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Five unusual beaches in the world

- I don't want an empty beach. I love the drive, the party, more people!
- Tired of crowds of people in the city. I wish the sea, sand - and no one.
- There are no sun loungers, umbrellas, nowhere to buy mineral water and food, what is the best beach ...
- Vacationers got tired, I want to be alone (alone, together with a loved one).

With such requirements, to name the best beaches in the world is almost unrealistic. Let's talk about some unusual beaches.

Cape Verde, Boa Vista. This is in West Africa. There's nothing to be done, it's far away, but this will not stop lovers of unity with nature. 18 kilometers of the purest sand, magnificent surf (it is better to swim only for excellent swimmers), the almost complete absence of civilization.

Those wishing to visit the heavenly place should hurry up - soon several hotels will appear here, and the originality of the place will be irreparably violated. In the meantime, it is an almost deserted beach 200 meters wide.

Where land and water meet, tiny crabs fuss and live their serious lives. You can’t buy water on this beach, you can’t sit under an umbrella, you can’t lie on a sun lounger. There is only sea, sand and people.

Cayo Coco, Cuba. Island with white sandy shores, azure expanse of the ocean.

The total length of the beaches is more than 20 km, so you can always choose a corner of the coast where you can hang out or stay alone with nature.

The island's hotels operate on an all-inclusive basis, and the level of service is very decent.

Maho, Saint Martin. A beach for those who like to "pull the tiger by the mustache." Thrill seekers will get a lot of adrenaline and crazy selfies.

The fact is that the beach is located on the smallest island, which was divided by two states. On the part belonging to the Netherlands, fit the airport (one of the most dangerous in the world). Aircraft taking off or landing hover 10-20 m above their heads.

The spectacle is not for the faint of heart, the sensations are too. Signs placed along the beach warn that the jet from the engines can be thrown into the sea or cripple. But the members of the beach "suicide club" are only spurred on.

The beaches of Vaadhoo island (Maldives). The highlight of the beaches is luminous plankton.

From dusk to early morning, anyone can enjoy the spectacle of the glowing sea. Any romantic will want to stay here forever.

Even those who are far from love for the beauties of nature will not remain indifferent. For divers, Male Atoll is a paradise and mecca.

And for beginners there is a diving school. Therefore, during the day the beauty of the underwater world, and at night the "sea of ​​stars" will be yours.

Pink beach of Harbor Island (Florida). Holidays on the island can be interrupted by photographers from all over the world who dream of capturing unique views.

And you can also forget about the beauty, having met Hollywood celebrities here. Pink sand, turquoise sea, blue sky - it's like heaven.

The color of the sand is given by corals ground by the sea and red plankton. Get unforgettable impressions.