Els millors hotels de Kemer amb platja privada

Valoració dels hotels de Kemer

Sunny Turkey és coneguda pels seus extensos trams de platges, un servei excepcional i una cuina local, completa amb deliciosos dolços orientals. Al llarg de la costa de Kemer, descobriràs hotels de primera classe situats a primera línia de platja, que ofereixen l'experiència de relaxació definitiva.

Camyuva Beach Hotel

Preu mínim / dia: 44 €

5 minutes from the hotel. The coastline is covered with small pebbles, the sea is clear, warm and clean. About a hundred sure lounges and sun umbrellas are provided for holidaymakers, but there is still not enough furniture during rush hour.


The hotel is located in the south of Kemer, in a tourist area with a lot of cafes and shops. It consists of a large 5-storey building and several villas. In 2018-2019, they carried out repairs, all buildings and interior shine with novelty.

The hotel operates the “All Inclusive” system - breakfast, lunch and dinner are free. In the morning, pancakes, scrambled eggs, cereals are cooked here, in the evening - meat, vegetables and grilled fish, as well as traditional Turkish dishes. As a bonus, guests are offered free water, ice cream, tea, coffee, fruits, soft drinks. Children are given juices, mashed potatoes, yoghurts.

The hotel has several teams of animators with whom you can leave your child. For children there is a separate room in the dining room, playgrounds, rooms with babysitting.

The hotel has a SPA-center, gym, bar, restaurant and pool. The local rooms are small (excluding the rooms in the villas), but clean. Cleaning and linen changes are carried out several times a week.

Queen's Park Le Jardin

Preu mínim / dia: 37 €

Hotellist 50 meetri kaugusel. Pind on kivine, pole prahti, rohelust. Meri on puhas ja soe. Siin puhkab suhteliselt väike hulk inimesi (võrreldes teiste Kemeri randadega).


Keskmise suurusega hotell asub veepargi ja Olympuse keskpargi vahel. Selle lähedal on palju kohvikuid, baare ja kauplusi. Queen's Park Le Jardini interjööri kaunistavad purskkaevud, lopsakad palmipuud, dekoratiivkivid. Kohalik valgustus väärib erilist tähelepanu: see särab vikerkaare kõigi värvidega ja seda uuendatakse pidevalt.

Toit on mitmekesine. Menüü sisaldab kala, mereande, värskeid saiakesi, palju puu- ja köögivilju. Erilist tähelepanu väärivad jäätis ja Türgi maiustused.

Hotellis on miniklubi (animatsioonimeeskond), mis lõbustab lapsi etenduste, tantsude ja meeskonnamängudega. Kohalik bassein asub 2 sammu kaugusel baarist, kus saate mitte ainult ujuda, vaid ka lamamistoolil lamades toitu ja jooke nautida.

Toad on puhtad ja avarad, mõnest aknast avaneb vaade merele ja basseinile. Hotellis on jõusaal, tenniseväljak, spaakeskus, sisebassein, keemiline puhastus ja pesumaja. Kogu Queen's Park Le Jardini territoorium ja osa elutubadest on varustatud ratastooliga kaldteedega.

Fantasia Hotel Deluxe Kemer

Preu mínim / dia: 73 €

Beach: covered with small pebbles. There are more than a hundred sun loungers and parasols on its territory. The sea is clean. It is recommended to wear slippers for comfortable walking along the coastline


Description: Small hotel in the south of Kemer. Within 15-minute walk there is a night club, supermarket, and shopping center. There are several cafes, hookahs and cocktail bars nearby. Asteria Hotel Fantasia is a small but well-kept territory with swimming pool, palm trees, yoga area and stage where guest stars from Europe, Asia, Latin America regularly perform. For children, clowns, acrobats, dancers and other artists organize shows.

The bar has imported beer and whiskey, as well as a wide selection of Turkish alcohol. Here you can order a cocktail according to your own recipe. Restaurants operate according to the “A la carte” system. Chefs cook fish, beef, turkey, lamb, chicken, seafood for guests. Vegetarians and vegans are offered traditional Turkish cakes, salads, special dishes, a large number of fruits and herbs.

Near the hotel there are restaurants, park areas, playgrounds. They can be reached through quiet streets without heavy traffic. Wi-Fi is good, free and affordable throughout the hotel. The rooms are spacious and in good repair. Cleaning is done once every 1-2 days, but you have to make a remark to the staff. The hotel has gym, indoor and outdoor pools, business center, Turkish sauna, tennis court, SPA center, several restaurants (the best of them is Italian).

Club Marco Polo-Ultra All Inclusive

Preu mínim / dia: 158 €

Rand: suur ja hoolitsetud, kaetud kivikestega. Selle territooriumil on mitusada lamamistooli, mis on kaetud tohutute varikatustega. Seal on mugava mööbliga esmaklassilised paviljonid.


Kirjeldus: väike hotell Kemeri äärelinnas. See asub vaikses ja rahulikus piirkonnas ilma tiheda liikluseta. Kompleksi territoorium koosneb tosinast madala korruselisest hoonest, mitmest maalilisest villast, suurest basseinist koos lastealadega ja välibaarist ning avarast pargialast.

Toad ei ole uued, kuid korraliku remondi, kvaliteetse helikindluse ja hea konditsioneeriga. Mõned toad on hiljuti uuendatud. Aknast näete randa, basseini või pargi alasid. Ja suure õnnega - kõik korraga.

Hotellis on jalgpalli-, korvpalli-, tennise- ja muud spordiväljakud. Külaliste jaoks on SPA-keskus, veeliumäed, saun, jõusaal. Samuti on lasketiir vibulaskmiseks, noolemäng ja boccid. Hotelli töötajad korraldavad regulaarselt pidusid ja spordivõistlusi.

Toit on maitsev ja mitmekesine. Menüüs on palju suppe, ürte, köögivilju ja puuvilju. Nõude nimekirja uuendatakse regulaarselt, kuid seal on mitmeid püsivaid positsioone. Kohalikud kalad väärivad erilist tähelepanu.

DoubleTree by Hilton Antalya-Kemer

Preu mínim / dia: 97 €

Beach: small, perfectly clean, pebbled. Entry into the water is uncomfortable, because there are no steps there, the sunbeds are comfortable, but they are not enough of them. If you want to take up a good place, you should come to the seashore at 8 a.m.


Description:Luxurious hotel in the central part of Kemer. Next to it there are 3 large supermarkets, night club, shopping centers, cafes and restaurants. The hotel works like a Swiss watch: lodge without delay, respond quickly to complaints, bathrobe, slippers and other accessories are available upon request. Cleaning and linen changes are carried out daily.

In the hotel everything is new, properly functioning and beautiful. There are no problems with the repair. Breakfast includes cereals, meat and vegetable slices, fresh juices, fruits, yogurts, sandwiches, Turkish and European sweets. At lunchtime there are a lot of soups, salads, pastries. In the recreation areas there are kebabs, burgers, and oriental dishes. For dinner, a thematic presentation of dishes. For example - days of fish, Italian, French, Turkish or other cuisines. Separate refrigerator with baby food is installed for parents. Local sweets and fresh juices are especially good. The restaurant is open almost around the clock (until 7:00).

The hotel has a playground in the form of a ship, slides, animators. Wheelchairs are available throughout the hotel. There is a SPA and fitness center, large sauna, conference room, excellent Wi-Fi.

Orange County Resort Hotel Kemer - Ultra All Inclusive

Preu mínim / dia: 53 €

Rand: hotellist mõne meetri kaugusel. See on kaetud suurte kivikestega, kuid seal on puidust põrandakate, mis viib mereni. Vesi on puhas ja soe. Rohelust pole üldse.


Kirjeldus: noortehotell kesklinna lähedal. Muusikat mängitakse ööpäevaringselt, iga päev korraldavad nad basseinipidusid, mustkunstnike ja akrobaatide kontserte, vahupidusid, diskosid spetsiaalselt varustatud muulil ja muid tegevusi. Siin käivad pidevalt tuntud kunstnikud. Hotellist 5 minuti kaugusel on mitmeid ööklubisid, noortebareid ja muid populaarseid kohti. Hotell ise on sisustatud vana Amsterdami stiilis. Selle territooriumil on 2 suurt basseini, veeliumäed, mitmed baarid, lava, palju puhkealasid koos mugava mööbliga.

Kohalikud toad on kompaktsed, kuid heas korras. Toit pole halb: iga päev serveeritakse neid mitut liiki liha ja kala, suurt hulka köögivilju ja puuvilju, Türgi saiakesi. Õhtuti pakutakse roogasid vähidest, krabidest ja muudest gurmeetoitudest. Hotellis on lai valik kohalikku ja imporditud alkoholi.

Orange County Resort Hotel Kemer - Ultra All Inclusive on soovitatav peolistele ja julgetele. Valju muusika, alkoholi rohkuse ja peamiselt noore publiku tõttu ei sobi see lastega peredele.

Sailor's Beach Club

Preu mínim / dia: 85 €

Beach: large, well-kept, pebbled. The sea is clean, relatively few holidaymakers. There is an equipped pier and a beach bar.


Description: Hotel by the sea, in the northern suburbs of Kemer. From its territory mountains, pine forests, beautiful sea and pebble beach are visible. Palm trees, orange and lemon trees grow on the hotel's territory.

Stewed, baked, fried, boiled and other kind of dishes are prepared for hotel guests. The diet includes several types of meat, fruits and berries, vegetables (including exotic), oriental pastries, milk, cakes, oriental and European fast food. There is a wide selection of wines and beers.

The rooms are spacious with wide beds and good air conditioning. All furniture is new, all bathrooms are in good condition. The hotel is adapted for wheelchair users. On its territory there is a good SPA, gym, several sports fields, an amphitheater and pool, near which discos are held. Sailor's Beach Club is ideal for families.

Valoració dels hotels de Kemer

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