Els millors hotels de Tailàndia

TOP 20: Classificació dels millors hotels de Tailàndia

Tailàndia és una destinació preferida per molts turistes europeus; la seva bellesa natural, la seva arquitectura sorprenent i els plats de la cuina local poden captivar qualsevol. Especialment per a vostè, oferim els millors hotels de Tailàndia situats a prop del mar i de la sorra blanca.

Sensimar Koh Samui - Adults Only

Preu mínim / dia: 100 €

Kaitstud 120-meetrine pehme kuldse liiva riba; põhi puhastatakse kividest; smaragdroheline vesi; rannikul on lamamistoolid ja palmipuude all toolid, restoran.


Hotell asub rannas Maenam ja võtab vastu ainult täiskasvanud külalisi. Neile pakutakse 125 mugavat tuba - alates elegantsetest mullivanniga sviitidest kuni luksuslike basseiniga villadega. Rannaäärses restoranis serveeritakse elava muusika saatel Lääne ja Tai toite. Purskkaevu splash spa pakub lõõgastusseansse koos aroomiteraapiaga. Tai massaaž hõlbustab taastumist pärast treeningut. Külalised saavad joogat või süstaga tegeleda

The Tubkaak Krabi Boutique Resort

Preu mínim / dia: 140 €

The beach with a clean white-sand covering is regularly cleaned. During the low tide, the migration of small crabs can be observed in the shallows. The sea is warm and clean, with an amazing sky-blue color, with an easy entry and a smooth passage to the depth, the bottom is sandy, the water is sometimes slightly muddy due to the waves.


Cozy Thai-style hotel with its own beach, chamber atmosphere, great service and friendly staff. Due to its location in a quite secluded place, privacy and peace of guests are guaranteed. Great for romantic couples vacation. Each room has air conditioning, mini bar, high speed internet access.

The hotel has two restaurants, with Thai and Italian cuisine, where you can have delicious lunch or order food to your room. In addition, the hotel offers gym, swimming pool, spa center with sauna and full range of spa services, hairdresser, gift shop, newsstand. Due to the lack of shopping and entertainment centers or discos near the hotel, car is required for shopping or seeking entertainment.

The Shore At Katathani

Preu mínim / dia: 333 €

Hotell asub mõnekümne meetri kaugusel Kata Noi saare kaunimast rannast. Rannik on kaetud pehme lumivalge liivaga, millel on pärlmutter. Meresse sisenemine on lihtne ja madal ning vee temperatuur on harva alla 28 ° C. Meri on puhas rahulike ja õrnade lainetega.


The Shore at Katathani on Phuketi üks parimaid hotelle, mis on saanud mitmeid auhindu, sealhulgas Tripadvisori andmetel reisijate valik 2016, 2017 ning kompleks jõudis 2019. aasta täiskasvanute hotellide TOP-10 hulka (TOP-10 ainult täiskasvanutele mõeldud hotellid Phuketis).

Shore at Katathani hotellikompleks asub suurepäraste palmiaedade keskel ja on luksuslik privaatsete villade kollektsioon. Iga villa on eraldatud ruum, kus on ülimoodne ja peen disain. Oma vaatega bassein, mugav vann, vihmadušš ja suurepärased vaated Andamani merele.

The Shore at Katathani asub romantilises hotellis. Väärib märkimist, et alla 12 -aastaste laste majutust ei ole kompleksi reeglitega ette nähtud.

Unustamatu puhkuse veetmiseks hotellikompleksis võite külastada SPA salongi, jõusaali, suurt basseini, rahvusvahelist restorani, kasutada ka Tai massaažiteenuseid, võtta jooga- või tennisetunde.

Rayavadee Krabi

Preu mínim / dia: 248 €

Hotelli lähedal on kolm maalilist liivaranda: Phra Nang on Krabi üks parimaid randu, mis on kantud UNESCO maailmapärandi nimekirja, Railay pakub suurepäraseid võimalusi veespordiks - sukeldumiseks, snorgeldamiseks, süstaga sõitmiseks ja Nam Mao. mägironijate lemmik tänu järskude kaljude lähedusele. Kõikide randade territooriumil on lamamistoolid tasuta rätikute ja päikesevarjudega, mis on kaitstud suurte lainete moodustavate troopiliste tormide eest.


See on mugav hotell, mis asub esimesel real ja millel on erarand, väljakud ja ilusalong. See asub rahvuslikus merepargis ja sobib vaikseks pereks ja romantiliseks puhkuseks. Hotellitoad on esindatud eraldi paviljonides-suvilates ja luksuslikes puidust ja suhkruroost villades. Igas toas on minibaar ja konditsioneer, privaatne bassein või mullivann, terrass või rõdu.

Rayavadee Krabi territooriumil on välibassein, veespordikeskus, jõusaal, kaks konverentsiruumi ja Rayavadee kingipood. Lastega peredele on hotellis lastebassein, saate kasutada lapsehoidja teenuseid. Neli hotelli restorani ja kaks baari pakuvad Tai ja rahvusvahelise köögi gastronoomilisi meistriteoseid.

SALA Samui Choengmon Beach

Preu mínim / dia: 134 €

80 m of velvet white sand; a shallow water with a convenient entry into the sea; there are boulders and stones at the bottom; sunshades with sun loungers, kayaks and canoes are offered for free, as well as daily morning yoga classes; the bar is working.


The vibrant rooms and luxurious villas of this resort complex are the perfect retreat for couples and young families. The hotel is located in the southern part of Choeng Mon beach

Phulay Bay a Ritz-Carlton Reserve

Preu mínim / dia: 349 €

A clean sandy-rocky beach is located on the coast of a cozy picturesque lagoon and is separated from the hotel by a wall of low boulders. The sea is crystal clear, with a jade color, with the pronounced low tides. The seabed is rocky, therefore it is recommended to wear special shoes to enter the water. The beach area is equipped with sun loungers with sunshades and is suitable for sunbathing, arranging romantic dinners, as well as snorkeling.


An elite hotel on the first line with an organized private beach, consisting of 54 luxury villas, offers relaxing tropical vacation for romantic and married couples. Picturesque secluded place,remote from the bustling city, large territory, high-quality personal service and luxurious exotic style of interiors guarantee pleasant and unforgettable vacation, and the nearby restaurants and bistros offer delicious cuisine. While staying at the hotel, guests have the opportunity to attend batik painting courses, local cooking, the basics of Thai language and culture, take boat trips on yacht and have a walk to waterfalls.

The hotel has its own fitness center and spa, providing a full range of professional spa services for men and women, yoga, pilates, and meditation programs. All hotel rooms are equipped with private pool and terrace, mini bar and air conditioning, Wi-Fi. There is a golf course near the hotel.

The Chill Resort and Spa Koh Chang

Preu mínim / dia: 89 €

A very clean narrow sandy beach in a small lagoon. There is a picturesque sandy strip and a convenient easy entry, when you exit the hotel. But the bottom is too rocky, with large sharp stones, coral (there are more of them far from the coast) and sea urchins.


One of the best cozy hotels on the island with its own beach and surrounded with greenery territory. It is a modern design hotel complex (3-storey main building and 2 villas), located on the Kai Bay coast. The hotel territory is small, everything is very compactly located, including beautiful pools (one of them stretches along the entire main building, the second is designed for children) with views of the sea and the restaurant next door to them. The hotel has small gym, spa with Thai massage services, and library with mini-cinema. As bonuses there are free water and fruit when relaxing by the pool and there are many toys for children. There is no special infrastructure nearby, so the place is not the best for youth parties, but ideal for lovers of a quiet holiday.

Banyan Tree Samui

Preu mínim / dia: 420 €

Vaikne laht kiviste neemede, pehme valge liiva ja selge taevasinise veega; põhjas on kivid; seal on suupistebaar; aerulauad, kanuud, katamaraanid ja sukeldumisvarustus, samuti purjelauasõidu algkursused on tasuta.


Hotell on kaguranniku tipphetk. Tema šikkad villad ulatuvad mööda kookospuudega kaetud mäe nõlvu. Igal villal on bassein

Gajapuri Resort & Spa

Preu mínim / dia: 66 €

Kaunis suur rand liivaga rannikul ja palmidega ümbritsetud, mille all on kiiged. Vesi on puhas ja selge, sisenemine on sile, merisiilikuid pole. Aga põhi on pisut kivine, korallid on soovitavad. 300 meetri kaugusel paremal on põhjas palju liiva.


Koh Chang on stiilne butiikhotell, millel on erarand ja mis asub saare lääneservas Kai lahe rannikul. Hotellis on kaunid villad ja avarad puidust koloniaalstiilis bangalod. Peaaegu kõigil neist on oma väike terrass, majadest avaneb vaade aiale või rannale ning mõnel on oma bassein. Ilusad ja hoolitsetud hotelli territooriumid loovad tunde, et viibite ainulaadses troopilises paradiisis. Lõõgastumiseks on lähedal spaakeskus ja avar bassein (lastele on oma madal paradiis) koos mullivanni ja baariga. Oma viibimise mitmekesistamiseks külastage ümbruskonna elevandifarmi või laenutage paadisõitudeks hotellist süstaid (saadaval tasuta).

Buri Rasa Village

Preu mínim / dia: 67 €

Lai liivane ala rannamööbli, baari ja restoraniga; hästi soojendatud vesi on kristallselge; korallriff blokeerib lained; külalistele pakutakse süsta- ja kanuusõitu, snorgeldamistunde.


Kompaktne luksushotell asub Chawengi rannast 5-minutilise jalutuskäigu kaugusel. See on maetud troopilisse aeda ja meenutab Tai puudutustega Euroopa ökoküla. Kõik selle villad on vaatega ookeanile

Metadee Resort & Villas

Preu mínim / dia: 49 €

Metadee Resort & Villas is a 10-minute walk from the quiet Kata Beach. The snow-white sandy beach stretches for 1.5 km along the bright blue Andaman Sea. Entry on this beach is very easy and shallow even at high tide. Although Kata is popular among tourists and local residents, there is no crowded coast.


Metadee Resort & Villas is set around a scenic pool surrounded by high hills covered in lush tropical greenery. The complex consists of modern rooms and villas, made in Thai style using natural materials.

At guest's disposal there are fitness center in tropical garden, relaxing Thai massage, an amazing spa and cozy bar by the large pool equipped with hydromassage. The hotel complex also has its own restaurant, which serves European and Asian cuisine. The pride of the place is fresh seafood and fish dishes.

It is important to note that the quiet Metadee Resort & Villas is just 15-minute drive from the night clubs of Soi Bangla. The complex also has an entertainment mini club especially for children.

Zeavola Resort

Preu mínim / dia: 108 €

Almost a kilometer coastline of the Laem Tong Beach is covered with white sand and surrounded by dense tropical vegetation. The hotel’s water area is signed by buoys. The sea is shallow and warm, high waves are extremely rare, during the high tides the water rises to the trees. You can only get to the beach by boat, so compared to other beaches on the island, it is relatively not crowded even in the high season.


The hotel is located on the first line, awarded the prestigious award "The world's best eco-friendly boutique hotel" and is ideal for a quiet measured relaxation in a tropical paradise. On a ten-acre site, 59 wooden villas are located, three of which overlook the beach. The rest of the bungalows are located in a magnificent garden and on a slope of picturesque hill, between them there are sandy paths that make it pleasant to walk without shoes. At guest's disposal there are spa, fitness room, beauty salon and two outdoor pools. Luxury villas are also equipped with private pools, and many have a rain shower in the open air. Meals are organized in the restaurant on the beach, in the menu of European and Thai dishes, there is the opportunity to order baby food and a special diet for vegetarians. The price includes transfer: guests arrive by boat, on the shore they are warmly welcomed by hotel representatives with fruits and cold drinks. The hotel can book excursions to neighboring islands, go sea fishing, do snorkeling (there is a rental of necessary equipment) and even organize a wedding ceremony.

The Emerald Cove Koh Chang

Preu mínim / dia: 38 €

An isolated sandy area of the Klong Prao beach with golden sand. The sea waters are very clean (without seaweed, sea urchins, jellyfish) and perfect for snorkeling. Entry into the sea is comfortable and not deep, the bottom is sandy. There are almost no waves here because of the breakwater.


This luxury Koh Chang hotel with its own private beach is part of the Amari hotel chain. It is located a little off the road, so it is not too noisy here. Spacious, well-kept and drowning in tropical flora grounds make this place ideal for lovers of a secluded eco-vacation with a halo of romance. All guest houses are located very compactly on a small plot and impress with exquisite design. For relaxation, there is a long and wide pool with jacuzzi, as well as spa, 2 bars and several restaurants. For children there is a separate pool and playground. The hotel offers scuba diving courses and rental diving equipment. You can also rent (for a fee) the hotel kayaks to travel to the neighboring island, where there is a sandy beach, lots of fish and wonderful snorkeling.

TOP 20: Classificació dels millors hotels de Tailàndia

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