Els hotels a la Toscana amb platja privada

Valoració dels millors hotels de platja de la Toscana

La Toscana, una regió d'Itàlia coneguda per les seves vinyes distintives, els seus vins exquisits, els seus paisatges pintorescs i una gran quantitat de llocs protegits per la UNESCO, ofereix una combinació encantadora d'oci i exploració. Aquí, podeu combinar sense esforç unes vacances a la platja banyades amb el sol amb un creuer per mar i excursions immersives a destinacions emblemàtiques com Pisa i Florència, les muralles fortificades de Lucca i una gran varietat de galeries d'art, palaus majestuosos i parcs verds. Un altre aspecte captivador de la Toscana és la seva impressionant costa. Els experts de 1001beach han elaborat una llista dels millors hotels de la Toscana, cadascun amb la seva pròpia platja privada, que garanteix una experiència exclusiva i tranquil·la al costat del mar.

Il Pellicano Monte Argentario

Preu mínim / dia: 2192 €

A small beach is located on the platform with the mountains from two sides. Thanks to the rocky bottom, the water is perfectly clear and suitable for scuba diving. The hotel has a small pier using it you can go down the stairs immediately to the depths. There is a picturesque stone staircase leading to the beach from the hotel.


The hotel is located in Porto Ercole, on the Monte Argentario peninsula. Thanks to the mountainous terrain, a picturesque panorama of the sea opens from its territory. The hotel is designed in Tuscan style. It features a Michelin star restaurant, a garden, a saltwater pool, a tennis court, spa, a golf club, a fitness room and a boutique. The hotel organizes boat trips along the coast. This is a great place for lovers of luxurious relaxation and a high level of service, as well as for a honeymoon.

Hotel Del Golfo Procchio

Preu mínim / dia: 178 €

Laia liivarannal on õrn sissepääs vette ja suur madal vesi. Vesi on selge ja puhas ning kuna rand on piiratud kiviste aladega, saavad puhkajad snorgeldada. Hotellil on oma muul paatide ja jahtide jaoks.


Hotell asub Procio lahes. Kohapeal on soolase veega välibassein, aed ja männimets. Restoranis serveeritakse Itaalia kööki ja Toscana veine. Kohapeal on tenniseväljakud ja jalgpalliväljakud, paatide ja jalgrataste laenutus ning tasuta parkimine. Saadaval on ka võrkkiiged, solaarium, jõusaal ja lõõgastav massaaž. Hotell sobib romantilisteks ja perepuhkusteks.

Park Hotel Marinetta

Preu mínim / dia: 94 €

The path from the hotel to the beach (200 meters) passes through a dense cedar forest. This is a private area, so the sand is cleaned daily. The beach has received the Blue Flag Award for safety and cleanliness. Equipped with a toilet, showers, sun loungers and parasols.


The hotel is located in Marina di Bibbona, on the area of the park. It offers free parking, a solarium, Turkish bath, hydromassage, spa treatments, a beauty salon and classic massages. There are outdoor and indoor pools, a gym. A playroom and a paddle pool is open for children, the restaurant has a children's menu. Lovers of nature and outdoor activities will appreciate the many paths and bike lanes in the shade of trees. The hotel is perfect for a relaxing and measured vacation surrounded by beautiful nature.

Hotel Hermitage Portoferraio

Preu mínim / dia: 225 €

Mitusada meetrit laiuv liivarand on suurepärane koht lastega lõõgastumiseks. Madal veepiirkond on suur ning meri rahulik ja puhas. Siit saate nautida suurepäraseid vaateid lahele ja mägedele, rannast saate jahti või kanuuga paadisõitu teha.


Hotell asub rahvuspargi piirkonnas Biodola lahe lähedal. See on keskkonnasõbralik koht lõõgastavaks ajaveetmiseks ja kultuuriliseks lõõgastumiseks. Külaliste jaoks on loodud suurepärased võimalused mängida tennist, jalgpalli ja võrkpalli, ujuda. Hotellil on oma kai, kus saab laenutada paate ja snorgeldamisvarustust. Lisaks saab siin võtta sukeldumistunde ja korraldada põnevaid jalgrattamatku. Pärast aktiivseid tunde saate lõõgastuda mullivannis, solaariumis, saunas või tellida lõõgastavat massaaži tervisekeskuses.

Hotel Biodola

Preu mínim / dia: 178 €

The wide beach is covered with sand, which is sifted daily. The entry into the water is easy, the area of shallow water is large. The water is clear. A great place for photo shoots at sunset.


Located in Portoferraio, on the Biodola Bay, this hotel boasts panoramic views and a peaceful atmosphere. It offers outdoor pools, spa treatments, free yoga and pilates under the shade of a luxurious garden. The hotel has its own tennis court, fitness room, aromatherapy jacuzzi, restaurant and rental equipment for diving, golf and tennis. Hotel guests can book a boat trip or a bicycle tour. There is a kids club for small guests. The hotel is suitable for family holiday.

Tombolo Talasso Resort

Preu mínim / dia: 170 €

Rand tumeda liivaga ja õrna sisenemisega, kohati võib leida väikesi kive. Vee läbipaistvus on minimaalne, kuid seal pole prahti ja vetikaid. Rand on lai, puidust lamamistoolide, päikesevarjude ja telkidega. Rannas on restoran ja joogatunde peetakse iga päev.


Hotelli ümbritsevad oliivi- ja männipuud, mis koos kaunite basseinidega loovad ainulaadse mugavuse ja luksuse atmosfääri. See pakub külalistele tasuta tervisekeskust ja talassoteraapiakeskust, mis asub koobasgrotis. Külalised saavad veeta aega ka mereveega basseinides, vannides, solaariumis ja saunas. Seal on bassein ja mängutuba, kus lastele näidatakse multikaid. Spaas on lastele eraldi programm. Restoranis serveeritakse Toscana kööki, kus kasutatakse talutooteid.

Grand Hotel Elba International

Preu mínim / dia: 93 €

Most of the time the beach is in the shade of the cliff. The water is clean, the entry to the water only from a stone pontoon. The bottom is rocky. The water is calm, because the bay is closed on three sides.


The hotel is located on a hill, so the magnificent view of Nareno bay opens from all sides. The rooms are spacious, with new furniture, each has a set of cosmetic accessories. The territory is large, with two pools and a wellness center where you can visit sauna, spa lounge and book a massage. There is a fitness room, a golf course and a tennis court for sports enthusiasts. The hotel has the opportunity to go diving, horse riding, windsurfing or fishing. Canoe rental is free for boat trips to the bay. From the hotel to the beach, one goes down in a panoramic elevator. The hotel is suitable for family and romantic holiday.

Valoració dels millors hotels de platja de la Toscana

Descobriu Tuscany's Finest : la vostra guia definitiva d' hotels de luxe amb platges privades . Exploreu les nostres millors opcions:

  • Retiros exclusius al costat del mar
  • Triats a mà per a l'elegància i la comoditat

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