Els millors hotels de Porto-Vecchio

Valoració dels millors hotels de Porto-Vecchio

Porto Vecchio, una serena ciutat portuària enclavada en suaus turons adjacents a la vora del mar Tirrè, adorna l'illa de Còrsega amb la seva presència. A Porto Vecchio, la bellesa abunda: des de l'esplendor escènica del seu entorn natural fins a les majestuoses vistes del mar maragda verge. La ciutat compta amb hotels de luxe davant de la platja i restaurants exquisits, complementats amb les vistes distintives que encarnen l'essència de França.

La Cuve

Preu mínim / dia: 138 €

The beach is snow-white, clean, covered with soft sand. Entry into the water is smooth, the bottom is mostly soft. The local coast is ideal for families with children.


Romantic hotel with panoramic windows overlooking the sea and the lagoon. It is located 400 meters from the port and a 20-minute walk from the old town. There are cafes, bars and shops nearby.

The rooms are large, cozy, with designer renovations in the loft style. Inside there is a full kitchen, powerful air conditioning, widescreen TV and art objects. Wi-Fi is free, it covers the entire territory of the hotel.

Within a radius of 5 km there are 3 beaches, a diving club, a cocktail bar, several boutiques and a casino.

La Cuve can not be called a hotel on the 1st line with its own beach. But young couples who want to relax in a quiet and beautiful place overlooking the sea will definitely like it.

Residence Hoteliere Alcyon

Preu mínim / dia: 87 €

Rand on pikk, lai ja ilus. Liiv on pehme, vesi puhas, päike paistab 330 päeva aastas. Siin on ideaalsed tingimused ujumiseks ja päevitamiseks.


Äriklassi hotell asub kesklinnast jalutuskäigu kaugusel. Seda iseloomustavad madalad hinnad, tubade hea helikindlus ja möbleeritud terrassi olemasolu igas toas.

Majutusruumides on mugavad voodid, lai valik mööblit, võimas konditsioneer, külmkapid, nõudepesumasinad ja lameekraaniga televiisorid. Hotelli ümbritsevad maalilised villad ja tihedad puud. Külalisi majutatakse siia koos oma lemmikloomadega, kuid suitsetamine on keelatud (välja arvatud spetsiaalselt selleks ettenähtud kohad).

Hotellis on sohvabaar, kus on lai valik jooke ja suupisteid. Lähedal on mitu odavat kohvikut ja tõeliselt moodne restoran.

Tähtis: Residence Hoteliere Alcyon ei ole esimese rea hotell, millel on oma rand. See sobib turistidele, kellele meeldib jalutada või isikliku autoga reisida.

Cala di Sogno - Residence de Charme

Preu mínim / dia: 121 €

This beach is of small size but very beautiful. The sand is soft, the water is clear, the air is clean. Waves are practically absent, you can freely walk barefoot along the shore.


The family hotel offers beautiful views, a flower courtyard garden and free parking. The territory is well-groomed, the repair is fresh, the windows offer a beautiful view of the bay.

Cala di Sogno - Residence de Charme with its own beach has a lounge bar, gym, a relatively large pool. Its rooms are equipped with safes, wide-screen televisions, refrigerators, dishwashers, kitchenettes with coffee makers. Spacious rooms, modern furniture, designer renovations and stunningly beautiful balconies await you.

The staff speaks English, German, French and Italian. It helps in organizing walking tours, finding restaurants or cafes, solving any problems.

The hotel has a laundry room, a tennis court, a lounge bar, a small shop and an entertainment center. In the evenings, concerts and other entertainment events are organized here.

Cala di Sogno - Residence de Charme is an ideal base for exploring Porto Vecchio.

Residence Dolce Vita de Palombaggia

Preu mínim / dia: 135 €

Rand on puhas, mugav ja rahvarohke. Leiate pehmet liiva, sooja vett, palju päikest. Lained ja teravad sügavuspiisad praktiliselt puuduvad.


Võluv hotell Porto Vecchio ja Palombaggia ranna vahel. Selle siseterritooriumil on mitu soojendusega basseini, laudtee, lamamistoolid, vihmavarjud, baar. Ülejäänud sisehoov on korralik muruplats, lopsakad puud, jalgrajad ja kunstiinstallatsioonid.

Hommikusööki serveeritakse basseinide ääres. Turiste toidetakse mitut tüüpi munapudru, peekoni, juustude, saiakeste, köögiviljade ja puuviljadega. Toidu kogus ja kvaliteet on hämmastav (selle sõna heas mõttes).

Hotellis on sohvabaar, massaažikeskus, pesumaja, kohvik. Külalised saavad kasutada lapsehoidmisteenust, anda triikimiseks riideid, registreerida end loomadega, tellida šampanjat otse keldrist.

Kohalikud toad on suured, puhtad ja kaasaegsed. Mööbel ja tehnika säravad uudsusega, vannitoad on 100% heas korras. Toad on helikindlad ning neis on seif, konditsioneer, köök koos kõige vajalikuga, einestamisnurk ja suured telerid.

Residence Dolce Vita de Palombaggia on näide sellest, milline peaks välja nägema eesliinil asuv hotell oma rannaga Korsikal.

Hotel Costa Salina

Preu mínim / dia: 80 €

The beach is long, wide, with tourist infrastructure. The sand is soft and white, the sea is warm and clear, the waves and the wind do not interfere with relaxation.


A classic hotel with sea views, surrounded by cafes, shops and restaurants. The beaches of Palombaggia and Santa Giulia are a 5-minute drive away, and the picturesque town of Bonifacio is a little further.

All rooms have furnished balconies. Guests can count on soft beds, safes, mini-bars, flat and wide televisions.

Hotel Costa Salina with its own beach is a party place with discos, concerts, evening entertainment. During the day, guests relax by the pool, sunbathe in the solarium, bask in the jacuzzi or explore the beauties of the city.

There is a laundry and ironing center, conference rooms for business meetings, a car rental service and luggage storage.

Breakfast is served in buffet style. Lunch and dinner are available at the nearby restaurants.

Hotel Costa Salina is ideal for corporate events, youth holidays or a romantic getaway. But for couples there may be too noisy.

Valoració dels millors hotels de Porto-Vecchio

Descobriu els allotjaments de primer nivell amb la nostra llista seleccionada dels millors hotels a Porto-Vecchio . Assegureu-vos una estada memorable:

  • Equipaments exquisits
  • Ubicacions privilegiades
  • El luxe s'uneix a la comoditat

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