on muljetavaldav 50 veini kollektsioon), samuti välibassein koos väikese joaga, väike spordikeskus, spaa.

Barali Beach Resort & Spa

Preu mínim / dia: 52 €

A sandy beach in the Gulf of Thailand overlooking the emerald cliffs. Perfect for relaxing on the beach, but not for swimming. The tides are too strong, the board shallow water, the bottom is covered with coral and stones (there are fewer of them on the right). When there are waves, the water is very muddy.


Small secluded hotel Koh Chang with its own beach on the west coast of the island is located in the center of Klong Prao, but at a considerable distance from the road. Its small territory has homely atmosphere of calmness and relaxation. There are 40 comfortable Asian-style villas with terrace overlooking the garden or the sea. No entertainment is provided, so the place is exclusively for those who want to enjoy the beauty of Thai nature in a meditative rhythm with a traditional set in the form of spa with massage. Unless for more active meditation in nature, you can rent a kayak (for a fee) and swim in the coastal area of the hotel beach. The hotel has a beautiful but shallow pool, only for relaxation with sea views, but not for diving.

Aana Resort & Spa Ko Chang

Preu mínim / dia: 24 €

Rand on hotellist 200 meetri kaugusel, sinna saab sõita süstaga (tasuta) või broneerida paadireisi. Rannik on liivane, kuid mitte väga puhas, sellel kasvab palju okaspuude nõelu. Seal on hammustavad liivakärbsed. Sageli on tugevaid laineid. Põhi on ilma kivideta ja naastudeta.


Väike hotell Koh Chang, millel on oma (kuigi mitte bangalo lähedal) rand, asub vihmametsade ümbritsetuna jõe ühinemisel lahega, eemal enamikust saare populaarsetest kohtadest. Selle kompaktse hotellikompleksi kontseptsiooni keskmes on lõõgastava atmosfääri loomine. See on suurepärane koht vaikseks puhkuseks ja üksinduse romantikaks, kuid mitte pidudeks. Külalised saavad valida majutusvõimalusi kolmekorruselise hoone kaasaegsetes tubades või eraldi avarates bangalotes jõe lähedal vaiadel (kokku 71 kohta). Hotelli piirkond on väga maaliline - seda raamivad troopiline rohelus, orhideed ja lootosed. Seal on kaks basseini, mis asuvad erinevatel tasanditel, restoran ja 2 baari. Äärelinnas on mitu hubast minirestorani ja elevandifarm, kuhu ekskursioonid on puhkajate seas populaarsed. Hommikuti on ka tasuta transporditeenus White Sand Beachile.

TOP 10 hotela u Ko Changu

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