Els millors hotels de Kata Beach

Valoració dels hotels de Kata Beach

La platja de Kata destaca com una de les millors costes de Phuket. Al voltant d'aquesta impressionant platja hi ha una regió turística ben equipada, amb hotels i serveis dissenyats per satisfer les expectatives dels visitants més exigents. Hem elaborat una llista dels millors hotels de Kata Beach especialment per a tu, perquè les teves vacances a la platja siguin espectaculars.

The Shore At Katathani

Preu mínim / dia: 333 €

Hotell asub mõnekümne meetri kaugusel Kata Noi saare kaunimast rannast. Rannik on kaetud pehme lumivalge liivaga, millel on pärlmutter. Meresse sisenemine on lihtne ja madal ning vee temperatuur on harva alla 28 ° C. Meri on puhas rahulike ja õrnade lainetega.


The Shore at Katathani on Phuketi üks parimaid hotelle, mis on saanud mitmeid auhindu, sealhulgas Tripadvisori andmetel reisijate valik 2016, 2017 ning kompleks jõudis 2019. aasta täiskasvanute hotellide TOP-10 hulka (TOP-10 ainult täiskasvanutele mõeldud hotellid Phuketis).

Shore at Katathani hotellikompleks asub suurepäraste palmiaedade keskel ja on luksuslik privaatsete villade kollektsioon. Iga villa on eraldatud ruum, kus on ülimoodne ja peen disain. Oma vaatega bassein, mugav vann, vihmadušš ja suurepärased vaated Andamani merele.

The Shore at Katathani asub romantilises hotellis. Väärib märkimist, et alla 12 -aastaste laste majutust ei ole kompleksi reeglitega ette nähtud.

Unustamatu puhkuse veetmiseks hotellikompleksis võite külastada SPA salongi, jõusaali, suurt basseini, rahvusvahelist restorani, kasutada ka Tai massaažiteenuseid, võtta jooga- või tennisetunde.

Metadee Resort & Villas

Preu mínim / dia: 49 €

Metadee Resort & Villas is a 10-minute walk from the quiet Kata Beach. The snow-white sandy beach stretches for 1.5 km along the bright blue Andaman Sea. Entry on this beach is very easy and shallow even at high tide. Although Kata is popular among tourists and local residents, there is no crowded coast.


Metadee Resort & Villas is set around a scenic pool surrounded by high hills covered in lush tropical greenery. The complex consists of modern rooms and villas, made in Thai style using natural materials.

At guest's disposal there are fitness center in tropical garden, relaxing Thai massage, an amazing spa and cozy bar by the large pool equipped with hydromassage. The hotel complex also has its own restaurant, which serves European and Asian cuisine. The pride of the place is fresh seafood and fish dishes.

It is important to note that the quiet Metadee Resort & Villas is just 15-minute drive from the night clubs of Soi Bangla. The complex also has an entertainment mini club especially for children.

Katathani Phuket Beach Resort

Preu mínim / dia: 104 €

Katathani Phuket Beach Resort is located 850 meters from the most beautiful and cleanest beach of Phuket Kata Noi. Soft snow-white sand with golden flares covers the entire coast and bottom of the beach. Entry into the sea is quite smooth, safe and shallow. Waves in this part of Thailand are rare.


Katathani Phuket Beach Resort is a luxury hotel located in the beautiful Kata Noi Bay. This place is ideal for a quiet and unhurried relaxation surrounded by the magnificent nature of Thailand. The Katathani Phuket Beach Resort is a paradise for relaxation. The secrets of the face and body beauty are opened by its own SPA salon, which uses professional aromatherapy products in its practices, as well as carefully selected Thai cosmetic preparations that have been tested for centuries and aimed at healing the body and relieving stress.

Also Katathani Phuket Beach Resort is popular with the newly-weds. Since 2005, 1,400 wedding ceremonies for lovers from all over the world have been held in the hotel complex. The hotel has 8 bars and restaurants specializing in preparing dishes and drinks of European and Asian cuisine for a comfortable stay.

Novotel Phuket Kata Avista Resort and Spa

Preu mínim / dia: 36 €

Novotel Phuket Kata Avista Resort and Spa asub 5-minutilise jalutuskäigu kaugusel maalilistest Kata ja Karoni randadest. Nende randade rannikud on kaetud lumivalge pehme liivaga. Lained on rahulikud ja õrnad. Sisenemine helesinisesse ja kristallselge Andamani merre on ohutu, sile ja madal.


Novotel Phuket Kata Avista Resort and Spa sobib suurepäraselt nii pere- kui ka ärireisijatele. Kompleks asub lopsaka troopilise roheluse keskel. Kaasaegsetest tubadest avanevad suurepärased vaated Andamani merele ja Tai uskumatule loodusele.

Hotellikompleksis on panoraamvaatega katusebaar. Sellest asendist on päikeseloojangud eriti võluvad ja unustamatud; kõige ilusamad on oktoobrist aprillini. Hotellil Novotel Phuket Kata Avista Resort and Spa on ka oma restoran, kus serveeritakse maitsvaid Euroopa toite.

Rannapuhkuse mitmekesistamiseks võite külastada spaad, spordikeskust, ujuda ühes hotelli kahest basseinist või võtta golfitunde.

Boathouse Phuket

Preu mínim / dia: 103 €

Boathouse Phuket is located within walking distance of the Kata Beach. It is a lively coast with beautiful views of the Andaman Sea. Waves in this part of the beach are very rare. Entry into the sea is easy and shallow. It is also worth noting that the beach is kept perfect clean.


Boathouse Phuket is a magnificent hotel, its most recently renovation was in the summer of 2019. The hotel complex has a modern gym and a large swimming pool with beautiful views of Kata Beach. All rooms at Boathouse Phuket have scenic views of the bright blue Andaman Sea.

Boathouse Phuket also has its own bar and restaurant, which serves freshly prepared seafood. Also, the hotel complex has a wine cellar, which since 2006 has been annually receiving the Wine Spectator Award “Best of Award of Excellence”. The range of wines is presented by more than 600 items from 17 countries.

Sawasdee Village

Preu mínim / dia: 55 €

Sawasdee Village is a 15-minute walk from the Kata Beach, and a shuttle bus also runs from the hotel every hour. The coast is spacious and wide, covered with soft snow-white sand. The beach offers beautiful views of the Andaman Sea. Waves are rare in this part of Thailand. Entry into the sea is quite shallow and smooth. Another advantage of Kata is the perfect cleanliness of the coast.


Sawasdee Village is an exotic oasis located among lush tropical gardens in the heart of Kata Beach. The design of the hotel complex is made in Thai and Oriental styles. Spacious pools and decorative waterfalls complement the refined decoration of rooms and grounds. Sawasdee Village also has children's pool.

The hotel has four own bars and restaurants. The kitchen specializes in preparing European and Thai dishes.

For relaxation and recreation, Sawasdee Village has its own spa, which is included in the 50 best spa salons in Thailand. Relaxing massages, anti-aging treatments, aromatherapy and other services are aimed at organizing an unforgettable vacation in the fabulous Sawasdee Village Hotel.

Nook Dee Boutique Resort Kata Beach by Andacura

Preu mínim / dia: 44 €

Nook Dee Boutique Resort Kata Beach by Andacura asub lühikese jalutuskäigu kaugusel Kata ja Kata Noi randadest. Hotell pakub ka tunnitransporti merele. Mõlemad rannad on kaetud lumivalge liivaga. Rannik hoitakse täiesti puhtana. Enamasti on rannad vaiksed ja pole ülerahvastatud.


Nook Dee Boutique Resort Kata Beach by Andacura on kaasaegne hotellikompleks, kus on kaunid Tai stiilis toad ja lõpmatuse bassein, kust avaneb maaliline vaade Andamani merele.

Hotellis on klassikaline Tai ja rahvusvahelisi roogasid pakkuv restoran, avatud grillrestoran Rootsi lauas ja hubane merevaatega baar.

Kuurort korraldab igal nädalal meelelahutusüritusi, sealhulgas vastuvõtte, ööturge, sporditegevusi jne.

Nook Dee Boutique Resort Kata Beach by Andacura on suurepärane koht romantilise puhkuse nautimiseks. Hotell on eriti populaarne noorpaaride seas, kes valivad selle unustamatuks pulmatseremooniaks.

Valoració dels hotels de Kata Beach

Descobriu els millors hotels de platja de Kata : la vostra guia definitiva de les millors estades per a una escapada sublim al costat del mar. Experimenta el luxe i la comoditat amb la nostra llista seleccionada:

  • Els allotjaments més ben valorats de Kata Beach
  • Paradisos exclusius davant de la platja
  • Hospitalitat i vistes inigualables

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