Column beach

Kolona is the most picturesque beach of Kythnos, which is considered the best vacation spot on the island for real romantics. It is located in the bay of the same name on the northwest coast of the island, about 3 km from the village of Chora and 9 km north of the port of Merihas. An unusual and incredibly beautiful view gives it a narrow sandy strip that combines Kythnos with the rocky island of Agios Lucas and at the same time divides the bay into 2 parts, which is why the beach is surrounded by sea waters on both sides.

Descripció de la platja

Kolona Beach is only 240 m long but it is very wide, and you can stay by the beach on the both sides of it. For this reason, even with regard of all popularity of this beach, one can always find a convenient place for accommodation here, although it may appear rather crowded during the high season, and it's better to move to Agios-Lucas Beach. It is called so because its sand coastline looks like an antique column that fell into the sea.

Kolona characteristics include the following nuances:

  • The beach is covered with large-grained sand and is surrounded with gentle hills with almost no vegetation;
  • Dark turquoise waters of this beach are very clear, deep, and rather cool;
  • due to its special location in between beaches of two islands, this beach is very well protected from winds, and high waves occur here very seldom;
  • the beach has no vegetation and, consequently, no natural shadow.

Perfect still reigning in the bay attracts numerous tour boats. Among local entertainments, diving should be mentioned, but for these reasons, it's better to rent a yacht with an experienced instructor and diving equipment provided by the trip organizers. In the depth, it is possible to see octopuses and asteroids.

When is the best time to go?

Grčka - zemlja dugačke dužine od sjevera do juga, pa će se preporuke razlikovati ovisno o mjestu u koje idete. Sezona godišnjih odmora počinje u maju, a vrhunac dostiže u julu-avgustu: ima previše turista, a temperatura na južnim ostrvima dostiže 40 stepeni, što možda još uvijek ne igra ulogu na plaži, ali svakako nije pogodno za razgledavanje. Dakle, najbolje vrijeme za opuštanje u Grčkoj je kraj proljeća-početak ljeta ili septembar-oktobar.

Vídeo: Platja Column


Colona Beach is considered a wild coast, so the infrastructure here is almost not developed. Rent of sun loungers and umbrellas are not provided, and there are nor toilets or showers. You should grab there at least an umbrella for relaxation due to lack of shade on the shore.

There is a cozy tavern that works in season on the eastern edge of the beach (on the coast of Kythnos). You can enjoy drinks and local specialties here. Several taverns are located on a hill above the beach.

There are several hotels in the vicinity of the eastern edge of the coast. About 4.5 km from the coast and only 3 minutes from hot springs there is Kythnos Bay Hotel – one of the comfortable accommodation options located next to the Loutra harbor.

El temps a Column

Els millors hotels de Column

Tots els hotels de Column

La platja participa en les valoracions:

68 lloc a la classificació Euroopa 36 lloc a la classificació Grčka 1 lloc a la classificació Kythnos 21 lloc a la classificació Parimad valge liivaga rannad Euroopas
Valora el material 21 m'agrada
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