Swimming pool beach

The beach is located in a picturesque bay 15 km from the city of Tinos. You can get to him by bus, heading to Kalloni, which in the summer stops at Kolimbitra twice a day. Alternatively, you can take a bus to Komi, and then walk 4 km to the beach.

Descripció de la platja

Kolimpitra is divided into two parts:

  • the small beach is equipped with all the required facilities, it has a snack cafe, and recreation rooms;
  • the large beach is more of a wild kind, it will suit thos e who dream of relaxed swimming away from the noisy crowd.

Nearby, a picturesqu lake reservation is situated. Another beach highlight is the magnificent view of Drakoinisi island opening from theshore.

Both beaches have the smooth sloping water entry and sand bottom. the beach itself is rocky, with sand sites here and there. In spite of the fact that the beach is reliably protected from the wind, it still has waves. But they do not reach the shore. So, both active sports fans (the beach has good conditions for surfing) and tourists who enjoy relaxed and safe swimming in shallow waters will enjoy this place. The beach is rather crowded, but mainly, its smaller part with the developed infrastructure.

When is the best time to go?

Grčka - zemlja dugačke dužine od sjevera do juga, pa će se preporuke razlikovati ovisno o mjestu u koje idete. Sezona godišnjih odmora počinje u maju, a vrhunac dostiže u julu-avgustu: ima previše turista, a temperatura na južnim ostrvima dostiže 40 stepeni, što možda još uvijek ne igra ulogu na plaži, ali svakako nije pogodno za razgledavanje. Dakle, najbolje vrijeme za opuštanje u Grčkoj je kraj proljeća-početak ljeta ili septembar-oktobar.

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La platja participa en les valoracions:

2 lloc a la classificació Tinos
Valora el material 60 m'agrada
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