Spotts beach

Spotts is a small beach with a peaceful atmosphere, contrasting white sand and black coastal cliffs, clear aquamarine water, and a deep coral reef.

Descripció de la platja

As Spotts is facing south, it is an excellent place to observe sunrise. Facilities for vacationers include a gazebo with benches and barbecue and picnic tables.

Limited number of boats and crowds of tourists in the area contributes to the serene sailing and promising snorkeling. Spotts beach is the best place to spot sea turtles in the wild. But it should be remembered that strong currents form behind the reef. Inexperienced swimmers should not go beyond the coral barrier.

Spotts beach can be reached by car on Shamrock Road and by stopping in the Spotts Newlands area. The trip will take 10 minutes from South Sound, 15 minutes from George Town and half an hour from West Bay.

When is it better to go

Ajavahemikku novembrist aprillini peetakse Kaimanisaarte kõrghooajaks, kui on soe ja kuiv ilm, mis sobib ideaalselt rannapuhkuseks. Vihmane ja intensiivne kuumahooaeg langeb ajavahemikku maist oktoobrini.

Vídeo: Platja Spotts

El temps a Spotts

Els millors hotels de Spotts

Tots els hotels de Spotts
Spotts Beach Houses
valoració 8.5
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La platja participa en les valoracions:

9 lloc a la classificació Kaimani saared 7 lloc a la classificació Veliki Kajman
Valora el material 75 m'agrada
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