Els millors hotels de Marmaris

Valoració dels millors hotels a Marmaris

Sunny Turkey és coneguda pels seus extensos trams de platges, un servei excepcional i una cuina local, completa amb deliciosos dolços orientals. Al llarg de la costa de Marmaris, descobriràs hotels de primera classe a primera línia de platja, que ofereixen l'experiència de relaxació definitiva.

D-Resort Grand Azur Marmaris

Preu mínim / dia: 59 €

Small, well-kept, covered with soft sand. The entry into the water is gentle, there is a large number of sun lounges and parasols on the territory. There is a water transport rental center nearby.


The hotel is located on the Marmaris promenade, in a beautiful bay. It is surrounded by majestic mountains. Its area is decorated with palm trees, exotic shrubs, broadleaved trees. There are many bars and nightclubs nearby.

Morning and afternoon classes in yoga, water aerobics, stretching are spent for hotel guests. Matches for football, basketball, water polo are organized for them. There is also a tennis court, darts area and petranca. In the evening, music concerts, dance shows, performances of magicians and other artists take place on the stage at the pool or on the veranda.

The rooms are clean, with views of the sea, pool or city. Cleaning is done every day. The food is varied. The menu has a lot of seasonal fruits and vegetables, a large selection of meat and fish, oriental and European desserts. The bonus is delicious tea, coffee, lunch snacks.

Sentido Orka Lotus Beach

Preu mínim / dia: 64 €

See on liivane, väikeste kivikestega. Sissesõit vette on madala kaldega, laineid peaaegu pole, mägesid näeb igast kaldast. Seal on puidust muul, mida kasutatakse vaateplatvormina ja sukeldumislauana.


Hotell asub männimetsas ja on ümbritsetud mägedega. Seal on puhas õhk, tohutu hulk rohelust, madal müratase. Kohapeal on veeliumägedega bassein, lamamistoolid ja baar. Kohalikul restoranil on avar rotangist mööbli ja mugavate laudadega terrass.

Hotellis on lasteklubi ja mänguväljakud. Lastele korraldatakse diskoteeke ja õuemänge. Täiskasvanud saavad rentida jalgratta või paadi ning külastada jõusaali, Türgi aurusauna ja panoraamvaatega katusebaari. Hommikul toimuvad joogatunnid, päeval on võimalik tegeleda sporditegevustega (võrkpall, boccia, spordivõistlused), õhtul korraldatakse hotellis kontserte ja muid tegevusi.

Toad on avarad ja hästi renoveeritud, mööbel ja tehnika on uued. Koristustööd toimuvad iga päev, soovi korral vahetatakse rätikuid.

Elite World Marmaris Hotel - Adult Only +14

Preu mínim / dia: 63 €

Sand and gravel, view of the mountains. The water is clean, but sometimes trash is found on the shore. There are about fifty sun loungers for holidaymakers.


The hotel is located 10 km from the center of Marmaris, at the foot of the mountains. The inland area is small but well-equipped. There is an illuminated pool, sun loungers and sun umbrellas, tables and rattan chairs. There is park area with benches and walkways nearby. There are several noisy bars within 100 meters of the hotel. If you like silence, choose a room away from the entrance.

The rooms are small, with a appropriate layout and modern design. A set of furniture and a complete set of bathrooms are standard, but everything shines with novelty. Some rooms have furnished balconies overlooking the sea.

Meat (mainly chicken and beef, less often lamb), several types of salads, 10+ European and oriental desserts are cooked every day in the kitchen. Tourists also are offered vegetable, cheese and fruit slices, the best brands of Turkish alcohol (including good beer).

The hotel has a zone with billiards and table football, several bars, a gym and a SPA center. There are many beautiful places for walking, picnics, cycling nearby.

Casa De Maris Spa & Resort Hotel

Preu mínim / dia: 47 €

Kitsas, liivane ja kivine. Sisenemine vette on õrn, sügavus algab kaldast 10-15 meetri kaugusel, laineid pole. Siin on vahetusmajad, dušš värske veega, toiduplats kiirtoidu ja jookidega.


Hotell asub Marmarise äärelinnas, kesklinnast tunnise jalutuskäigu kaugusel. Selle kõrval on bussipeatus, jalgrattalaenutuskeskus, turismiinfopunktid, mitmed baarid, restoranid ja kauplused.

Seal on suur bassein (rohkem kui 100 m²), kus saab ujuda ja lõõgastuda. Seda ümbritsevad palmipuud, baarilauad, lamamistoolid ja päikesevarjud. Selle lähedal on baar.

Toad on avarad, voodid laiad, vannitoad heas korras. Ülemistel korrustel on rõdud toolidega, väikesed lauad, tuhatoosid.

Hommikul kutsutakse külalisi harjutustele, siin peetakse matše tennises ja veepallis. Kolm söögikorda päevas. Turistid saavad süüa liha, kala, salateid. Seal on väike valik mereande (rannakarbid, kalmaarid, krevetid). Puuviljakorv sisaldab arbuusid, nektariinid, viinamarjad, kirsid, pirnid, õunad ja 10+ muud toodet. Maiustusi esindavad Türgi saiakesed, koogid ja maitsvad küpsised.

Pasa Beach Hotel

Preu mínim / dia: 43 €

Narrow but clean. Covered with sand and pebbles. There is wooden flooring, a beautiful pier, several dozen sun loungers, a shower, a toilet for men, women and disabled people. The water is warm, the depth set is smooth, there are no waves.


A modern hotel is located at the foot of the mountains. There is a swimming pool, an open-air bar, a large number of furniture and sun loungers on its area.

Here the cuisine would be like fish, seafood, beef, lamb, turkey, chicken. Dishes are stewed, fried, boiled, baked, steamed. A nice bonus is a large number of fruits and sweets. The hotel has a wide selection of wine and beer, delicious ice cream, first-class tea and coffee.

The rooms are small, but they have all the necessary furniture and hygiene items. Part of the rooms needs redecorating, but the problems are not critical. The hotel staff tries to meet the customers halfway and relocates them to other rooms as soon as possible. The bed sheets are changed every day, the air conditioners works properly.

There are several youth bars, a grocery market, a bus stop near the hotel.

Elegance Hotels International Marmaris

Preu mínim / dia: 41 €

Kitsas, lahtise liivaga. Pinnal on kivikesed. Seal on kaunis muul koos lamamistoolide ja muu mööbliga. Meri on rahulik, vesi on selge, sügavus suureneb sujuvalt.


Hotell asub Marmarise kesklinnas veepargi ja peamise turismipiirkonna kõrval. See on populaarne eurooplaste ja venekeelsete seas.

Kompleksis on mitu lamamistoolide ja laudadega basseini, jõusaal, ööklubi ja stiilse terrassiga restoran. Hotelli ja mere vahel on õhtune animatsioon. Selle kõrval on laiekraaniga ekraanidega baar, kus edastatakse jalgpallivõistlusi ja muid spordiüritusi.

Toad on avarad ja neil on suured rõdud. Külaliste käsutuses on sussid, rätikud, vesi ja hügieenitarbed. Animatsioon on dünaamiline, kuid masendamatu. Hotell pakub giidiga ekskursioone ja massaaže.

Köök on avatud kogu päeva ja pakub laias valikus lihatoite, köögivilju, puuvilju, teravilju. Külalistele pakutakse suupisteid suupistebaaris, kvaliteetset alkoholi ja värskendavaid jooke.

Letoile Hotel

Preu mínim / dia: 35 €

The shore and the entry to the sea are covered with sand, occasionally small pebbles can be found on the surface. The sea is clean, transparent and very warm. There are no waves.


A large hotel with sea and mountain views. There are many cafes, bars, shops and exchange offices near it. There is an outdoor pool and several hundred sun loungers on the inland area. There is not much greenery, which is compensated by good lighting.

The local rooms are clean, spacious, with furnished balconies and powerful air conditioning. Furniture and sanitary ware shine with novelty. Cleaning and linen change is carried out every day, wi-fi is good, but paid (10 lira per day).

The local cuisine is very diverse. It includes dishes of fish, chicken, turkey, lamb and beef. The diet also includes vegetables, seafood, salads, fruits (peaches, oranges, plums, apples and others). Cakes, mousses, pastries, baklava are prepared for the sweet tooth, and pizza and burgers are delivered to fast food fans. Guests are treated by tea and coffee, there is a choice of 10+ brands of beer and wine.

Guests of the hotel are entertained by games, quests, yoga classes and other activities. A kids club is organized for the kids and a playground is provided.

Marti Resort Deluxe Hotel

Preu mínim / dia: 40 €

See asub maalilises lahes ja kaetud lahtise liivaga. Meri on rahulik, veidi jahe ja väga puhas. Kaldal on sadakond lamamistooli.


Hotell asub mere ääres. Seda ümbritsevad mäed ja männimetsad. Selle lähedal on palju kohvikuid, baare, valuutavahetusasutusi ja kauplusi.

Toad on suured, kaunilt panoraamvaatega ja hästi renoveeritud. Konditsioneerid asuvad põrandal, et kaitsta külalisi puhumise eest. Minibaar on tasuta. Toit on mitmekesine. Menüü sisaldab Euroopa köögi roogasid, grillitud liha, salateid, köögivilja-, puuvilja- ja juustuviile. Magustoiduks pakutakse idamaiseid maiustusi, jäätist, kooke.

Hotellis on bassein, jõusaal, saun, mitu basseini, ööklubi ja lava, kus muusikud esinevad. See sobib ideaalselt perele või romantiliseks puhkuseks.

Valoració dels millors hotels a Marmaris

Descobriu els millors allotjaments a Marmaris amb la nostra guia. Troba l' hotel ideal per a la teva escapada al mar.

  • Exploreu la nostra llista seleccionada de les millors estades a la platja de Marmaris.
  • Fes una ullada a les puntuacions dels hostes per triar el teu hotel perfecte.

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