Umbrella Mountain beach

Gunung Payung Beach is one of the hidden spots on the south coast of Bali. The beach got its name from a Balinese Hindu temple complex with the same name (Pura Dhang Kahyangan Gunung Payung), which is located high on a cliff above the beach. Gunung Payung is located about 30 km south of Denpasar in the village of Kutuh. The path to the beach is quite complicated, to go down to the ocean, you need to overcome about 400 steps down a steep flight of stairs.

Descripció de la platja

The blue water, the green of the trees on the rocks, the warm yellow sand and the heady aroma of the ocean create an amazing sense of calm and tranquility on Gunung Payung. Entry into the water is very gentle and shallow even at high tide. The bottom is sandy with small stones that can be clearly seen in the crystal clear water, so walking barefoot along the ocean is completely safe.

There is no infrastructure on this beach, so it is better to bring drinking water and food with you. You can hide from the sun in caves located in the rocks along the coast. Gunung Payung is not very popular, therefore it is mostly deserted. Despite the complexity of the route, families with children often visit the beach, and the clear waters allow diving and snorkeling. By the way, another interesting fact about this beach: deep green spots in clear waters are growing algae, which is cultivated by local farmers.

When is it better to go?

Õhutemperatuur aastaringselt erineb vähe ja püsib + 28-30 kraadi piires. Õhtul ja öösel on veidi jahedam, kuid termomeeter langeb harva alla +23 kraadi. Vee temperatuur on samuti stabiilne. Vihmaperioodi (kuud detsembrist märtsini) vältimiseks on parem külastada riiki maist augustini.

Vídeo: Platja Umbrella Mountain

El temps a Umbrella Mountain

Els millors hotels de Umbrella Mountain

Tots els hotels de Umbrella Mountain
The Asmara Nusa Dua
valoració 8.5
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Pandawa Cliff Edge Ocean View Banyu Biru Villa
valoració 10
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La platja participa en les valoracions:

31 lloc a la classificació Indoneesia 15 lloc a la classificació Bali
Valora el material 104 m'agrada
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