Es Grau beach

Es Grau beach is one of the best beaches in sunny Menorca, located 9.5 km from the capital of the island of Mahon.

Descripció de la platja

The beach is sandy. The coastline is 590 m long and 35 m wide. The area is surrounded by sand dunes and pine groves. Attendance is average, at different times of the year the influx of tourists is moderate. The beach is located between Cape de Fra Bernat and sa Cudia. From the coast you can see the island of Illa d’en Colom, 44 meters above sea level, which protects the resort from winds and high waves.

The bottom is smooth, the slope is sandy, the water in the Mediterranean Sea is clean and calm. The resort is located in the bay, which consists of two parts: Platja des Grau and Cala des Grau. The resort will like families with children to relax. The infrastructure is well developed; there are:

  • restaurants,
  • hotels,
  • shops,
  • bars and clubs,
  • amusement parks,
  • zoo,
  • water park.

Many people on the island are engaged in horseback riding; festivals often host horse shows and festivals. For example, Fiesta de San Joan is a festival festival held on the island in June. This is the feast of John the Baptist with a virtual demonstration of riding skills. Another Equine Fiesta Equestrian Festival is held in late August.

When is it better to go

Rannahooaeg Hispaania rannikul langeb ajavahemikku maist oktoobrini. Vee- ja õhutemperatuur saavutab kõige mugavama taseme, tagades seeläbi turistidele täiusliku puhkuse.

Vídeo: Platja Es Grau

El temps a Es Grau

Els millors hotels de Es Grau

Tots els hotels de Es Grau

La platja participa en les valoracions:

91 lloc a la classificació Euroopa
Valora el material 114 m'agrada
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