Els millors hotels de Batumi

TOP 7: Classificació dels millors hotels de Batumi

Batumi, una ciutat impressionant i moderna, és coneguda per la seva hospitalitat i popularitat entre els turistes. Situat a la costa del mar Negre de Geòrgia, compta amb algunes de les platges de grava més netes i expansives del país. Tot i que els carrers de Batumi estan plens de casinos elegants, hotels de luxe i restaurants de luxe, els visitants encara poden gaudir d'una estona fantàstica a la ciutat sense gastar-se.

Le Port Apart Hotel

Preu mínim / dia: 50 €

The hotel is located not far from the Black Sea coast, guests observe large ships calling at the port of Batumi, as well, they can walk to the beach or to the sights of the city on foot. Near you can find a the cable car. The distance from the hotel to the railway station is about 5 km , 8 - to the international airport. Those with cars have the opportunity to park.


The hotel apartment has large bright rooms, where guests make themselves comfortable on single or wide double beds. The rooms have fully equipped kitchens with stove, microwave, oven. There is a modern dishwasher and a washing machine, excellent sanitary engineering.

Breakfast is different and top. It is served in the cafe on the ground floor. The room service is on top, the staff copes with everything perfectly.

Tourists can walk around the Old Town, visit concert venues, branded shops, go to the Batumi Boulevard, sit in restaurants or cafes nearby. Apart Hotel will be convenient for both family people and business travelers.

Hilton Batumi

Preu mínim / dia: 74 €

Hotell on merele väga lähedal, mõnest toast avaneb vaade. Siit saate minna vanalinna, lähedal on delfinaarium ja puiestee, promenaad, laulvad purskkaevud. Jalutuskäigu kaugusel on ka palju restorane, kohvikuid ja Euroopa väljak. Läheduses asuvad kohalikud puuviljapoed.

Vaatamata kaunile merevaatele on eelistatud toad vaatega pargile. Mõnikord on väga lärmakas, kuni kella 5 hommikul rannas. Toad on puhtad ja avarad, kaasaegses stiilis, teenijaid koristatakse iga päev. Vannitubades on ka dušikabiinid. Kõik tualetitarbed on kaasas.

Hilton Batumis on bassein ja kena baar 20. korrusel. Hommikusöök on natuke kallis, kuid rahuldab paljude inimeste maitseid. Kohapeal on tervisekeskus koos spaa ja saunaga ning sisebassein. Hotellis on kasiino. Valuutavahetuseks pole vaja kaugele minna.

Personal on abivalmis, neiu püüab oma tööd hästi teha. Lastega külalistele on tingimused, puudega inimesi ei unustata. Hotelli lähedal on tasuta parkla, jalgrattalaenutus.

JRW Welmond Hotel & Casino Batumi

Preu mínim / dia: 42 €

The hotel is located near the port almost in the center. There is a private guarded beach, but you need to walk to it or use the free shuttle service. From the windows you will see a beautiful view of the city or harbor, Batumi in full view. Tourist center is nearby. The train station is within reach. The hotel has a beautiful casino.


The hotel is beautifully and expensively decorated. Guests are greeted by a rich front door, stairs, interior. The hall is furnished with comfortable armchairs and sofas. The rooms have panoramic wall-size windows, spacious bathrooms. Linen, mattresses of good quality. The rooms are equipped with everything you need. Registration is carried out 24 hours a day.

Breakfast is like a good buffet, rather Turkish. Everything is fresh and tasty. The restaurant has a terrace with a gorgeous view of the harbor. There is a great swimming pool, the water is heated. Bathrobes and slippers need to be requested. Fitness in on top.

The service is responsive, a good spa, the hotel has a hairdresser, a hamam, a bathhouse, shops, a wine cellar is open, guests go to a gift shop. Those who wish can use a car rental service.

Colosseum Marina Hotel

Preu mínim / dia: 38 €

Hotell asub peaaegu ajaloolises keskuses. Läheduses on palju kohvikuid, purskkaevusid ja vaatamisväärsusi erinevas vanuses turistidele. Colosseum on esimesel real, tasuta lamamistoolidega randa pääseb läbi promenaadi, mis on eriti ilus õhtul. Promenaad viib sadamasse. Selle ääres on pikk jalgrattatee.


Kõikidest tubadest avaneb vaade merele tänu loomingulisele disainilahendusele. Turistid naudivad merevaadet oma möbleeritud rõdult. Igas toas on mugav mööbel, näiteks ortopeediliste madratsitega voodid. Kogu kohvi ja tee tarvikuid täiendatakse päeva jooksul ilma töötajatele meelde tuletamata. Vannitubades on head tualetid. Rätikuid vahetatakse iga päev.

Hommikusöök on maitsev ja rikkalik. Menüü on mõeldud nõudlikele inimestele. Seal on kaaviar, peekon, Euroopa juustud, suur hulk värskeid puuvilju. Restoranis serveeritakse Gruusia ja Itaalia kööki, sushit. Hinnad on madalad.

Kohapeal on kaasaegne spordikeskus, mitu basseini, saun ja vann. Turistid saavad päevitada lamamistoolidega väliterrassil. Seal on huvitavad restoranid, supermarket, kus on lai valik tooteid ja kohalikke veine.

Sky Tower Hotel Batumi

Preu mínim / dia: 45 €

The hotel is 2 km from the center, but very close to the beach, in the 1st line. To get to the sea, just cross the promenade. The Europe Square is 40 min walk along the beach. Lake Ardagani is very close, as well as dolphinarium and archaeological museum. A taxi station is next to the hotel, but you have to bargain a lot about prices. Singing fountains are close, construction of high-rise hotels, expensive restaurants with delicious food.


It should be noted the staff's impeccable work at the registration and floors. The rooms have the sea or lake views, are cleaned carefully. High-quality mattresses are covered with clean linen. Each room has a TV and an air-conditioner, there is a desk for business travelers , for tourists - a mini-bar. Toilet amenities include bathrobes and slippers.

Among other amenities, Sky Tower offers massage and fitness, access to a pool, lounge. Children can watch children's TV programs. The elevator is not enough for the existing number of floors and guests.

Breakfast includes local and traditional European cuisine, and is rich, varied, and delicious. Here you can have lunch and dinner. In the evening, recommended a show of musical (singing) fountains, which is held almost outside the windows.

Euphoria Batumi Convention & Casino Hotel

Preu mínim / dia: 36 €

Hotell asub väga mugavas kohas. Kuigi see ei ole 1. liin, on rand vaid üle tiheda liiklusega tee, kuid lamamistoolid ja päikesevarjud puuduvad. Lähedal on kaubanduskeskused, restoranid, toiduplatsid. Mõne minuti jalutuskäigu kaugusel leiate Batumi veepargi, veidi kaugemal on delfinaarium, arheoloogiamuuseum, kõik on lennujaama lähedal. Kaetud läbikäik viib Batumi ostukeskusesse.


Korter on vaikne, kui hoiate eemale kasiinost. Toal on panoraamaknad ja rõdu. Hommikusööki saab nautida väliterrassil, vaatega mäele või merele. Liftid on kiired, järjekordi pole. Mõnes toas on istumisnurk. Territooriumil parkimine sobib ka puuetega inimestele.

Hotelli külalised hoolitsevad oma ilu ja tervise eest. Seal on ilusalong, tervisekeskus, nad saavad päevitada välibasseinis ja solaariumis, Türgi aurusaunas ja massaažis. Hotellis on spordikeskus. Lastele on palju telekanaleid, salong, ööbaar, restoran, täiskasvanutele mõeldud kasiino.

Seal on hea toit, paljud turistid avastavad siit Gruusia kööki. Suurepärane toiduvalik Rootsi lauas. Lõunatada saab ka restoranis või linna khachapuri restoranis. Lastele pakutakse spetsiaalset Rootsi lauda. Taotleda tuleb dieeti või lastemenüüd.

The Admiral Hotel

Preu mínim / dia: 27 €

The hotel is in a great location, next to the Old Town. A large number of cafes is nearby, cable car station, the promenade and port are visible from the windows. The beach is also close. A big plus when choosing a hotel is the availability of its own parking. A walk to Batumi Boulevard or the central mosque will be pleasant.


The rooms are beautiful, large, the staff carefully keeps the rooms clean, responds to requests and comments. Bathrobes, slippers are available, the bathrooms are equipped with hygiene items. Cleaning and towel change are made every day. There is a good Internet.

Breakfast includes fresh vegetable salads, seasonal fruits. There are hot dishes, delicious coffee beans. There is always fresh pastries. The breakfast room is on the roof. Together with a cup of coffee there is a beautiful view of the seaport with ships and the sea. In the evening, the restaurant serves mainly Georgian and Italian cuisine.

The hotel guests can count on free parking, the opportunity to visit the common lobby. The hotel has an excellent fitness center and laundry services. If necessary, you can use a conference room. The staff is friendly and always happy to help.

TOP 7: Classificació dels millors hotels de Batumi

Descobriu les millors estades de Batumi : la vostra guia definitiva dels hotels més ben valorats per a una escapada inoblidable al costat del mar a la vibrant ciutat costanera de Geòrgia.

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