Nahoon beach

Nahoon Beach is often called one of the best not only in the East London area, but throughout the country. The unique wildlife here is combined with various opportunities for an interesting and comfortable stay.

Descripció de la platja

Nahoon beach is just in a 15-minute drive from East London, but it is very easy to feel united with nature here. A long crescent of golden sand, surrounded by green hills, smoothly descends to the waves.

In the north of the beach there is a lagoon, which is created by the ocean and the Nahun River flowing into it. In the river you can swim and fish. Waves are always big in the ocean, the beach is very popular among surfers.

There are changing rooms on the beach, but no restaurants or eateries. Rescuers are constantly on duty here. Nahoon beach has a surf center. There is free parking at the beach entrance. The hotel Blue Lagoon Hotel is located right on the beach, other variants can be found in East London.

When is it better to go

Parim aeg rannapuhkuseks ja ujumiseks Lõuna -Aafrika rannikul on madalhooajal - novembrist märtsini. Veetemperatuur India ookeanis tõuseb + 23-25 ° C-ni, Atlandi ookeanis- + 18-20 ° C-ni. Õhutemperatuur ulatub + 30 ° C -ni, kuid värske ookeani tuul paneb end mugavalt tundma.

Vídeo: Platja Nahoon

El temps a Nahoon

Els millors hotels de Nahoon

Tots els hotels de Nahoon
Palmieros Bed and Breakfast East London
valoració 10
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Busa Guest House
valoració 10
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Loerie Hide
valoració 8.9
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La platja participa en les valoracions:

7 lloc a la classificació Lõuna-Aafrika
Valora el material 90 m'agrada
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