Els millors hotels de Dalaman

TOP 5 dels millors hotels a Dalaman

Dalaman, una encantadora ciutat turística situada a la regió sud-oest de Turquia al llarg de la costa de l'Egeu, ofereix una escapada serena dels llocs turístics bulliciosos com Belek, Kemer o Antalya. La seva natura verge, les platges immaculades i l'ambient d'aïllament atrauen els viatgers que busquen un refugi tranquil al costat del mar. La topografia única de la zona fa que els hotels davant de la platja siguin escassos, amb la majoria d'allotjaments situats a prop del pintoresc poble de Sarigerme.

Hilton Dalaman Sarigerme Resort & Spa

Preu mínim / dia: 85 €

The beach is 650 meters long and has a sand and pebble coating. Due to the presence of large pebbles in the coastal zone, it is better to enter the water shod. The sea is clean and calm. The beach area is equipped with a pier, a free bar, sunbeds, mattresses and umbrellas. For a fee you can rent the Gazebo Pavilion with special services.


Luxurious deluxe hotel with a large private beach and 10 pools is suitable for family, corporate and romantic holidays, it also accommodates guests with disabilities.

The roomy potential of Hilton Dalaman hotel is more than 400 rooms, half of which overlook the sea. In addition, the separate hotel infrastructure includes 19 bars and restaurants, large spa, beauty salon, gym, billiard room, 11 conference halls. The hotel has 6 tennis courts, picnic area, several volleyball and basketball courts, diving center. The Kids Paradise club operates in the hotel for the entertainment of children and adolescents, offering interesting animation programs, water park with slides, zoo, several children's pools, and playgrounds are available.

TUI Magic Life Sarigerme Hotel - All Inclusive

Preu mínim / dia: 231 €

Avaral kuldse liivaga rannal on palju tasuta lamamistooli, rannavõrkpalliplats ja baar. Lahe vesi on kristallselge, sissepääs on õrn ja suur madal ala sobib lastega ujumiseks.


"Kõik hinnas" kuurorthotell, kus on 253 tuba perepuhkuseks, asub Sarigerme lahe esimesel real ja sellel on erarand. Hotelli territooriumi ümbritseb troopiline rohelus. Hotellis on viis basseini, neli mitmekesise köögiga restorani, millest peamine töötab Inclusive süsteemi järgi, kuus baari, spaakeskus koos Türgi aurusaunaga, parkimine. Külalistele pakutakse õhtust meelelahutust. Õuesõpradele pakub hotell sisustatud jõusaali, mitmeid tenniseväljakuid ja spordiväljakuid, pilatese, jooga, aeroobika kursusi, võimalust tegeleda veespordiga - wakeboarding, purjelauasõit, sõudmine ja tasuta jalgrataste laenutamine. Hotelli lähedal on sukeldumiskeskus. Lastele on hotellis lasteklubi ja mängutuba.

Hotelli lähedal-40–60 km kaugusel-on palju väärt vaatamisväärsusi, mida külastada-Rhodose akropol, Aphrodite'i tempel, Marmarise rahvuspark jt.

TUI Sensimar Seno Resort & Spa

Preu mínim / dia: 117 €

A hundred-meter beach is with white sandy fine-grained coating, convenient access to the sea, free sunbeds, towels and umbrellas, sports grounds. Shuttle bass runs regularly between the hotel and the beach.


Wellness hotel has small private beach and 314 comfortably furnished rooms with sea or garden views. The hotel is located in a green area, not suitable for vacation with children or animals. Each hotel room is equipped with a small refrigerator, TV, split system, bathroom and balcony.

The hotel offers its guests four outdoor and one indoor pools, fitness and spa centers where guests can enjoy jacuzzi, sauna and massage, do yoga, aerobics. In the evening, the hotel offers guests entertainment shows, animations, and the opportunity to listen to live music. Five bars and four restaurants will satisfy every taste. The hotel infrastructure also offers car and bicycle rental, parking, beauty salon services, water activities – kayaking, catamaran riding, diving, surfing.

Robinson Club Sarigerme Park

Preu mínim / dia: 154 €

Avar 250 meetri pikkune peene liiva ja kiviklibuga rannaala, mida ümbritseb rohelus. See on mugavalt varustatud tasuta lamamistoolide, madratsite, vihmavarjude, rätikutega, sellel on sujuv sissepääs lahele, liivane põhi.


Esimese rea erarandaga klubihotell on ideaalne paaridele, lastega peredele, üksikreisijatele. Hotelli fond koosneb 306 erineva kategooria toast, mille akendest avaneb vaade maalilisele rannikule.

Hotelli territooriumil töötab 3 kvaliteetse köögiga restorani ja 4 baari. WellFiti spaa, 2 basseini, jõusaal pakuvad päeva jooksul suurepärast meelelahutust ning õhtul toimuvad teemapeod, showprogrammid, elav muusika. Lastele sobivad kvalifitseeritud animaatorid, mängutuba ja mänguväljak.

Spordisaal, kus toimuvad isiklikud ja rühmatreeningud, jooga, pilatese tunnid, tagab hotelli külastajatele vaba aja tegevused. Hotelli külalistel on võimalus surfata ja purjetada, jalutada rannas katamaraanidel. Lisaks on hotellis mitu spordiväljakut, kus saab jalgpalli, tennist, võrkpalli, jalgrattaid ja veeseadmeid laenutada.

TUI Family Life Tropical Resort

Preu mínim / dia: 208 €

The 400-meter sand and pebble beach is equipped with free sunbeds and beach umbrellas. Pavilions, which can be used for a fee, provide greater comfort to vacationers. The coastal strip of the beach has a gentle entrance to the water and a safe bottom, which is important for a beach holiday with children.


Modern family hotel, located in a picturesque place on the first line, has private beach, large number of rooms, well-developed infrastructure. 500 hotel rooms, equipped with appliances and furniture, are comfortable and have beautiful views. The hotel has five restaurants where guests can enjoy Italian, Asian and international dishes, as well as cafes and bars where you can relax in the evening and throughout the day. Daily entertainment for children will be provided by kids club, specially prepared animation programs, swimming pools, platform for active games, children's disco.

The hotel wellness center offers several types of massage, the opportunity to relax in sauna and hammam, do aerobics, play tennis, golf, soccer, visit swimming pool with slides, and gym. On the beach, the hotel guests can enjoy water activities – catamaran, kayaking, surfing.

TOP 5 dels millors hotels a Dalaman

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