Hufangalupe beach

Hufangalupe is a beach on Tongatapu Island, Tonga Kingdom.

Descripció de la platja

On the edge of the cliff is a beach where tourists swim at high tide. The coast and bottom are dotted with fine white sand. Because of the gentle slope during the low tide it's impossible to swim. Its windy here, high tides arise and break on the coastal rocks. The place is suitable as an intermediate part of a tourist trip, where they spend a couple of hours, swim, take photos and go further. It is difficult to find the beach – it is reached on foot on a dirt road 200 m.

Unusual natural bridge is located here. The sea rock was washed away by the ocean, the cave collapsed, and it turned out to be a kind of bridge with raging elements under it. According to the legend, the bridge was made by Maui. Now this place is a local attraction and people all over the world come here to see it. It is 42m high. Another territory's name is "The Palace Of The Dove." The bridge offers a panoramic view of the raging ocean, where you can see humpback whales on the horizon.

When is it better to go

Plaže arhipelaga Tonga imaju pretežno vlažnu tropsku klimu. Na sjevernim ostrvima nema oscilacija temperature, a na jugu su - unutar 5 stepeni. Februar - je najtopliji mesec, tokom dana temperatura raste do 30 - 32 stepena Celzijusa. Između jula i septembra je svežije. Kišna sezona traje od novembra do aprila. Moćni tropski cikloni razvijaju se u ovom trenutku na arhipelagu, vrijeme je olujno. Najbolje vrijeme za rekreaciju na plažama Tonga je period od maja do oktobra.

Vídeo: Platja Hufangalupe

El temps a Hufangalupe

Els millors hotels de Hufangalupe

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La platja participa en les valoracions:

9 lloc a la classificació Tonga
Valora el material 103 m'agrada
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