Igoda beach

Igoda is a stretch of the beautiful beach of the Indian Ocean. It is in 15 km away from East London, near the village of Winterstrand.

Descripció de la platja

Igoda beach is a wide strip of white sand that borders the ocean and green hills. A feature of this beach is the proximity of the mouth of the river. You can swim on Igoda in the ocean or in fresh water. The beach is great for swimming, fishing, sports and picnics.

This place is often chosen by families with small children, as well as those who are looking for opportunities to relax in nature in solitude. There are no leisure equipment or any services on the beach. There is parking near the beach. The nearest shops and cafes are in Winterstrand

When is it better to go

Parim aeg rannapuhkuseks ja ujumiseks Lõuna -Aafrika rannikul on madalhooajal - novembrist märtsini. Veetemperatuur India ookeanis tõuseb + 23-25 ° C-ni, Atlandi ookeanis- + 18-20 ° C-ni. Õhutemperatuur ulatub + 30 ° C -ni, kuid värske ookeani tuul paneb end mugavalt tundma.

Vídeo: Platja Igoda

El temps a Igoda

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