Els millors hotels de Siracusa

TOP 5 dels millors hotels de Siracusa

Siracusa, una de les ciutats més conegudes i freqüentades de Sicília, atrau els viatgers amb la seva combinació única de l'antiga herència grega i romana. La ciutat alberga nombroses meravelles arquitectòniques antigues, salvaguardades per la UNESCO. La majoria dels hotels estan ben situats al centre de la ciutat, amb fàcil accés a les principals atraccions. Atendre les necessitats dels exploradors que passen els seus dies de viatge, molts establiments funcionen en règim de "Bed & Breakfast", oferint un lloc acollidor per descansar després d'un dia d'aventura.

Hotel Villamare

Preu mínim / dia: 74 €

The exclusive Villamare Boutique Hotel is few steps from Fontane Bianche Beach. This place is caressed by the sun as if it was created in order to see off the sunsets and meet the sunrises with a glass of dry white wine. At the same time, if you do not swim well, it is better not to risk entering the sea from this shore: it is rocky, with serious depth and an uneven bottom.


Enjoy the best Sicilian hospitality in the bathing resort, located near Syracuse and Noto. Rooms of the hotel Villamare is decorated in various colors and upholstered with fabrics. Each of the rooms has a warm and pleasant atmosphere of this elegant villa. The fragrant and luxurious garden around and the pool create the perfect picture for breakfast, during which you can enjoy traditional Sicilian and organic products. In terms of amenities, all rooms and public areas of the hotel have access to Wi-Fi. If you do not ant to go to the beach, and decide to spend the day at the hotel, you will also have something to do: go to the spa or sauna, take a walk in the garden, swim in the pool. The hotel also has a bar and restaurant where you can relax in the evening and meet some new friends. If you want to explore the surroundings, the hotel organizes an excursion, provides rental car or shuttle services.

Valle di Mare Country Resort

Preu mínim / dia: 89 €

Valle di Mare Country Resort on erarannaga hotell, mis asub hotellist 6-minutilise jalutuskäigu kaugusel. Fontane Bianche on rand, kus selle hotelli külalised puhkavad, see on kivine, ilma liivata, ebaühtlase põhja ja üsna tõsise sügavusega esimestest meetritest. Seetõttu pole see lastele kõige mugavam ja turvalisem lõõgastuskoht, kuid see on suurepärane neile, kes hindavad puhast ja selget vett otse rannajoonel.


Loodusest ümbritsetud oliivipuude ja Tsagarada lahe aroomi vahel on see ideaalne lõõgastumiseks, kus päike, õhk, värvid ja lõhnad ühinevad vaikuse harmoonias. Kuid külalisi rõõmustab mitte ainult ümbritseva piirkonna imeline ilu-selle neljatärnihotelli infrastruktuur on väga arenenud ja kvaliteetne. Restoran, konverentsiruum, bassein, SPA keskus, ööklubi, suur aed - siin leiavad oma koha mis tahes kategooria puhkajad, olenemata vanusest ja elustiilist. Kõik toad on konditsioneeri ja satelliittelevisiooniga. Kõik toad asuvad esimesel korrusel ja neil on terrass. Hotell asub mõne kilomeetri kaugusel Vendicari looduskaitsealast ja Plemmirio merekaitsealast.

Nicolaus Club Fontane Bianche

Preu mínim / dia: 104 €

Despite the fact that almost all the beaches around Syracuse are rocky, there are several sandy ones among them. One of them is Fontane Bianche Beach. It is true, the sand here is not the same as we used to see at beach resorts: it is yellow and soft like powder, but gray and with large grains of sand, since it is a product of rock decay. And yet, for families with children near Syracuse this is already something, since the rest of the beaches are not at all suitable for swimming with kids. Here is a shallow water entrance, so swimming off the coast is safe.


Nicolaus Club Fontane Bianche is a hotel on the first line with a private beach more than 1 km long, with direct access to the sea and convenient location. It is 15 km from Syracuse and the beautiful Ortygia with its Greek Roman beauty and the capital of the Sicilian baroque Noto. The hotel is ideal for a romantic or family vacation. It also has rooms for people with disabilities. Structurally, the hotel consists of two zones: one is the main building, where the classic rooms are located, and the second is a complex of rooms in the garden. They can additionally put a bed or a bunk bed for children under 14 years old in the rooms. This hotel is nothing but a place of nature and well-being for those who choose a healthy lifestyle and proper diet. A buffet breakfast is served here, which includes crisp breads, soy or rice milk, natural honey, organic confectionery, cereals, flax seeds, centrifuged fruits and vegetables. Here you can also order baby food, including for babies (formula, bottles, milk).

White Bay

Preu mínim / dia: 106 €

White Bay hotell oma rannaga tutvustab teile tõelist kuurordi muinasjuttu. Esiteks asub see uskumatult ilusal valge liiva kaldal, mida pesevad sinised lained ja kust avanevad maalilised vaated ümbruskonnale. Teiseks on see rand kuulus paljude mageveeallikate poolest. Kolmandaks, rand ise on mugav ujumiseks, sealhulgas väikelastele. See harmooniline kombinatsioon valgest rannast ja kristallselgest merest loob tõelise loodusliku paradiisi, millest hoolimata ei puudu ka teenused ja meelelahutus.


Whitebay Spa on tõeline puhta ilu oaas, mis on pühendatud ainult isiklikule hooldusele. SPA -teenused, mullivann, massaaž ja muud iluprotseduurid annavad täieliku lõõgastuse mitte ainult kehale, vaid ka hingele. Köögi osas pakutakse restoranis, pitsabaaris või sohvabaaris traditsioonilist Sitsiilia toitu ja veini. Viimane asub suurepärasel terrassil, kust avaneb vaade merele - siin veedetud veiniklaasiga veedetud õhtu annab teile kindlasti unustamatuid hetki.

Hotel Bulla Regia

Preu mínim / dia: 69 €

A beachfront hotel with a private beach, Bulla Regia is within walking distance of Fontane Bianche, close to the cathedral, the temple and the church. Guests can walk to the sandy beach in a few minutes. During peak seasons, it is often crowded, as it is the most convenient beach for children to swim in the area.


Use the satellite TV, a cupboard and a bay window offered by Bulla Regia. The "feature" of the room is its design with tiled floors and elegant furniture. The rooms also have satellite TV, Wi-Fi, and in the common areas of the hotel guests have access to a library, swimming pool, sun deck. A buffet breakfast is served daily. Guests are also welcome in the hotel bar and relax with a drink. Ristorante Valle di Mare Resort is a 5-minute walk away. If you are tired of both the beach and the hotel, go walking or cycling in the area. You can be sure that you will spend quality time, having received a lot of impressions and strengthening your muscles.

TOP 5 dels millors hotels de Siracusa

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