Princess Goddess Beach beach

Pantai-Puteri-Devi is a 3-kilometers beach of the western coast of the island of Pangkor, whose name translates as the Beach of the Princess in Love. A romantic legend about the young daughter of the king, who fell in love with a servant, is associated with him. Realizing the hopelessness of the situation, the pretty girl inconsolably shed tears on the seashore and once disappeared into it.

Descripció de la platja

The hotel staff of the Pangkor Island Beach Resort, to which Pantai Puteri Dewi belongs, tells this legend to its guests and does everything possible to make them feel royal. The beach is considered one of the safest and most picturesque in the world. The crescent-shaped Pantai Teluk Bay, in which it is located, is famous for its soft golden sand and emerald blue water.

Commercialization has not touched the pristine beauty of this corner of nature, surrounded by virgin forests and rocky ledges. The hotel staff maintains an ideal cleanliness and atmosphere of exclusivity. The coral ecosystem on the right side of the beach is developed enough to attract the attention of snorkeling veterans.

Fans of exotic fauna can watch smart monkeys and exquisite rhinoceros birds. For serious fishing, you should take a 40-minute boat trip to the group of uninhabited islands of Pulau Sembilan. Here you can count on a decent catch of anchovies and squid.

When is it better to go

Nema naglih promjena temperature na plažama Malezije i moguće je opustiti se na otocima tijekom cijele godine. Nema posebne sezone kiša i vjetrova, padavine se raspoređuju ovisno o mjesecu u godini i regiji zemlje.

Vídeo: Platja Princess Goddess Beach

El temps a Princess Goddess Beach

Els millors hotels de Princess Goddess Beach

Tots els hotels de Princess Goddess Beach
Pangkor Island Beach Resort
valoració 9.4
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Teluk Dalam Resort
valoració 5
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OYO 89646 Panvill Resort
valoració 8.8
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La platja participa en les valoracions:

5 lloc a la classificació Pangkor
Valora el material 57 m'agrada
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