Kokkinokastro beach

Kokkinokastro Beach, which is located on the island of Alonissos, is a combination of bright sun, clear water and beautiful Greek landscapes. The calm atmosphere and unusual natural beauties will definitely not leave you indifferent: you will come back again and again.

Descripció de la platja

Many Greek beaches surrounded by cliffs, like Kokkinokastro, but here they are reddish-brown, overgrown with green vegetation, which in combination with white-yellow pebble-sandy surface and blue sea creates a unique color scheme. The water in quiet bay is quite cold, but these places are ideal for snorkeling: a few meters from the shore at the bottom you can find ruins of the neolithic city of Eikos and explore them underwater. The entrance to the water is gentle, suitable for both adults and children.

Kokkinokastro is equipped with sun loungers and umbrellas, but this is what its arrangement is limited to. There are no bars and taverns here, so you should stock up on food and drinks in advance. Nearby is a small hotel, where you can find accommodation and admire the beauty of Kokkinokastro for several days running.

When is the best time to go?

Grčka - zemlja dugačke dužine od sjevera do juga, pa će se preporuke razlikovati ovisno o mjestu u koje idete. Sezona godišnjih odmora počinje u maju, a vrhunac dostiže u julu-avgustu: ima previše turista, a temperatura na južnim ostrvima dostiže 40 stepeni, što možda još uvijek ne igra ulogu na plaži, ali svakako nije pogodno za razgledavanje. Dakle, najbolje vrijeme za opuštanje u Grčkoj je kraj proljeća-početak ljeta ili septembar-oktobar.

Vídeo: Platja Kokkinokastro

El temps a Kokkinokastro

Els millors hotels de Kokkinokastro

Tots els hotels de Kokkinokastro
Alonissos Beach Bungalows And Suites Hotel
valoració 8.5
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Alonissos Poikilma Villas
valoració 9.7
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La platja participa en les valoracions:

5 lloc a la classificació Põhjapoorsed
Valora el material 54 m'agrada
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