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Galapagos - untouched corner of diversity

Not so long ago even Turkey and Bulgaria were something exotic and inaccessible. Today, tourists visit almost all corners of the globe. But not for everyone, sandy or pebble beaches, the presence of shops and shops with souvenirs and other exotic things, and shocking dishes in local restaurants and cafes are important. Such people choose places similar to the Galapagos Islands for recreation. 

These islands are located in South America and belong to Ecuador. More precisely, they are located in the Pacific Ocean, about a thousand miles from the coast of Ecuador.

Here, for lovers of the exotic, various types of recreation are available. You can be taught how to canoe, cleanse your soul, with the help of the ayahuasca ritual. And that's just the flowers. You can bathe in a bath created by Mother Nature and heated by an active volcano. Spend time in the company of huge turtles, fur seals, flamingos, iguanas, and even Galapagos penguins. Galapagos Islands, there are as many as nineteen. And about 107 rocks.

It is best to travel by yacht, so you can explore most of the islands and visit the most interesting places. In principle, on every major island, you can easily rent a cabin on a yacht, or a whole yacht, and enjoy the beauties of this, without exaggeration, one of the most beautiful corners on the planet.

Be sure to visit not only the surface part of the archipelago, but also the underwater one. The local underwater world may surprise the most demanding diving enthusiast. The Galapagos Islands arose as a result of volcanic activity. And it left its mark on the underwater landscapes. There is hardly a person who will remain indifferent to the beauty of the underwater part of the Galapagos. 

On Santa Cruz Island, be sure to visit the tortoise sanctuary, because the local giant or elephant tortoises are worth it. Also on this island, there are many caves where you can climb and look for treasures or adventures. If you want to catch the flowering of the Galapagos vegetation, you should visit them, from January to March. 

True, these months are considered the hottest, but it is at this time that you can see the blooming of the rarest flowers on earth. But in order to see the fauna of these islands as much as possible, it is better to come from July to September. The most widely spoken languages ​​in the Galápagos are Spanish and the ancient Inca language, Quechua.