Lama Monachile beach

Lama Monachile (official name is Cala Porto) is a small public beach in Polignano a Mare, located near the historical center of the city. Enclosed between two rocky walls, the beach is the most photogenic place on the coast of Puglia. Lama Monachile holds the Blue Flag and serves as an example of beach quality, and since 2008, the Red Bull Cliff Diving competition arena.

Descripció de la platja

The high cliffs surrounding the beach, as well as the pebbled surface, protect it from the scorching sun. The amazing transparency of the water allows you to see each pebble at the bottom. Lama Monachile is easily accessible, equipped with beach equipment rental points, parking lots, shops, cafes and restaurants are nearby. Polignano a Mare is an ideal place for cultural relaxation and exploring the Italian lifestyle.

Walking distance from the train station to Lama Monachile can be in 12-15 minutes. You need to walk to Piazza Giuseppe Verdi and find the stairs leading to the beach. It is located at the Lama-Monachile bridge, which not only gave Cala Porto a second name, but is also considered the best viewing platform in the city.

When is it better to go

Kliima poolest on Itaalia külastamiseks kõige soodsam periood maist oktoobrini. Õhu- ja veetemperatuur muutub ideaalseks klassikaliseks rannapuhkuseks, millele järgneb reis Itaalia rannikule. Siiski tuleb meeles pidada, et pikk suvi kõrvetava päikese, sooja mere ja mõnusa meretuulega meelitab kohale rahvahulki.

Vídeo: Platja Lama Monachile

El temps a Lama Monachile

Els millors hotels de Lama Monachile

Tots els hotels de Lama Monachile
Dimora dei Pellegrini 8
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Vilu Suite Polignano a Mare
valoració 9.2
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La platja participa en les valoracions:

30 lloc a la classificació Euroopa 11 lloc a la classificació Itaalia 1 lloc a la classificació Apulija 1 lloc a la classificació Bari
Valora el material 94 m'agrada
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