Els millors hotels de Creta amb platja privada

Valoració dels millors hotels de Creta a primera línia de platja

Creta és un esplèndid complex turístic amb ciutats encantadores, pobles idíl·lics, tresors antics i paisatges impressionants, complementats amb una cuina exquisida i una cultura local vibrant. Totes les platges assolellades són públiques. No obstant això, a l'inici d'unes vacances sense preocupacions, és essencial seleccionar un complex de platja que ofereixi accés a un tram de costa aïllat i ben cuidat. Descobriu un refugi tan tranquil a la vora del mar a la nostra llista seleccionada dels millors hotels de platja a Creta.

Nana Princess Suites Villas & Spa

Preu mínim / dia: 227 €

The sandy beach is quite wide (100 m) and very clean. There are beautiful tents. It is very convenient to enter the sea since the entry is gentle. The depth does not increase immediately.


Comfortable and respectable hotel, located on the coast - an ideal place for vacation of two. Its rooms are equipped with elements of the Smart Home system. Almost all have their own pools on the terraces. The room has a coffee machine, which is replenished every day. Vacationers have at their disposal two restaurants, three bars with great cuisine and good wine list. There are many entertainments on the territory: tennis court, horse riding, there is also diving center, sports club. In the evenings, live music is played here. There is a golf club near the hotel.

Minos Beach Art Hotel

Preu mínim / dia: 191 €

Külaliste jaoks on kaks liivaranda. Hoolikas puhtus. Lähenemised on kivised ja sillaga (headele ujujatele), kuid merele lähenetakse õrnalt. Samuti on terrassid lamamistoolide ja päikesevarjudega.


Rahulik hotell kaluriküla stiilis. Eriti neile, kellele edevus ei meeldi. On ebatavaline, et siin esitatakse vabaõhunäitus kogu maailma kunstiskulptuuridest. Puhtad ja kaasaegsed toad on varustatud kõige mugavaks peatumiseks vajaliku jaoks. Kohapeal on kreeka ja rahvusvahelise köögiga restoranid ning fuajeebaar. Siin valmistavad kokad maitsvaid ja mitmekesiseid roogasid. WiFi-ühendus on külastajatele saadaval vastavalt kaartidele. Hotellist jalutuskäigu kaugusel asub Agios Nicholase linn, seal on palju kauplusi ja restorane.

Blue Palace a Luxury Collection Resort and Spa Crete

Preu mínim / dia: 236 €

Pebble, but there is special flooring. You can enter the water on the pebbles, but there is also a special pontoon with a ladder into the water.


Quiet and peaceful hotel, located in a picturesque place. The bungalows and hotel buildings cascade down into the sea. All rooms here have magnificent sea views. The rooms on the first floor have terraces with separate pools, and on the second there are large balconies. There is no particular variety in food, but everything is perfectly prepared, and champagne can be ordered for breakfast. Every guest, on the arrival day, receives a compliment - wine and fruit. You can go down to the beach with the funicular or on foot, if desired. The picturesque village of Plaka is located next to the hotel, there are shops and small taverns.

Royal Marmin Bay Boutique & Art Hotel

Preu mínim / dia: 115 €

Väike, kuid väga puhas, vesi on selge. Seal on kivine põhi, nii et teil on vaja susse, kuid merre sisenemine on mugav.


See on vaikne ja roheline hotell romantiliseks puhkuseks (ei aktsepteeri alla 16 -aastaseid lapsi), seega pole siin animatsiooni. Territoorium on väga huvitav, kuna asub mäe otsas ja laskub kaskaadidena mere äärde. Mäelt avanevad imelised vaated Mirabello lahele. Külaliste mugavuse huvides sõidavad siin elektriautod (nende abiga saate alla merele). Toad on heledates toonides, puhtad ja kuna hotell positsioneerib end ökoena, on kõik materjalid ja mööbel täiesti ohutud. Restorani menüüs on Vahemere toidud. Läheduses on kauplused ja restoranid.

Elounda Beach Hotel & Villas a Member of the Leading Hotels of the World

Preu mínim / dia: 187 €

It is sandy and clean as it is constantly cleaned. Entry into the water is safe, without stones. It is not deep from the very entry. There are almost no waves here.


Luxurious and large hotel that is surrounded by greenery. Suitable for those looking for a relaxing holiday combined with magnificent nature. Each room has balcony or terrace. On the territory there are 4 restaurants and three bars, where you will be offered cuisines of different countries. Those who prefer an active lifestyle will not be bored here. Sports instructors offer guests yoga classes, fitness, here you will learn how to dive and much more. For children swimming pool with a slide is equipped, and experienced animators offer entertainment programs. Nearby there is the village of Elounda (it takes 15-20 minutes to reach it), which has a tavern and small shops.

Abaton Island Resort & Spa

Preu mínim / dia: 171 €

Kivine, väga maaliline ja suur. Siin on soovitatav kõndida sussides, kuna seal on teravad kivid. Merele saab ohutult siseneda, kõndides mööda turvalist liivast osa.


Stiilne hotell suure hulga erinevate maitsega restoranidega (tasub proovida koka enda retsepte). See on ideaalne koht paaridele, kuid seal on ka palju lastega peresid. Seal on väike SPA -keskus, kuid protseduuride juurde pääsemiseks peaksite aeg eelnevalt kokku leppima. Spordihuvilistele meeldib hästi varustatud jõusaal ning kogenud juhendajad pakuvad joogat, pilatest, tennist ja veesporti. Enamikul tubadel on oma basseinid ja see on väga mugav, kuna mõnikord on tormid.

St Nicolas Bay Resort Hotel & Villas

Preu mínim / dia: 284 €

In fact, it is a small bay, so there are no waves here. The beach is clean with fine sand, but there is a stone slab. Entry into the water is convenient for children. The depth does not increase immediately.


This is a respectable complex, which offers guests to stay in rooms with magnificent panoramic sea views. Each room has a unique design, made in the island style. On the territory there is a small spa center and real professionals work here. The hotel has 5 restaurants and 2 bars offering to taste Greek (different regions), Asian, Mediterranean, international cuisines, such a variety will leave few indifferent. But here not only couples, but also families with children will feel comfortable, as there is children's animation,pool and menu.

Ikaros Beach Luxury Resort & Spa

Preu mínim / dia: 109 €

Sandy, small but very clean. The entry into the sea is gentle and quite comfortable. It is shallow near the shore, so if you want to swim, you should go a little farther away, but the shore is ideal for children.


Beautiful hotel resembs a small village in a flowered garden. Equally good for families with children and couples. Five restaurants, four of which are specialized, will give a sea of impressions, as there is a menu for every taste. Children will enjoy the entertainment program of the mini-club, as well as children's shows. The rooms in the hotel are small but very comfortable and clean. There are four swimming pools for adults and two for children on the territory. Relaxing at this hotel, it is worth visiting the SPA center, here are real masters of their craft. Nearby there is the village of Stalida, where you can visit small restaurants, various shops.

Cretan Malia Park

Preu mínim / dia: 96 €

Osaliselt kivine, osaliselt liivane. Rand puhastatakse hoolikalt. Seal on looduslik laht, nii et tormi ajal on siin üsna rahulik. Sisenemine merre on õrn ja mugav (saate valida liivase põhjaga koha).


Hotelli piirkond meenutab suurt troopilist aeda. Külalistele on avatud viis restorani ja mitu baari, mis pakuvad igale maitsele mitmekesist menüüd. Toad on avarad ja hästi helikindlad. Territooriumil on täiskasvanute ja laste mageveebasseinid. Kõige väiksematele külalistele on hämmastava programmiga miniklubi, hea mänguväljak, et lapsel igav ei hakkaks. Iga puhkaja saab siin valida oma maitse järgi: veespordialad, lauatennis, rannavõrkpall, aeroobika ja palju muud.

Mitsis Laguna Resort & Spa

Preu mínim / dia: 127 €

5-10 m pärast merre sisenemist on kivid. Sissesõit merre on madal ja ebamugav, kuna seal on kive, nii et kui soovite ujuda, peaksite minema kaugemale. Rand on liivane.


Uskumatu peresõbralik hotell. Mugavaid ja mugavaid tube koristatakse iga päev. Tubades on kohvimasin (igapäevane kapslitäidis) ja minibaar. Külaliste käsutuses on 6 restorani, kus pakutakse erinevat kööki ja temaatilist menüüd (kõik joogid, sealhulgas alkohol, on tasuta). Pere vaba aja veetmiseks tehakse ettepanek osaleda joonistamisel, ujumisel, erinevatel spordialadel, veeliumägedel. Noorimaid külalisi kutsutakse külastama miniklubi, kus on väga huvitav meelelahutusprogramm. Territooriumil on 5 mereveega basseini, eriti neile, kellele meeldib leotada. Õhtuti esinevad külalistele professionaalsed DJ -d.

Valoració dels millors hotels de Creta a primera línia de platja

Descobriu els millors hotels de Creta amb platges privades per a una escapada idíl·lica. Les seleccions seleccionades a mà garanteixen una estada serena.

  • Luxe exclusiu davant de la platja
  • Retiros tranquils personalitzats

72 m'agrada

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