Coolangatta beach

Coolangatta is a quiet suburb of Queensland, famous for its laid-back beach culture. Since the end of the 19th century, its sandy and windproof beach has become a popular holiday destination. The calm clear waters of Coolangatta Beach attract lovers of sea bathing, fishing and diving.

Descripció de la platja

Hotels located on the ocean beach, cafes, clubs, stores, and restaurants are waiting for their guests. The beach is patrolled by rescuers during the entire year, from 8 AM to 5 PM. Excellent sideways allow enjoying relaxing promenades along the beach.

Calm sea on Kulangatta beach is safe for children. However, at waves higher than 1 m, strong currents and deep depressions can appear that can be managed with only by surfing professionals. So the smartest option is to swim in patrolled areas and as far as possible from the coastal 30-m high Greenmount mountain located in the north part of the beach area.

there are shadowy children's playgrounds in the Rainbow Bay. Two surfing centers provide wave gliding lessons and rent aqualungs for underwater explorers. In the local dive center, you can order boat tours to the sea reservation “Cook Islands”. Whale watching tours are held from May to October.

When is it better to go

Austraalia kõige aktiivsem ujumishooaeg kestab detsembrist veebruarini. Sel suvel soojeneb mandriosa lõunalaiustel kuni 25–30 ° C, kohati kuni 40 ° C. Talvel (juunist augustini) jahutatakse õhk temperatuurini 11 ° C. Maid ja septembrit peetakse parimateks rannakuudeks, kus on pilvitu taevas ja mitte liiga aktiivne päike.

Vídeo: Platja Coolangatta

El temps a Coolangatta

Els millors hotels de Coolangatta

Tots els hotels de Coolangatta
Points North Apartments
valoració 9
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The Pink Hotel Coolangatta
valoració 8.7
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The Garland at Rainbow Bay
valoració 9.3
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La platja participa en les valoracions:

25 lloc a la classificació Austraalia 7 lloc a la classificació Queensland
Valora el material 106 m'agrada
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