Velikan Gulf Beach beach

The road from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to the Cape Giant is about 100 km. Its beginning is asphalt and primer, the second half can not overcome without a good SUV: passages, washaways, mud. On the logging road, tourists pass the azure coast of the Sea of Okhotsk with many gorgeous sandy beaches.

Descripció de la platja

The Cape was nicknamed the Giant, apparently in mockery of its size, it is quite small. But an increasing number of people are eager to visit its relief beauty. About 2 km of the shore decorated with rocks contain quaint stone arches, one next to the other. The first stands on three pillars. Another has Gothic outlines, which looks like a portal. From Cape Ptichiy to the Cape Giant sea waves “tuned” a lot of grottoes, pillars and caves. Rocks of cosy bays covered with an impenetrable taiga, and colonies of birds nest on standing in the sea stone giants.

The most daring experience the refreshing waters of the Sea of Okhotsk, bask in the sun and fishing. Others are catching the famous Sakhalin delicacy (sea urchins). A little further from the tourist sites you can find mushrooms or ... bears. So you should be careful. Take with you repellents. Local botfly burns strongly. The best shots are at dawn or sunset. The best parking places should be occupied from Friday. Wild places are becoming more and more inhabited. The smoke from the neighbor's barbecue will bring, then someone's bride, just descended from the helicopter, makes a photo shoot on the rocks.

When is the best time to go?

Parim aeg Kaug -Ida rannikul lõõgastumiseks on juuli ja august. Sel ajal saavutab vee ja õhu temperatuur maksimaalse taseme: maismaal umbes + 20 ° C ja ookeanis veidi madalamal. Suvi Primoryes on üsna lühike ja udune, eriti lõunapoolsetes piirkondades - seal on niiskus palju suurem, mis aitab kaasa ka mugavale puhkusele.

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5 lloc a la classificació Sahhalin
Valora el material 79 m'agrada
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