Akyarlar beach

Akyarlar is a fishing village in the past and a popular tourist destination today. The resort is located in the southwest of the Bodrum Peninsula, 21 km from its centre.

Descripció de la platja

The beach has a crescent shape and occupies 1.5 km. It attracts holidaymakers with its soft sands, crystal clear waters and picturesque coastal scenery. From the hills surrounding the beach, you can see several islands in the sea.

shoaliness near the coast and warm sea has to rest with children. From time to time, winds raiding the coast make Akyarlar one of the best surfing spots on the peninsula. Fishing and boat trips are also popular with active visitors. Adherents of cultural tourism are invited to see the sights of Bodrum, the ruins of the ancient city of Termere and the lighthouse built in the last century on Hussein Cape.

Beach infrastructure includes many hotels and resorts to suit every taste. In numerous bars and restaurants, guests are treated to signature Mediterranean cuisine.

When is it better to go

Mugav aeg reisimiseks Türgi mereäärsetesse kuurortidesse - on juulist septembrini. Õhutemperatuur tõuseb sel perioodil + 40 ° C, vesi soojeneb kuni + 30 ° C. Siiski peate olema valmis tohutuks turistide sissevooluks.

Vídeo: Platja Akyarlar

El temps a Akyarlar

Els millors hotels de Akyarlar

Tots els hotels de Akyarlar
Sentido Bellazure
valoració 8.8
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Charm Beach Hotel
valoració 6.6
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Xanadu Island
valoració 10
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La platja participa en les valoracions:

15 lloc a la classificació Türgi 2 lloc a la classificació Bodrum 8 lloc a la classificació Türgi parimad liivarannad
Valora el material 94 m'agrada
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