Stokes Bay beach

Stokes Bay is a beach in the bay of the same name, surrounded by piles of boulders, on the north coast of Kangaroo Island. You can get to the beach by ferry from Cape Jervis or by taxi from the airport of Kangaroo island serving the domestic lines.

Descripció de la platja

A small sandy beach is covered with fine white sand. The entrance to the water is gentle, and the bottom is sandy and stony. The waters in the bay are calm but cool - about +18°C. The beach is not crowded. It is mostly inhabited by Australians from different parts of the country and a few tourists. Stokes Bay has toilets, showers and restaurants. It is a great place for swimming, snorkeling, diving and scuba diving, but it is desirable to bring wetsuits. It is comfortable to rest with children. In the forest around the beach you can see possums, koalas, parrots.

Not far from Stokes Bay, there are National Parks of the Kangaroo Island, known for their rich flora and fauna. Kangaroos of different species, sizes and colors, as well as many other animals, birds and reptiles are often found on the island.

When is it better to go

Austraalia kõige aktiivsem ujumishooaeg kestab detsembrist veebruarini. Sel suvel soojeneb mandriosa lõunalaiustel kuni 25–30 ° C, kohati kuni 40 ° C. Talvel (juunist augustini) jahutatakse õhk temperatuurini 11 ° C. Maid ja septembrit peetakse parimateks rannakuudeks, kus on pilvitu taevas ja mitte liiga aktiivne päike.

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