Logaras beach

Logaras is a well-organized beach marked with the Blue Flag of the European Union. It is located near the resort village of the same name, in the southeastern part of the island, 2 km from the village of Piso Levadi and 17.5 km south of the capital - the city of Parikia. The beach is very popular with couples and young people who come here to sunbathe, swim, enjoy water skiing and jet skiing, play beach volleyball, go scuba diving and other sports.

Descripció de la platja

Logaras beach area is a long site, around 350 m; it is covered with light fine sand. The water entry on the beach is smooth, with gradual depth increase. The beach territory is equipped with umbrellas and sling chairs. Moreover, Logaras has the rescue service, restaurants, lounges. In its north part, the beach is adjacent to rock formations which, in combination with crowded sea bottom, opens wide possibilities for diving.

To get to Logaras, you can use public transport, car, taxi, motorcycle, or bicycle. While planning to spend several days on the beach, visitors can put up for the night in one of numerous hotels or apartments located near Logaras.

When is the best time to go?

Grčka - zemlja dugačke dužine od sjevera do juga, pa će se preporuke razlikovati ovisno o mjestu u koje idete. Sezona godišnjih odmora počinje u maju, a vrhunac dostiže u julu-avgustu: ima previše turista, a temperatura na južnim ostrvima dostiže 40 stepeni, što možda još uvijek ne igra ulogu na plaži, ali svakako nije pogodno za razgledavanje. Dakle, najbolje vrijeme za opuštanje u Grčkoj je kraj proljeća-početak ljeta ili septembar-oktobar.

Vídeo: Platja Logaras

El temps a Logaras

Els millors hotels de Logaras

Tots els hotels de Logaras
Summer Senses Luxury Resort
valoració 9.2
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Tzane Apartments
valoració 9.5
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La platja participa en les valoracions:

8 lloc a la classificació Paros
Valora el material 26 m'agrada
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