Najbolji hoteli u Sorentu

Ocjena najboljih hotela u Sorrentu

Sorrento je jedno od najpopularnijih ljetovališta u Italiji, a nalazi se samo 50 km od Napulja. Pejzaž visokih stjenovitih planina i mirno smaragdno more nadahnjuje mnoge umjetnike da stvore svjetska remek -djela književnosti. Plaže Sorenta prekrivene su finim zlatnim pijeskom. Na ovoj stranici saznajte više o hotelima u Sorentu pored mora.

Parco dei Principi Sorrento

Preu mínim / dia: 110 €

Featuring a private beach, Hotel Parco dei Principi Sorrento has a rich and eventful history. Initially, it was built as a summer residence for the rest of Nicholas II, but now anyone can order a room in the monarch's residence. Hotel guests have direct access through several tunnels to a private beach, which literally bites into the rock. The rocky surface of the beach is ideal for sunbathing, and the proximity to the crystal clear water creates amazing conditions for by-the-water time.


Parco dei Principi Sorrento is surrounded by a garden with rare botanical specimens. Also on its territory there is a salt water pool designed by Gio Ponti, and the Gio Ponti restaurant, designed in such a way that from any point it opens up an immense prospect for water open spaces. In the summer months, the Poggio Siracusa restaurant is open on the beach terrace, which, due to its location, is ideal for tasting seafood dishes accompanied by the sound of waves.

Hotel Spicy

Preu mínim / dia: 48 €

Sorrento kivine rand on tipphetk, mis muudab rannapuhkuse selles kohas eriliseks ja iseloomulikuks. 1. rannajoone hotell oma rannaga sellel rannikul pole kaugeltki "ainus", kuid kui otsite midagi ekstra, pöörake tähelepanu hotellile Spicy.


Siin on iga asi "vürtsikas" selle sõna tõelises tähenduses: valitud lounge -muusika, mis kostub hotelli territooriumi igast nurgast, restorani Spicy toidud, mis ühendavad harmooniliselt Vahemere traditsioonid ja uued rahvusvahelised kulinaarsed suundumused professionaalselt valitud personal ja kaasaegse disaini ja varustusega toad. Isegi Sorrento oma mälestusmärkide ja romantilise atmosfääriga tunduvad selle hotelli külalised kuidagi lõbusamad, ebatavalisemad ja ... vürtsikamad!

Palazzo Montefusco

Preu mínim / dia: 122 €

Those who travel to Sorrento should accept the fact that in the immediate vicinity there is not a single sandy beach with a gentle entrance to the water. Since this is a city on a cliff, the beaches here are the same: rocky, small, with a sharp beginning of depth. But this is all the charm of Sorrento, a city on the rocks, it will make your beach holiday not as usual, but bright and memorable for its Italian flavor.


Sorrento will offer you sun, sea, art, culture and wine-gastronomy. And Palazzo Montefusco Relais, in turn, is relaxation, comfort and a unique welcome. This is a luxury hotel on the first line with its own beach, as well as elegant and refined rooms and suites, where everything is thought out to the smallest detail to give guests an unforgettable experience. It is within walking distance of the city's popular attractions. Despite the fact that it is located in a busy shopping area, absolute silence reigns in its rooms thanks to high-quality soundproofing.

Hotel Antiche Mura

Preu mínim / dia: 79 €

Hotell Antiche Mura oma rannaga Sorrentos on üks populaarsemaid puhkajate seas: mugav laskumine merele, enam -vähem vaba maa -ala mere ääres (me ei saa seda rannaks nimetada, sest ei näe siin laia liivariba) ja suhteliselt vähe inimesi.


Hotellis on ühendatud keerukas ja elegantne traditsiooniline sisekujundus ning mugavus ja uuenduslik tehnoloogia. Teenuse kvaliteet võib rahuldada ka kõige nõudlikumaid kliente. 52 ilusat tuba on jagatud kahe-, kolme-, perekondlikeks ja ühendavateks. Hotell asub Sorrento kesklinnas arenenud infrastruktuuriga piirkonnas - jalutuskäigu kaugusel on transpordipeatused, kauplused, apteegid, sularahaautomaadid, kohvikud ja restoranid. Administratsioon pakub pulmade korraldamist koos banketisaali, fotograafide ja meelelahutajatega. Hotellil on suur bassein, nii et kui te ei soovi alla randa minna, võite ujuda mõne meetri kaugusel oma toast.

Palazzo Marziale

Preu mínim / dia: 94 €

You can feel the true warmth and stunning beauty of the southern coast of Italy if you choose the Palazzo Marziale hotel with its own beach. Although its shore with a beach of stone and sharp depths does not suppose a family holiday with small children, it’s as if it was created for romantic picnics to the music of sunset and the accompaniment of white dry wine.


Palazzo Marziale is an elegant boutique hotel in the heart of Sorrento. This 15th-century palace has been the seat of the Savarese family for centuries. High-quality restoration has allowed to maintain the spirit of the times and give modern comfort to the interior decoration of the rooms. Enjoy the sophisticated charm of rare antiques combined with modern design details, the cozy atmosphere of a historic family residence and the stunning location in the historic center of Sorrento overlooking the gardens of Piazza San Francesco.

Grand Hotel La Favorita

Preu mínim / dia: 160 €

Kui soovite supelda Napoli lahe õrnates lainetes, kust avaneb vaade Vesuuvi mäele, valige Grand Hotel La Favorita tuba, millel on oma rand ja mugav juurdepääs merele. Nagu kõik teised naabruses asuvad rannad, mis asuvad kividel, on see kivine rand seal, kus pole liiva ja õrn laskumine merre. Ole parem valmis. Te ei saa lastega mugavalt lõõgastuda, kuid see on ideaalne koht, kus veeta oma kallimaga päikeseloojangut allkirja Limonchella all, mis on siin valmistatud kohalikest sidrunitest.


Grand Hotel La Favorita on viietärnihotell, mis avati hiljuti Sorrento kesklinnas ja mida ümbritseb kaunis Vahemere aed. See asub ajaloolises kesklinnas, lühikese jalutuskäigu kaugusel kaunitest terrassidest, kust avaneb vaade Napoli lahele ja Vesuuvi mäele. Hotellis on kõik, mida vajate nii lõõgastumiseks kui ka mugavaks tööks: avarad hubased kaasaegse tehnikaga sisustatud toad, konverentsiruum, bassein, ilusalong, baar ja restoran terrassil.

Ocjena najboljih hotela u Sorrentu

Najbolji hoteli u Sorentu . Fotografije, vrijeme, recenzije, vrijeme odlaska, opće preporuke.

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