Coral Beach beach

If you like to soak in the soft white sand, dream in a hammock in the shade of coconut trees, swim and snorkel in the clear warm water, Coral Beach will definitely not disappoint you. This small calm beach (only 500 m long) is considered the best snorkeling place on the island.

Descripció de la platja

The underwater coral world of Coral Beach is replete with luminescent mollusks, exotic algae families, holothurians and a variety of fish. You can rent a kayak or jet ski to explore the neighboring bays and the island of Giam, located opposite Coral Beach. If you are fond of surfing, then find sufficient wave activity outside the beach - away from the coast. Walking around the beach at its northern end, you will come across a Chinese relic - the most beautiful temple of Lin Je Kong.

Beach cafes offer tourists delicious seafood, refreshing drinks and free sun loungers. You can watch mesmerizing sunsets every evening on the beach. No wonder picnics overnight at Coral Beach are so popular with islanders and tourists.

When is it better to go

Nema naglih promjena temperature na plažama Malezije i moguće je opustiti se na otocima tijekom cijele godine. Nema posebne sezone kiša i vjetrova, padavine se raspoređuju ovisno o mjesecu u godini i regiji zemlje.

Vídeo: Platja Coral Beach

El temps a Coral Beach

Els millors hotels de Coral Beach

Tots els hotels de Coral Beach
OYO 89646 Panvill Resort
valoració 8.8
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Pangkor Inn Chalet
valoració 5.1
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Hornbill Garden Resort
valoració 4.3
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Mostra més

La platja participa en les valoracions:

7 lloc a la classificació Malaysia 1 lloc a la classificació Pangkor
Valora el material 107 m'agrada
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