Els millors hotels de Dubai amb platja privada

TOP 15: Classificació dels millors hotels de Dubai amb platja privada

Dubai, la ciutat més gran dels Emirats Àrabs Units, ofereix una gran varietat d'activitats recreatives. Des d'esquí alpí per pistes artificials fins a embarcar-se en un safari pel desert, n'hi ha per a tothom. Tanmateix, l'experiència més buscada és, sens dubte, l'oci a la platja.

La costa del golf, prop de Dubai, ofereix un entorn idíl·lic per relaxar-se a la platja. Les platges públiques, encara que són menys nombroses, solen estar plenes de turistes. Optar per un hotel amb platja privada és la millor solució per evitar les multituds. El lloc web 1001beach inclou una classificació completa dels millors hotels, per tal que pugueu trobar ràpidament l'opció perfecta que s'adapti a les vostres necessitats.

Jumeirah Al Qasr at Madinat Jumeirah

Preu mínim / dia: 240 €

Pikk heleda liiva ala, mis sujuvalt lahe vetesse läheb. Meri on puhas ja selge, rannikul lai lai madal vesi. Rannas on saadaval värsked puuviljad ja jahutatud rätikud.


Jumeirah Al Qasr on idamaise loo palee, mis sarnaneb sultani suveresidentsiga. Uhke ranna ääres laiutava luksusliku hoone roosad ja valged seinad on uppunud lilledesse ja troopilisse rohelusse. Hotell pakub avaraid ja individuaalselt kujundatud tube. Rohkem kui 50 restorani ja baari pakuvad roogasid ja jooke erinevatest maailma köökidest. Rootsi lauas pakutakse araabia luksust. Hotellis on avar spaakeskus (26 tuba), millel on palju auhindu, samuti on moodne spordikeskus. Kohapeal on ostu- ja meelelahutuskeskus. Külastajatel on tasuta juurdepääs veeparki.

Jumeirah Dar Al Masyaf at Madinat Jumeirah

Preu mínim / dia: 218 €

The snow-white soft sand on the coast, the water in the bay is clean and clear. There are no waves, the depth is increasing very slowly. This is the largest private beach of Dubai.


The hotel is a complex of cozy and luxurious villas, located near a gorgeous beach. It offers refined, stylish interiors of spacious rooms and the quiet privacy of private courtyards. Each villa has several types of apartments: Arabian, Gulf and Ocean, as well as a traditional oriental lounge. The territory of the hotel, where you can go around by boat or electric car, is surrounded by a large flowered garden, pierced by canals. For guests there are several restaurants, a spa, a fitness room, a shopping center, a water park. In addition, a personal butler service is available to make your stay as comfortable and carefree as possible. This hotel is ideal for couples thanks to its unique romantic setting.

Four Seasons Resort Dubai at Jumeirah Beach

Preu mínim / dia: 197 €

Väga lai, kergelt puhas liiv, mis ulatub mitu kilomeetrit mööda hotelli. Vette sisenemine on sujuv ja ohutu, järk -järgult süvenedes. Rand asub tehislahes, see on lõõgastumiseks hästi varustatud.


Hoone ja toad on kujundatud kaasaegses stiilis, idamaiste elementidega. Hotell pakub külalistele suurepärast teenindust, hästi hooldatud avarat territooriumi ja luksuslikku randa. Kõrged laed ja privaatsed rõdud on korterite ja suuremate vannide planeeringu eripära. Kohapeal on mitmeid restorane ja baare (mõned neist on panoraamvaatega). Kohapeal on ka araabia luksuslik spaa koos sisebasseiniga. Hotell pakub oma külalistele ka võimalust osaleda eksklusiivses eksperimendis ja töötada välja oma disain, et luua stilist ja kalligraafikunstniku abiga oma disain.

Jumeirah Mina A' Salam at Madinat Jumeirah

Preu mínim / dia: 208 €

The clean white sand, the coast is wide and long, the water is clear, the entry into the sea is easy and safe.


The luxurious resort, whose name translates as "peaceful harbor", is located on the shores of the Persian Gulf. It offers richly decorated modern rooms (Arabian and Ocean), large well-kept grounds and a beautiful beach. The hotel has restaurants of the most popular cuisines of the world, a modern spa and fitness area. Several outdoor and indoor pools, as well as a shopping center in the style of an oriental bazaar make the rest of the hotel bright and memorable. It is comfortable for both couples and families with children. The location of the hotel makes it easy to combine a beach holiday with a visit to city sites.

One&Only Royal Mirage

Preu mínim / dia: 210 €

1 km pikkune rand on kaetud heleda peene pehme liivaga. Vette sisenemine on sujuv, süvenedes järk -järgult. Liiv on puhas, vesi on selge.


Hotell meenutab palee Araabia muinasjuttudest, täis luksust ja pakub kõrgeimat teenindust. See asub keset suurt varjulist aeda, kus on mitu välibasseini. Kaheksa kuurordirestoranis serveeritakse traditsioonilisi Ida, Vahemere ja Euroopa toite. Üks neist, mis on spetsialiseerunud mereandidele, asub otse rannas. Hotelli territooriumil on mitu tenniseväljakut, veespordikeskus ja lasteklubi.

Waldorf Astoria Dubai Palm Jumeirah

Preu mínim / dia: 35 €

A 200-meter area of coastline is covered with fine light sand and shells, which are also located at the bottom of the bay. The beach is clean, the coast is regularly cleaned. The sea is clear and calm, with a broad shallow water. There is a mesh from jellyfish.


The landmark of the hotel is the mix of the tradition of European service with Arabian luxe. The hotel is located on the island of Palma and is surrounded by the waters of the Persian Gulf. The considered design of the interior creates the feeling of an oriental fairytale filled with modern high-tech “filling”. Each room has Waldorf branded beds and marble bathtubs. Most of the apartments have luxurious panoramic views. There are several restaurants on the territory, one of them has Michelin star. A sphere-shaped spa offers around 50 different treatments. The hotel meets the highest standards of service and guarantees the perfect relaxation for each of its guests.

The Ritz-Carlton Dubai

Preu mínim / dia: 136 €

Lai ja pikk rannik on kaetud puhta heleda liivaga. Rannik on tasane, hõlpsasti vette laskumine. Meri on selge, laia madala veega ja ilma tugevate laineteta.


Dubai Ritz-Carltoni kuurort pakub selle hotelliketi traditsioonilist kõrgeimat teenindust, mis on asjatundlikult ühendatud araabia külalislahkuse traditsioonidega. Hoolitsetud troopiliste taimede ja basseinikompleksiga aed loob luksusliku idamaise palee atmosfääri. Hotelli toad on individuaalselt sisustatud. Enamikust avanevad panoraamvaated rannale. Mitmed restoranid, spaaruumid ja kaasaegne jõusaal võimaldavad teil lõõgastuda just nii, nagu unistasite.

Five Palm Jumeirah Dubai

Preu mínim / dia: 106 €

200 meters of clean light sand, the coast is flat and easy, with a convenient and safe entry into the water. The sea is clear, clean. There is a hotel beach club on the coast.


The new 16-storey hotel building offers its guests the opportunity to stay in the heart of Palma island. The rooms combine modern design and oriental luxe. Each room is equipped with the latest technology and has a panoramic view.There are 3 pools on the territory, the central one is 55 meters long. The hotel also has rooms with private pools. There are several restaurants in the building, two of them have Michelin stars. Bars and clubs are open until morning. Spa treatments can be obtained in cabinets and in the open air, using branded programs. It also offers workouts with private fitness instructor.

The Westin Dubai Mina Seyahi Beach Resort & Marina

Preu mínim / dia: 103 €

Rannik ja merepõhi on kaetud ühtlase heleda liivaga, vesi on puhas ja selge. Sügavus ranniku lähedal on väike, vette sisenemine on sujuv. Veeala on piiratud kunstliku lainemurdjaga ja rannik on varustatud lamamistoolidega.


Luksuslik paleehoone pakub erakordset teenindust ja tõeliselt lõõgastavat keskkonda. Toad on avarad ja disainitud. Hoolitsetud roheline ala koos mitme basseiniga läheb sujuvalt pikale rannale. Külalised saavad külastada mitmeid restorane, kus pakutakse traditsioonilisi toite erinevatest riikidest. Reedeti peetakse perehommikuid ja laupäeviti piknikke. Mugav asukoht võimaldab hõlpsasti ühendada hotellis lõõgastumise linna populaarsete turismiobjektide külastamisega. Hotell on ideaalne nõudlikele klientidele, kes eelistavad aktiivset puhkust.

Anantara The Palm Dubai Resort

Preu mínim / dia: 31 €

A wide beach with fine light sand. The water is clean and clear, turquoise. The shallow water is long, the depth is increasing slowly, the entry into the water is convenient and safe.


The stylish bungalow house complex is located on Palm Jumeirah. Modern comfortable rooms are decorated in Asian style and equipped with the latest modern household appliances. The hotel territory has well-kept garden with flowers and tropical plants, which has several outdoor pools. Private landscaped beach is located very close, some of the villas are located directly above it. Here guests are provided with opportunities to have a quite relaxation in the spa center, as well as to have active leisure in the hotel's sports club.

TOP 15: Classificació dels millors hotels de Dubai amb platja privada

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