Collioure beach

Collioure Plage is a rocky bay with 3 parts of a pebble beach. A romantic place with magnificent views of the town, a small port and the sea. Tourists are attracted not so much by the opportunity to plunge into its waves, as by the unique local flavor, quiet streets, the friendliness of the townspeople, wonderful wine and cakes.

Descripció de la platja

The beach is surrounded entirely by historical relics, the beginning of construction of which dates back to the VII century. Here is the lighthouse that arose on the site of the former bell tower, the fortress palace that once belonged to the kings of Majorca, an impregnable fort with a bewitching panorama of the surrounding sea, mountains, plain.

Collioure beach is small, it is problematically to settle conveniently, there are solid stones around, but the water is crystal clear and clean. The coastline is almost completely flooded by the tide. Restaurants, cafes approach the beach. It’s not always possible to park nearby, but the winding streets make the most favorable impression.

The city is decorated with colorful buildings in pastel colors, many craft shops, good restaurants. Tourists have fun visiting historical places, getting acquainted with the work of impressionist painters, visiting caves, canoeing, hunting for blue fish. In the evening is an excellent dinner with a delicious beer and the famous local rose wine.

It will take only an hour to get on the bus or a third of the train from Perpignan to get into the fabulous atmosphere in the shadow of the Pyrenees.

When is the best time to go?

U Francuskoj se možete opustiti u bilo koje doba godine, vrijeme putovanja više ovisi o vašim željama. Ljeto - odlično vrijeme za putovanje na more. Zahvaljujući mediteranskoj klimi, čak ni na južnoj francuskoj rivijeri nije vruće vrijeme. Zimi ljudi odlaze na skijališta u Francuskoj. Treba imati na umu da je ljeti i zimi u Francuskoj velika sezona, odnosno cijene rastu. Da biste uživali u izletima, odaberite vrijeme od februara do aprila ili od septembra do novembra, kada i na sjeveru i na jugu nije velika gužva. Ako u rujnu odete na Francusku rivijeru, nikada nećete izgubiti: naći ćete vrijeme kada je vrijeme još toplo, a cijene nisu tako visoke.

Vídeo: Platja Collioure

El temps a Collioure

Els millors hotels de Collioure

Tots els hotels de Collioure
Hotel l'Arapede
valoració 8.4
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Residence Saint Vincent
valoració 8
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Residence Pierre & Vacances Les Balcons de Collioure
valoració 7.9
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La platja participa en les valoracions:

13 lloc a la classificació Prantsuse Riviera 5 lloc a la classificació Oksitaania
Valora el material 44 m'agrada
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