Anse Kerlan beach

Anse Kerlan is a beach on the same name bay territory with emerald water. Applies to the propertyConstance Lémuria.

Descripció de la platja

The coast is surrounded by granite cliffs and lush tropical vegetation, which creates extensive natural shade. The length of the white sandy beach is 500 metres. From April to November swimming is limited due to the large algae accumulation.

It is comfortable to swim and scuba dive in the bay. From May to October there are strong undercurrents, the beach is affected by high waves. At this time, many people come to the beach to surf and windsurf. To reduce the height and strength of the waves, breakwaters were built on the beach. Vacationers who came to the resort for one day, first of all need to agree the date of arrival with the hotel management - otherwise outsiders are not allowed.

Popular water activities on the beach:

  • deep sea fishing
  • kayaking
  • windsurfing,
  • diving with snorkel and mask
  • diving,
  • catamaran,
  • sailing.

When is it better to go

Seišellide saarestik asub subekvatoriaalses kliimavöötmes, mida iseloomustab stabiilne päikesepaisteline ilm vähese sademetega, ilma tsükloniteta ning järskude muutustega päeva- ja hooajalistes temperatuurides. Ekvaatorile iseloomulikku kuumust kahandab India ookean. Õhutemperatuur on vahemikus + 27-33 ° C.

  • Detsembrist aprillini domineerivad Kirde -mussoonid Seišellidel. See on üsna kuum ja niiske, tugevate vihmasadudega. Õhutemperatuur jõuab maksimumini. Vesi ookeanis soojeneb kuni + 30 ° C.
  • Juunist oktoobrini on saared kagu -mussooni haardes. Niiskus väheneb märgatavalt, temperatuur on + 27-29 ° C.
  • Parim aeg ujumiseks, sukeldumiseks, snorgeldamiseks on oktoober ja november, samuti ajavahemik veebruarist maini.
  • Surfamiseks ja purjetamiseks on soovitatav teele asuda oktoobrist märtsini.

Vídeo: Platja Anse Kerlan

El temps a Anse Kerlan

Els millors hotels de Anse Kerlan

Tots els hotels de Anse Kerlan
Constance Lemuria
valoració 9.4
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Villas Du Voyageur
valoració 9.9
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The Islander Hotel
valoració 8.7
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La platja participa en les valoracions:

4 lloc a la classificació Praslin 28 lloc a la classificació Najbolje svjetske plaže za milijunaše: TOP-30
Valora el material 59 m'agrada
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