Barbicaja beach

Barbicaja beach is located in the sunny and cosy town of Ajaccio on Sanginer Street, about 20 minutes from the port of Tino Rossi, on the Mediterranean coast. Barbicaja is one of the most beautiful coasts of Ajaccio and at the same time one of the most favourite beaches among holidaymakers in this city. The beach is wrapped in warm and soft sand of light yellow, almost white color. The bright turquoise sea fascinates from the first seconds on the beach.

Descripció de la platja

Soothing and crystal clear waters are shallow and safe for swimming. Despite the popularity of this place, the beach is not overcrowded with tourists, you can always find a place for privacy.

Picturesque and panoramic view of the amazing Barbicaja: on the one hand, the beach is surrounded by tall and impregnable white cliffs with green tops, and on the other hand, the coast's lively infrastructure with bars and restaurants is stretched. A lively camping site is located 50m from Barbikaj. And for fans of active rest on the beach there is a field for games of volleyball and football. Also nearby is a spacious parking lot for cars.

When is the best time to go?

U Francuskoj se možete opustiti u bilo koje doba godine, vrijeme putovanja više ovisi o vašim željama. Ljeto - odlično vrijeme za putovanje na more. Zahvaljujući mediteranskoj klimi, čak ni na južnoj francuskoj rivijeri nije vruće vrijeme. Zimi ljudi odlaze na skijališta u Francuskoj. Treba imati na umu da je ljeti i zimi u Francuskoj velika sezona, odnosno cijene rastu. Da biste uživali u izletima, odaberite vrijeme od februara do aprila ili od septembra do novembra, kada i na sjeveru i na jugu nije velika gužva. Ako u rujnu odete na Francusku rivijeru, nikada nećete izgubiti: naći ćete vrijeme kada je vrijeme još toplo, a cijene nisu tako visoke.

Vídeo: Platja Barbicaja

El temps a Barbicaja

Els millors hotels de Barbicaja

Tots els hotels de Barbicaja
Palm Beach Ajaccio
valoració 8.3
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La Pinede Ajaccio
valoració 8.7
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La platja participa en les valoracions:

9 lloc a la classificació Ajaccio
Valora el material 103 m'agrada
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