Els millors hotels de Boracay

Els millors hotels de Boracay amb platja privada

Boracay, una petita part del paradís, no és la capital sinó una de les joies de la corona de Filipines. El seu oceà càlid, sorra blanca prístina, palmeres balancejants, fruites exòtiques, un servei d'alt nivell i una gran quantitat d'entreteniment atrauen més d'un quart de milió de turistes d'arreu del món. Aquí, cada visitant pot descobrir el seu passatemps ideal: ja sigui el busseig, el golf, el surf o gaudir d'un refugi de spa. L'emoció en aquesta illa és infinita; mai us trobareu sucumbir a l'avorriment. La platja de Boracay ofereix un ambient únic, un ritme de vida propi: matins plens d'activitats aquàtiques i vespres que cobren vida amb chiringuitos i passejos tranquils. La vida aquí està en perpetu moviment.

Potser el principal repte d'aquesta escapada idíl·lica és triar l'hotel adequat. Les opcions són abundants: hotels que inclouen bungalows tradicionals, hotels contemporanis, viles de luxe, cases de platja, apartaments i habitacions. Us presentem els millors hotels de l'illa:

Shangri-La's Boracay Resort and Spa

Preu mínim / dia: 296 €

Sandy (the first line), located in a private place, surrounded by a hillside. The passage in the water to the deep water is smooth, the water is always well warmed up, clean and clear.


A good hotel for active and good rest. The hotel area itself is not very large, but well-kept with beautiful exotic plants, sun terrace and opportunities to have a barbecue in the fresh air. On the beach, guests are provided with various water activities: diving, snorkelling, jet skiing, beach volleyball, in addition, there is an excellent golf course outside the hotel. In the evening the hotel has live music, children's animation, mini-disco. On the territory there is a tennis court, aerobics, various types of health and spa treatments, massage. The food is various, a wide selection of seafood, local fruits and vegetables.

Movenpick Resort & Spa Boracay

Preu mínim / dia: 127 €

Private, sandy, very clean with a smooth passage to the deep water. The shallow water is large enough, the water is warm and clear.


Great hotel for families. Due to its location in Punta Bunga Bay, guests can enjoy ocean views throughout their stay. The territory is large, well-kept with exotic plants and flowers, with its own garden and sun terrace. Guests are offered an outdoor pool with warm water, various types of spa, massage and wellness treatments. Free shuttle is available to and from D 'Mall Boracay. The hotel has seven restaurants with different cuisines: Italian, Japanese, international, local, here the barista brews the most delicious Filipino coffee. There is no animation program at the hotel.

Under the Stars Luxury Apartment

Preu mínim / dia: 298 €

Valge liiv, privaatne territoorium. Ookeani sisenemine on lihtne, nii et vesi on alati soe.


Ideaalne hotell peredele. Piirkond on suur koos oma aia, päikeseterrassi ja spetsiaalselt varustatud grillimisalaga. Seal on mitu basseini (suur välibassein, panoraamvaatega katusebassein), erinevaid spaa-, massaaži- ja terviseprotseduure. Hotellil on oma privaatne eraldatud rand. Hotelli toit on mitmekesine ja ulatuslik, sealhulgas taimetoite. Seal on laste mängunurk, lapsehoidja (vajadusel). Animatsioon hotellis ei ole esindatud, külalised valivad meelelahutuse nende seast, mida hotellis pakutakse: tenniseväljak, võrkpall, golf, lauatennis, veespordialad. Kõikides tubades on hea helikindlus, mis võimaldab külalistel lõõgastuda.

Crimson Resort and Spa Boracay

Preu mínim / dia: 178 €

Valge liiv, väga puhas. Läbipääs vees on sile, ilma kukkumisteta, vesi on selge, mis võimaldab maskiga sukelduda ja veealust maailma avastada.


Ideaalne hotell puhkamiseks. See pakub tohutul hulgal meelelahutust: nii hotellis kui ka väljaspool: kalapüük, sukeldumine, kulinaarsed meistriklassid, palju erinevaid spaahooldusi ja massaažid täielikuks lõõgastumiseks. Kohapeal on mitu basseini, sealhulgas panoraamvaade ookeanile ja privaatne päikeseterrass. Toitlustatakse kolmes hotellis, kus serveeritakse erinevat tüüpi kööki: Jaapani, India, Korea, Ladina -Ameerika, Rootsi lauas pakutakse erinevaid roogasid ja värskeid mereande. Hotell pakub erinevaid animatsiooniprogramme, diskosid ja õhtuseid etendusi.

Henann Crystal Sands Resort

Preu mínim / dia: 0 €

Sandy (a private territory), located not so far from the Bolabog Beach. A sufficiently large area of the shallow water makes this beach a great place to relax with children. The water is always clean and clear, there are no waves.


The hotel is suitable for families with children and middle-aged people, for youth there is not much entertainment on site. The hotel area is not large, well-kept with its own garden. There are several pools, including a panoramic one with ocean views. The hotel has no animation programs and noisy discos, so it is ideal for a quiet and quiet holiday, relaxing contemplation. The food in the hotel is various, according to the "buffet service" system, a wide selection of seafood, various fruits, vegetables and local coffee is presented. The beach offers various water activities: diving, water skiing, jet skiing, beach volleyball.

Els millors hotels de Boracay amb platja privada

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