Els millors hotels de Cannes

TOP 5: Classificació dels millors hotels de Cannes

Canes no és només la ciutat més coneguda de França, gràcies al seu il·lustre festival internacional de cinema, sinó que també és un dels millors llocs per passar unes vacances. Apartaments i hotels de luxe, residències exclusives, botigues de renom i restaurants de disseny voregen la impressionant costa mediterrània. Les platges daurades i el mar cristal·lí, emmarcats per turons majestuosos, fan de Canes una destinació excepcional per a unes vacances.

Hotel Barriere Le Majestic Cannes

Preu mínim / dia: 226 €

A place by the sea, as in a hotel, tourists receive by prior reservation. This is especially true during the festival. Own sandy paid beach with paid sunbeds and umbrellas is in the first line. It is divided in two by a pontoon. Hotel Barriere employees will take you to the lounger, provide with towels and tell you where to drink and eat. Behind you is the Croisette, in front of you there is a blue surface with yachts dissecting it.


The hotel is located in a ritzy place, and it offers an equally ritzy rest, starting from check-in, ending with breakfasts and chic beds in the rooms. There is practically nothing to complain about, the service is at its best, and personnel is very attentive to all the wishes of the clients. When leaving the hotel you find yourself in the thick of things.

Palace of festivals and congresses, many shops, restaurants, boutiques, beach clubs. Celebrities appear not only in season, they just walk along the corridors of the hotel. Breakfast is all you want, plus champagne and fruits, famous French pastries.

Hotel Barriere will be the perfect place for business travelers, inquisitive tourists, romantic couples or families with children at any time of the year.

InterContinental Carlton Cannes

Preu mínim / dia: 181 €

InterContinental erarand, kuhu sissepääs on tasuline, asub sõna otseses mõttes üle promenaadi. Külalised puhkavad aiaga piiratud alal, kus on lamamistoolid ja päikesevarjud, külastavad restorani ja kasutavad muuli. Pärast lõõgastavat päeva saate jalutada mööda Croisette'i, nautida suurepäraseid jahte, vaateid lahele või linna ikoonilistele kohtadele.


Hotelli peamised omadused on aristokraatia ja auväärsus. Sõbralik personal on tundlik külaliste vähimate soovide suhtes. Restoranis on alati meeldiv õhkkond, läbimõeldud menüü, šikkad magustoidud.

Luksusliku atmosfääri toetab avarate mugavate tubade sisustus, mille kappidesse saab kõik kohvrid hästi peita. Voodite mugavus aitab kaasa lõõgastumisele koos kaaluta padjade ja udusulgedega. Restorani veranda on üks linna atmosfäärilisemaid, tubade akendest avaneb kaunis vaade. Hotellil on oma puhkeala, esimesel korrusel on kauplused.

Külalised lahkuvad hotellist uskumatult meeldiva muljega suurepärasest hommikusöögist terrassil, ajaloolisest kaunistusest, vaadetest Cannes'i kesklinnale, vapustavatest õhtutest.

Hotel Martinez Cannes

Preu mínim / dia: 178 €

Martinez is located in the first line, the hotel’s not very large private beach stretches right across the promenade. Soft clean sand, magnificent sea with the water transparent and clear. Guests pay for the use of sun loungers and umbrellas. There are showers, towels, a left-luggage office. Nearby there are lots of restaurants, in the evenings it is quite noisy.


The atmosphere of luxury inherent in this recently renovated hotel contributes to a good rest. The service is fast, rooms are spacious, there is everything a traveler needs. Comfortable beds contribute to a good night's sleep. In the mornings, tourists are met with a gourmet breakfast with fruits, cheeses, amazingly smelling pastries.

Everything in Martinez works for those who value quality and comfort. There is Croisette near, where it is nice to stroll in the evening after the beach. There is the very center of the city, many interesting shops and chic restaurants here.

The hotel is aimed at customers visiting Cannes for business, cultural purposes. It will be very comfortable here for young couples who decide to spend some unforgettable days.

Grand Hotel Cannes

Preu mínim / dia: 102 €

Grand Hoteli erarand on vaid 140 meetri kaugusel. Lisaks promenaadile eraldab neid uhke haljasala muruplatside, lillepeenarde, vaatetornidega, mida on mõnus vaadata hommikusöögi ajal. Liivarand on hästi varustatud ja siseneb õrnalt selgesse vette, seal on pontoon.


Eelkõige vedas hotell ja selle külalised oma asukohaga. Korruste kõrguselt avaneb kaunis vaade lahele ja promenaadile. Siin on suurepärane teenindus, abivalmis personal. Pakutav hommikusöök on kiiduväärt: kõigile meeldib suur valik juustu, marju.

Originaalne disain, mugav nagu kodus. Stiilsed toad on varustatud kaasaegsete ergonoomiliste voodite ja tugitoolidega, vajaliku tehnikaga, puhtusega kõikjal. Oluline on, et külastajatele oleks olemas seif, sussid ja hommikumantel, parkla. Personal on abivalmis ja viisakas.

Keskus on jalgsi kergesti ligipääsetav. Paljud kuulsad vaatamisväärsused on käeulatuses. Läheduses asuvad parimad restoranid, poed ja kasiinod. Imeline looduslik atmosfäär algab aprillis. Siin veedetakse kõige unustamatumad lõõgastuspäevad.

Croisette Beach Cannes-MGallery Hotel by Sofitel

Preu mínim / dia: 94 €

Without even leaving 200 m from the hotel and the Croisette, tourists get to their own hotel beach. It is one of the most beautiful beaches in Cannes and is available at a special rate. In addition to the beach, guests have access to a heated pool and sun loungers. The service here is great. There are many beach clubs nearby.


The hotel attracts with modern fashionable design, spacious rooms, excellent location. Although the place is quiet, the shopping area is within walking distance, there are many interesting cafes and restaurants, excellent views of the promenade.

The hotel staff is friendly, attentive to everyone, the rooms are well cleaned. Most of the guests like a fairly substantial breakfast, comfortable lobby. The front desk is always open, there is parking. At guests' disposal there is a conference room, gym, and garden for relaxation. Smokers are not welcome here and all conditions are created for people with limited mobility.

For those who would like to spend their holidays in the heart of Cannes, Croisette Beach hotel is a wonderful place. Tourists find here amazing shopping, brilliant boutiques, restaurants with delicious food.

TOP 5: Classificació dels millors hotels de Cannes

Descobriu estades de primer nivell a Canes amb la nostra selecció seleccionada. Experimenta el luxe i troba el teu refugi ideal al costat del mar.

  • Hotels a primera línia de platja de Canes qualificats per experts
  • Confort i elegància inigualables

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