Els millors hotels de Taormina

TOP 10: Classificació dels millors hotels de Taormina

Taormina, una pintoresca ciutat dalt d'un turó situada a l'est de Sicília, atrau els viatgers amb el seu encant únic. Els visitants queden captivats pel volcà actiu proper, l'Etna, que ofereix rutes de senderisme aventureres enmig del seu paisatge majestuós. Situats al costat del mar, els hotels compten amb platges extenses on es pot prendre el sol, complementades amb vistes impressionants dels penya-segats alts coronats de fullatge verd.

Belmond Grand Hotel Timeo

Preu mínim / dia: 325 €

The nearest beaches to the hotel are Villagonia and Isola Bella, located on both sides of the picturesque rocky cape, which stands far out in the sea. Pebble beaches are equipped with sunbeds, umbrellas, toilets and changing rooms, plus, there are coastal eateries and water activities. The sea is quiet and transparent of amazing azure color, the entrance to the water is convenient, the depth is growing gradually.


Belmond Grand Hotel Timeo is the very first hotel in Taormina, it was built back in 1873. Since then, the building has been rebuilt and reconstructed several times, but has not lost its unique charm to this day. The hotel complex is located on a hill with amazing views of the coast and Mount Etna. The hotel has no direct access to the sea, a free shuttle service is organized to the beaches. Upon request, guests can stay in the main four-story building or in Villa Flora, located a few meters from it. All rooms are modern and clean, equipped with balconies and private bathrooms, satellite TV and free internet. The hotel is surrounded by a luxurious park, terraces descending to the sea, nearby there is an ancient amphitheater. It features an outdoor pool, spa, fitness center and a colonial-style restaurant. Breakfast is served in the main building, there is also a children's playroom and library. Guests can visit the hammam and Finnish bath, use the massage services, and organize a romantic dinner in the room or on the terrace. Kids can be left under the supervision of a nanny, older children are entertained by animators.

VOI Grand Hotel Mazzaro Sea Palace

Preu mínim / dia: 209 €

Hotelli erarand asub maalilises lahes. Rand on liivane. Merele sisenemine on mugav, vesi on selge. Rannas on tasuta lamamistoolid, päikesevarjud, rätikud ja kelneriteenus.


Hotell Grand asub suurepäraste vaadetega mäel, Taormina peamiste vaatamisväärsuste lähedal. Hotellil on privaatne merevaatega bassein, spaa, kus pakutakse erinevaid massaaže ja terviseprotseduure. Hotell on hiljuti renoveeritud. Avarad ja mugavad toad on rõduga. Mõnes toas on mullivann. Hotelli restoran on kuulus oma maitsva hommikusöögi, maitsva Itaalia köögi, peene kohvi ja elava muusika poolest. Hotellil on katuseterrass ja vabaõhubaar. Hotell korraldab giidiga ekskursioone Sitsiilias ja Etna mäel.

NH Collection Taormina

Preu mínim / dia: 126 €

Hotelli lähimad rannad on Isola Bella ja Mazzaro, mõlemad on kiviklibud, seega peaksite hoolitsema spetsiaalsete kummikingade eest. Rannad on üsna rahvarohked, eriti kõrghooajal, on parem broneerida hotellis vihmavarjud ja lamamistoolid (tasuline teenus).


Uus disainhotell asub Taormina ajaloolises keskuses, linna peamiste vaatamisväärsuste lähedal. Panoraamvaatega rõdud ja avarad terrassid pakuvad hingematvaid vaateid lahele ja Etna mäele. Territooriumil on lõpmatuse välibassein, kaasaegne spaakeskus, jõusaal, laste- ja spordiväljakud. Katusel on hubane restoran, kus serveeritakse Vahemere ja traditsioonilisi Sitsiilia toite. Basseini lähedal on baar ja teelaud, kus saate kuulata elavat muusikat. Tasuta transporti korraldatakse lähimate randade juurde; saate ka köisraudteega merele minna, nautides silmale avanevaid vaateid.

Hotel El Jebel

Preu mínim / dia: 193 €

The closest to the hotel is Villagonia beach that is clean, comfortable and not as crowded as Isola Bella and Mazzaro. The coast is covered with medium-sized pebbles, the entrance to the sea is convenient and safe. On the beach there is a lifeguard surveillance, umbrellas, sun loungers and a small restaurant with relatively low prices.


The boutique hotel is located in a historic building, which is a historical monument of Taormina. The building was built in the style of Italian Gothic and fits perfectly into the local landscape. Nearby are the Ciampoli Palace and the main city cathedral, and the panoramic balconies and open verandas of the hotel offer stunning views of the coast and Mount Etna. It offers luxurious rooms of class "lux" equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay. There is a bar with a winter garden on the roof, where in the summer season you can have a good time and organize an unforgettable photo shoot. Gourmets will surely appreciate the quality and range of dishes offered by the local restaurant, the vegans and healthy lifestyle followers will not be left without attention, for which a special menu is provided.

In their spare time, guests can relax and unwind in the spa, which includes a hammam, emotional shower, various types of massage and beauty treatments. The complex has a modern gym around the clock, and there is a games room for children.

Hotel Metropole Taormina

Preu mínim / dia: 288 €

Rand on avar, kivikestega, lamamistoolide ja päikesevarjudega. See asub maalilise Villagonia lahe keskel, mis oli sajandeid tagasi mugav parkla Kreeka, Rooma ja Hispaania laevadele. Lahe meri on peaaegu alati rahulik ja vaikne, vesi on selge, inimesi on vähem kui Taormina lõunarandades.


Klass "lux" luksushotell asub vanas 17. sajandi mõisas ajaloolises kesklinnas. Lähedal on keskväljak ja iidne kellatorn - Taormina visiitkaart. Pärast ulatuslikku restaureerimist ei kaotanud hoone mitte ainult keskaegset võlu, vaid hakkas ka uute värvidega särama. Massiivne marmoritrepp ja värvitud laed koos kaasaegsete sisustuselementidega loovad unikaalse luksuse ja mugavuse atmosfääri, mida ideaalselt täiendab fantastiline vaade rõdudelt ja panoraamterrassidelt. Hotelli Metropole Taormina täiendavaks esiletõstmiseks on lõpmatuse bassein, mis sulandub visuaalselt mere ja taevaga. Samuti väärib märkimist personali kõrgeim teenindusaste ja abivalmis suhtumine, samuti suurepärane restoranide kvaliteet kohalikus restoranis ja erinevad menüüd.

Casa Turchetti

Preu mínim / dia: 126 €

Paradise Beach is a private beach club with pool and shady olive garden. It offers umbrellas, sun loungers, showers and changing rooms, there is an excellent restaurant and a bar with soft and alcoholic drinks. During the day, you can swim in the pool, participate in recreational activities and sports, there is a special playground for children.


A small, cozy, family-run bed and breakfast is located in an old 18th-century mansion that used to belong to the monastic order "Opera Pia". After the Second World War, the building housed a music school in which the maestro Turchetti, famous throughout Sicily, taught. The hotel is located in the historic center of the old city, five minutes away is Belvedere Square, the cathedral and the ruins of Naumakhi. All rooms are decorated in medieval Sicilian style, marble floors, wooden furniture and expensive natural textiles emphasize the old atmosphere. On the roof there is a panoramic terrace with magnificent views of the city and the coast. Great breakfasts prepared by the hostess of the hotel are served here. By the way, the caring attitude of the owners is felt in every detail. Rooms and common areas are decorated with compositions of fresh flowers, linen is perfectly clean and fragrant, and homemade cakes and desserts are simply beyond praise. The hotel provides a free shuttle service to Paradise Beach, a private beach club, a twenty-minute drive from the city center.

Hotel Villa Carlotta

Preu mínim / dia: 144 €

La Caravella Private Beach Club asub Isola Bella ranna kõrval, kuid mitte nii lärmakas ja rahvarohke. Väikese tasu eest saavad külastajad kasutada lamamistoole, vihmavarje, riietusruume ja dušše kogu päeva. Kohapeal on baar, restoran ja tasuta internetiühendus.


Luksuslik butiikhotell asub vanas mõisas, mis ehitati XVIII sajandil kohalike aristokraatide perekonnale. Rõdud ja väliterrassid pakuvad suurepäraseid panoraamvaateid merele, Isola Bella saarele ja Etna mäele. Territoorium on ümbritsetud roheluse ja lilledega, seal on bassein, restoran, mänguväljak ja privaatne parkla. Lähedal on väike hubane park, kesklinna - 10 minutit jalgsi. Toad on puhtad ja avarad, varustatud kõige mugavaks viibimiseks vajaliku jaoks. Restoran pakub laias valikus traditsioonilisi Sitsiilia roogasid, eriti saiakesi ja magustoite! Hotell pakub tasuta transporditeenust La Caravella rannaklubisse. Need, kes soovivad teistes randades päevitada, saavad kasutada köisraudteed, mille jaam asub saja meetri kaugusel väravast.

Hotel Villa Ducale

Preu mínim / dia: 138 €

The closest beach club to the hotel is Puertorico Beach, a free shuttle service is available and guests of Hotel Villa Ducale receive a 10% discount. The beach is pebble, cozy and relatively sparsely populated, equipped with sunbeds, umbrellas, locker rooms and showers. A light breeze helps to transfer heat more easily, nearby is a source with sulfuric thermal water. You can have something to eat in a small restaurant right on the beach, there is a children's menu, a large selection of desserts and ice cream.


The cozy boutique hotel Hotel Villa Ducale is located on a hill, which offers one of the best panoramic views of the coast of Taormina and Mount Etna. The modern, spacious rooms are decorated by professional designers of Studio Arena, all equipped with balconies and private bathrooms, satellite TV and free internet. When checking in, guests are greeted with a glass of wine or champagne, during the day light Italian snacks, sweets and fruits are offered. The quality of the dishes in the restaurant is excellent, they are all made from natural farm products according to traditional Sicilian recipes. The hotel provides a free shuttle service to the city center and the beach. You can go down to the sea by funicular, to its nearest station – no more than five minutes on foot.

Hotel Sirius Taormina

Preu mínim / dia: 100 €

Hotellile lähim rand on Isola Bella, võib -olla Taormina kõige populaarsem rand. See on kivine, üsna avar, kuid alati rahvarohke. Seda ümbritsevad maalilised kaljud, mille lähedal saate maskiga sukelduda või ujuda. Ranna vastas on pisike samanimeline saar, mis on osa looduskaitsealast. Sellele pääseb läbi kitsa kanna, sissepääs on tasuline.


Hotell Sirius on vaid 5-minutilise jalutuskäigu kaugusel Taormina ajaloolisest keskusest ja 200 meetri kaugusel köisraudteest, mis viib Mazzaro lahe ja Isola Bella ranna juurde. Viiekorruseline hoone ehitati 1972. aastal, kapitaalremont viidi läbi 2005. aastal. See pakub avaraid kaasaegseid panoraamvaatega rõduga tube, katuseterrassi ja lopsaka aiaga ümbritsetud suurt välibasseini. Territooriumil on baar ja gurmeerestoran, raamatukogu, mänguväljak, jõusaal. Hotell pakub majutust lemmikloomadega, tasuta transporditeenust kahte rannaklubisse.

Hotel Villa Paradiso Taormina

Preu mínim / dia: 68 €

The beach is spacious, pebble, equipped with sunbeds, umbrellas, showers and toilets. There is a swimming pool and a shady park area with garden furniture and tables. For a snack, guests can check the restaurant and bar, which serves excellent desserts and famous Italian ice cream.


The hotel is housed in a beautiful, carefully restored 18th-century building located in the center of the Old Town. It offers spacious, comfortable rooms, furnished with antique furniture and decorated with original decor elements, many of which are real works of art. On the walls of the hall and the restaurant you can see authentic paintings of the famous Spanish painter Joan Miro, luxurious chandeliers and lamps of the famous Venetian glass deserve special attention. The hotel has a 24-hour bar Ginger and a gourmet restaurant, Settimo Cielo. If you wish, you can organize a romantic candlelight dinner on the terrace or in the garden by the pool, there is an additional list of services for honeymooners. In summer, the hotel offers a free shuttle service to Paradise Beach Club, which provides guests of Hotel Villa Paradiso with substantial discounts. A tennis court, a library and a children's playroom are open year-round; bicycles and sports equipment can be rented for an additional fee.

TOP 10: Classificació dels millors hotels de Taormina

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