Els millors hotels de Capri

TOP 5: Els millors hotels de Capri

Capri té un ambient únic que captiva viatgers d'arreu del món amb la seva naturalesa increïblement pintoresca. Majestuosos penya-segats s'alcen sobre les costes escarpades, emergint del mar blau. Elegants vil·les, cobertes de glicines i buganvíl·les, prenen el sol mediterrani. Les platges locals, enclavades entre les roques, són les joies de la corona d'aquesta illa idíl·lica. Exploreu la nostra llista seleccionada dels millors hotels al costat del mar a Capri: us guiarà cap al refugi acollidor perfecte per a la vostra escapada relaxant.

Luxury Villa Excelsior Parco

Preu mínim / dia: 217 €

A pebble beach with crystal clear emerald waters has a steep rocky shore; there are no big waves.


On the site of a luxury hotel, located a 10-minute walk from the beach, there was once an ancient Roman villa. Designers of the early 20th century gave it the features of modernity. Today's decor of the building successfully conveys the atmosphere of the past. Guests can relax in the garden with lemon trees, lampposts and luxurious white furniture. The rooftop terrace, equipped with a jacuzzi and bar, allows you to sunbathe and enjoy the sea views. The hotel has only 11 rooms, many of which are equipped with terraces and a jacuzzi. Other facilities include an al fresco lounge bar and an impressive variety of breakfasts, as well as catering, massage and transfer services on request.

Villa Marina Capri Hotel & Spa

Preu mínim / dia: 282 €

Rand on kivine ja ümbritsetud türkiissinise veega; rannik on kivine ja järsk; siit sõidavad laevareisid.


Spaahotell asub mäe otsas, rannast lühikese jalutuskäigu kaugusel. Hooldatud hekid ja palmipuude all õõtsuvad võrkkiiged loovad hotelli aias romantilise õhkkonna. Stiilselt sisustatud toad on varustatud moodsa privaatse vannitoaga. sviitides on mullivann. Merevaadet saab nautida paljudest kohtadest, sealhulgas välibasseinist ja väljas einestamisnurgast. Lisaks tasuta hommikusöögile pakub restoran maitsvat kohalikku kööki. Spaas on saun, hüdromassaažisüsteem, bassein ja jõusaal. Hotell pakub ka konverentsisaali 20 inimesele ja tasuta transporditeenust.

Relais Maresca

Preu mínim / dia: 101 €

Pebble beach is washed by dark turquoise water without strong waves; the coastal edge is rocky, with steep cliffs descending to the sea.


The boutique hotel is housed in a three-story mansion of the 19th century. Located near the port, it is easily accessible for visitors who have just arrived on the island. Its guests can reach in a few minutes the beach and the funicular connecting the coast with the famous Piazzetta – the epicenter of the cultural life of the island. Some rooms have balconies with sea views. The open-air restaurant, decorated with a vineyard, serves a Mediterranean breakfast. The absence of a swimming pool at the hotel is partly offset by the presence of a solarium overlooking the bay and a cozy lounge with a bar, mini-library and TV.

Hotel Weber Ambassador

Preu mínim / dia: 79 €

Rand on tuule eest kaitstud puhta kaljuseinaga ja kaetud väikeste kivikestega; rahulik ja soe türkiissinine vesi.


Selle pereettevõtte tunnuseks on selle fenomenaalne asukoht, mis on ehitatud kaljusse, kust avanevad hingematvad vaated merele ja Faraglioni saarele. Paljud avarad ja puhtad toad on varustatud tohutute panoraamterrassidega. Kohapeal on 3 välibasseini, sealhulgas lastebassein (täiskasvanute basseinidel on mullivann), klaveribaar fuajees, spordikeskus ja einestamisnurk koos väliruumiga. Hotellist viib mugav trepp randa. Kesklinna jõudmiseks on saadaval transporditeenus.

Hotel Palatium Mari

Preu mínim / dia: 73 €

Pebble beach with dark is bounded by emerald waters; there are no strong waves; rocky shore with is recognizable by stone ledges.


The Art Nouveau hotel is located in a quiet location, a few steps from the sea. The nearby funicular and bus stop provide quick access to local attractions. The 17 spacious rooms are spectacularly decorated in red or blue. The hotel provides concierge and babysitting services, a shuttle service to the ferry and airport. In addition to the piano bar, drinks are served in public areas. A large outdoor area with a swimming pool and a solarium is an ideal place for organizing private events.

TOP 5: Els millors hotels de Capri

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