North Island beach

North Island is the most exclusive representative of Seychelles, covers an area of only 2 km². However, plentiness of its natural treasures - from pristine beaches and incredible coral reefs to lush forests and majestic peaks - is amazing.

Descripció de la platja

The miniature island of North has become one of the centers of world eco-tourism, it is visited by many celebrities. The eco-resort created on the island offers visitors 11 villas, each of which has a spacious garden terrace and a mini-pool. It offers a gym, spa complex, library, bar, restaurant, boutique, dive center and main pool.

The unique concept of cuisine is based on the use of natural products and taking into account the preferences of each guest. Four pristine beaches with soft white sand serve for sunbathing and sea adventures: East, West, Honeymoon Bay and Dive Beach.

The choice of vacationers' activities is wide and varied - from hiking or cycling along forest paths to scuba diving, kayaking, fishing expeditions and romantic sunset yacht cruises.

When is better to go

Seišellide saarestik asub subekvatoriaalses kliimavöötmes, mida iseloomustab stabiilne päikesepaisteline ilm vähese sademetega, ilma tsükloniteta ning järskude muutustega päeva- ja hooajalistes temperatuurides. Ekvaatorile iseloomulikku kuumust kahandab India ookean. Õhutemperatuur on vahemikus + 27-33 ° C.

  • Detsembrist aprillini domineerivad Kirde -mussoonid Seišellidel. See on üsna kuum ja niiske, tugevate vihmasadudega. Õhutemperatuur jõuab maksimumini. Vesi ookeanis soojeneb kuni + 30 ° C.
  • Juunist oktoobrini on saared kagu -mussooni haardes. Niiskus väheneb märgatavalt, temperatuur on + 27-29 ° C.
  • Parim aeg ujumiseks, sukeldumiseks, snorgeldamiseks on oktoober ja november, samuti ajavahemik veebruarist maini.
  • Surfamiseks ja purjetamiseks on soovitatav teele asuda oktoobrist märtsini.

Vídeo: Platja North Island

El temps a North Island

Els millors hotels de North Island

Tots els hotels de North Island
North Island a Luxury Collection Resort Seychelles
valoració 10
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North Island a Luxury Collection Resort Seychelles
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La platja participa en les valoracions:

11 lloc a la classificació Najbolje svjetske plaže za milijunaše: TOP-30
Valora el material 94 m'agrada
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