Els millors hotels de Tunísia

TOP 10: Classificació dels millors hotels de Tunísia

Tunísia, un país vibrant situat al nord d'Àfrica, atrau amb el seu clima subtropical suau, una gran varietat de complexos turístics de platja exquisits, l'extensió impressionant del desert del Sàhara i un ric tapís de patrimoni històric. La temporada turística principal s'estén d'abril a octubre, oferint una escapada perfecta per als que busquen el sol. Amb una indústria turística ben establerta, Tunísia s'adapta a totes les preferències i pressupostos, assegurant una estada memorable per a tots. Entre les destinacions més buscades hi ha Hammamet, que compta amb una combinació harmoniosa de comoditats modernes i encant històric, que promet una experiència de vacances encantadora.

La Badira - Adult Only

Preu mínim / dia: 49 €

Tuneesia on kuulus oma randade poolest kogu maailmas: puhas, avar, liivane ja värvikas, Maal pole ühtegi sellist inimest, kelle nad ükskõikseks jätaksid. Ühel neist randadest asub riigi üks parimaid hotelle La Badira ... Väärib märkimist, et vaatamata madalale veele ja mugavale sisenemisele merre, mis sobib ideaalselt lastele ujumiseks, võtab hotell vastu ainult täiskasvanud külalisi.


Unikaalses kohas asuv kaasaegne La Badira hotell oma erarannaga pakub erakordse kvaliteediga infrastruktuuri: umbes 130 merevaatega tuba, kohaliku koka eriroogasid, raamatukogu, spordikeskus ja ekskursioonid, basseinid ja muud meelelahutust. Külalised saavad igal ajal spaahooldusi, maniküüri, massaaži, joogat, Türgi aurusauna või solaariumiteenust kasutada. Nii siseruumi kui ka hotelli ümbritsevat territooriumi eristab suurem mugavus ja kodustus: saate raamatukogus lõkke ääres lugeda, kokteili nautida baaris La Badira, korraldada kuumal terrassil teeõhtu, nautida jasmiini aroome , mõrkjas apelsin ja muud idamaised kuurorti ümbritseva lopsaka roheluse noodid.

TUI Sensimar Ulysse Palace

Preu mínim / dia: 74 €

The sandy beach is located within walking distance of the hotel, just a few meters. Beach towels are provided free of charge for hotel guests. The coastline is equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay: sun loungers and umbrellas, a shower, a toilet, bars and shops.


Ulysse Palace Hotel with its own beach is the place you dream of sitting at work on a hot summer day or looking out the window and seeing a snowy landscape of your hometown. Peace and quiet, lush greenery and slender palm trees, a paradise beach with fine sand - all this is about TUI Sensimar Ulysse Palace, which is open for guests all year round. Several swimming pools on the hotel territory do not allow you to miss a single day of your vacation - you can sunbathe and swim, even if the sea is stormy. Get ready for a fantastic lunch, a variety of authentic breakfast and dinner with international dishes and freshly cooked Tunisian gourmet masterpieces.

Movenpick Resort & Marine Spa Sousse

Preu mínim / dia: 44 €

Peen valge liiv, sügavsinine meri, turvaline madal vesi ja madal põhi: see rand on mugav täiskasvanutele ja lastele lõõgastumiseks ...


Mövenpick Resort & Marine Spa Sousse'il on erarand Tuneesia kõige aktiivsema linna silmapiiril. See keerukas kuurort, mis asub vahuveiniranna ääres, pakub kõike, mida täiuslikust puhkusest oodata võite. Siin saate veeta kvaliteetse perepuhkuse, õnneks on selle käsutuses nii rannaolud kui ka hotelli infrastruktuur. Viimast esindavad kaasaegsed konverentsi- ja banketisaalid, samuti lastetoad ning alad koos baaride ja restoranidega, kus serveeritakse meistriteoseid idamaiseid roogasid, kohalikke veine ja muid oskuslikult valmistatud jooke. Ja kui merel on äkitselt laineid, saavad külalised nautida soolase veega basseinis ujumist. Aktiivset vaba aja veetmist esindavad kõik veespordialad, võrkpall ja lauatennis.

Palm Beach Palace Djerba

Preu mínim / dia: 0 €

The spacious and comfortable sandy beach is equipped with sunbeds, reed sunshades and private gazebos for relaxation. The sea is warm and transparent, the entrance to the water is comfortable and smooth, the security service of the hotel monitors the order. It features a beach bar, water activities and sports equipment rental, and evening entertainment on the shore.


The hotel is located on the first line, has direct access to the sea and its own beach. The resort town of Medun with its colorful markets, souvenir shops and the famous crocodile farm is four kilometers away, and the international airport is just a 25-minute drive away.

Palm Beach Palace Djerba 5* is a modern hotel complex with chic well-kept territory and a panoramic swimming pool with the sea views. Visitors no younger than 18 years old are allowed in the hotel, the main contingent is romantic couples and youth companies. It offers a tennis court, a variety of sports grounds, a gym and a riding center. A modern wellness center with a Turkish bath, a sauna and an indoor pool is on the territory. If you wish, you can do yoga or aqua aerobics. The rooms are clean and spacious, the toilet and bathroom are separate, the balconies offers a gorgeous view of the sea or the garden. Meals are organized in a magnificent restaurant serving local cuisine, there is a wide range of meat and fish dishes, a variety of fruits, desserts and fresh juices. Guests are entertained by animators during the day, after dinner there are concerts, quizzes and discos.

Lti Djerba Plaza Thalasso & Spa

Preu mínim / dia: 40 €

Avaral liivarannal on lamamistoolid, õlgkatused ja privaatsed varikatusega vaatetornid. Meri on soe, puhas ja turvaline, sissepääs vette on mugav, vetelpäästjad hoiavad korda. Kaldal on rannabaar ja spordivahendite laenutuspunkt.


See luksuslik hotell, millel on otsene juurdepääs merele ja oma rand, asub golfiklubi ja veepargi Le Pirate kõrval. 2014. aastal viidi läbi selle üldine rekonstrueerimine ning kaks aastat hiljem omistati hotellikompleksile rahvusvahelise turismiressursi Tripadvisor kvaliteedisertifikaat. Võtmearv koosneb 299 kaasaegsest avarast sviidist, mis asuvad kolmes lumivalges hoones eksootiliste palmipuude ja taevasiniste basseinide vahel. Kohapeal on 6 tenniseväljakut, mänguväljak, võrkpalliplats, vibulaskmisala, piljard ja veespordialad. Luksuslikus tervisekeskuses saate külastada Soome vanni ja Türgi aurusauna, massaaži- ja kosmeetikateenuseid ning lõõgastavaid ja noorendavaid hooldusi. Toitlustamine on korraldatud "kõik hinnas" süsteemi järgi, hotelli territooriumil asuvad kaks restorani ja kohvik/baar, olemas on grillimisala. Õhtuti toimuvad diskoteegid ja vaba aja tegevused, seal on lasteklubi basseini, mänguväljaku ja lõbusa animatsiooniga lastele.

Hotel Bel Azur Thalasso & Bungalows

Preu mínim / dia: 20 €

The hotel is on the 1st coastline, guests go to their own sandy beach directly from their rooms and bungalows. It is sandy beach with a gentle entrance, employees provide sunbeds, towels. There are amenities, a lifeguard is on duty, there are classes on the water and on the shore: water views, volleyball, bar, swimming with a mask, a whole pleasure.


Everything is located in the main building or bungalow. The conditions for children are created, not very large pets are allowed. The rooms have balconies or terraces, internet, a small refrigerator. A kettle with a tea and coffee set is provided. It, like hygiene items, is renewed daily.

There is the main restaurant with a full breakfast, lunch, dinner. Another one functions during the high season, there is a pizzeria, a pool bar, a lobby bar with hookah, a beach bar. A one-time free visit to a theme restaurant is provided.

The Bel Azur guests have many opportunities for sports and entertainment. There is an animation for both adults and children. The hotel has one of the most famous thalassotherapy centers in Tunisia. In season, Open Space is provided outdoors.

Seabel Alhambra Beach Golf & Spa

Preu mínim / dia: 43 €

Hotellikompleks asub 2. rannajoonel, oma rand on 500 m kaugusel. Madratsitega lamamistoolid on tasuta, vihmavarjud on hinna sees. Rand on vaikne, valge liivaga, seal on õlgedest päikesevarjud, lamamistoolid, otomanid. Nõlv on madal, liivane laius lastele. Randa puhastatakse iga päev. Ümberringi on tohutu roheline ala, kus on mitu golfiväljakut, tenniseväljakud, väike ilus sadam.


Seabel Alhambra rand on hotellikompleks mauride stiilis peahoone ja täiendavate bangalodega. Tubade kujundus on tüüpiliselt Tuneesia, seal on kõik vajalik, regulaarne koristamine, rätikute vahetus. Konditsioneer, telefon on saadaval, internetti peaaegu pole. Parim võimalus on hankida lennujaamast kohalik SIM -kaart.

Territooriumil on 4 suurepärast basseini. Kesksel on peamine animatsioon. Seal on ka väike pood, kus on head hinnad. Olemas on vesiaeroobika, lasteklubi ja lapsehoiuteenus.

Toit pole halb, iga päev on menüüs midagi uut. Lõunaks pakutakse mitut sorti suppe, maitsvat riisi, erinevaid salateid, pitsat, alati värskeid puuvilju. Ei lapsed ega täiskasvanud pole seal näljased. Kui lähete jalutama sadamasse, võite külastada teemaparki, supermarketeid, kohvikuid.

Caribbean World Thalasso Djerba - All Inclusive Midoun

Preu mínim / dia: 52 €

The beach hotel is 200 m from the coast. Magnificent sand with clear water and shallow beach is expanse for families with children. On the coast there are all the conditions for swimming and sunbathing, towels on the cards. For tourists there is great snack bar, windsurfing, snorkeling. The behavior of horses and camels may grieve you. Although it is cleaned after, you need to be careful not to get dirty.


The territory is large and green, there are several swimming pools, the water quality is always under control. The rooms are big, well cleaned, fully equipped. You can have fun all day long, there are slides, cheerful animators, a children's club for babies. There are 5 swimming pools, with seawater and fresh water, shaped, covered and not, large, smaller. There are morning exercises for everyone, a massage during the day.

There are no special exercises outside the hotel complex. It is quite cheap to go to the capital of Djerba to relax from beach lying, buy souvenirs. The entertainment is golf, basketball, aerobics, playing billiards or ping pong on the territory. There is a disco in the evenings. The staff is nice, friendly, trying to be helpful.

There is a good menu, whose main dishes are often renewed, in the restaurant-canteen. A lot of meat products, poultry and fish dishes. Drinks are free during the day, except for alcohol. There is an additional block where you can take fruits and sweets, in addition to the restaurant, there is a bar.

Joya Paradise

Preu mínim / dia: 13 €

Joya Paradise'il on oma valge liivaga rand sinise surfiga, 2. rida. Võite kõndida randa, mis võtab aega vähemalt 5 minutit, või sõita üles spetsiaalse rongiga, mis on aga pühapäeviti nädalavahetus. Meri on madal ja õrn, mõnikord naelutab ta vetikaid, nagu mujalgi, kaamelid jalutavad, fotograafid ja giidid on väga aktiivsed.


Territooriumil on suured ja mugavad avarad idamaises stiilis toad. Lisaks vooditele on diivan, mõnel toal on rõdu mere poole. Vannituba on tasuta, tualettruum on eraldi, Internet töötab hästi ainult avalikes kohtades, toas on minibaar, mõnikord tuleb vett jahtida.

Lapsed veedavad aega animaatoritega, miniklubis, basseinis. Täiskasvanud chillivad baaris vesipiibuga, teevad massaaži. Õhtuti on tantsupõrand, väljaspool territooriumi disko. Väga odav takso viib teid kauplustesse ja turule kauplema.

Toit on korralik ja lõuna- ja õhtusöögiks üsna mitmekesine. Hommikusöök on veidi tagasihoidlikum, mis sisaldab head saia, palju mahlaseid puuvilju, erinevat tüüpi liha, krevette ja rannakarpe. Imikutele on kõrged toolid. Täiskasvanud istuvad baaris hommikust südaööni.

Marhaba Royal Salem Family Only Hotel

Preu mínim / dia: 19 €

The hotel is close to the water, occupies the 1st line. Its own beach has white sand, the sea is gentle and shallow. You can walk endlessly along the sea in both directions to the Medina, Susi or to the port of El Kantaoui. Some are even lost in the garden, in the park area of Marhaba Royal Salem. From the beach it is easy to reach shopping centers, grocery stores. Outside there are many restaurants, discos, thalassocenters.


The hotel has several buildings, balconies and terraces which overlook the green area, beach, swimming pools. The latter are designed for children and adults, equipped with slides, jacuzzi. The largest is filled with sea water. Near the pools tourists find sunbeds, sunshades.

Animators amuse everyone. There is, as well as at the beach, a bar. Guests play tennis, do aerobics or yoga, play board games. There is a nightclub with very loud music at your service in the evenings. Massage and balneotherapy is reserved, paid separately.

It is possible to choose from three restaurants where to eat. There is no children's menu, but there are always dairy dishes and porridges, a lot of fruits for children. Cooking of diet meals is specified separately. Tourists are happy with their choice, they like light pastry, the presence of meat, fish. Dry, demi-dry local wines are quite good.

TOP 10: Classificació dels millors hotels de Tunísia

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