Els millors hotels d'Aruba

TOP 5: Classificació dels millors hotels d'Aruba

Aruba és un paradís tropical vibrant, coneguda com una de les illes més pintoresques del Carib. Les seves platges compten amb trams de sorra blanca prístina acaronades per l'abraçada blava de les suaus onades del mar. L'illa és una destinació idíl·lica per a unes vacances a la platja, que ofereix excel·lents oportunitats per bussejar i pescar. Els hotels locals ofereixen un servei exemplar, assegurant una estada tan esplèndida com el paisatge. Utilitzeu la nostra classificació seleccionada dels millors hotels d'Aruba per seleccionar sense esforç l'allotjament que millor s'ajusti a les vostres preferències.

Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort

Preu mínim / dia: 298 €

A wide area of snow-white soft sand. The entrance to the water is gentle and safe, the depth is growing quite quickly. Sometimes there are waves and wind in the bay. There is a natural shadow from the trees and many parasols on the shore t.


A small, cozy hotel is located on incredibly picturesque coast. On the local beach you can not only sunbathe and swim, but also watch movie at nights and have candlelight dinner. Room service and service at the bar and restaurant (one of the most popular on the island) is at the highest level. Breakfast menu is rich buffet served in European and Caribbean traditions. A beautiful green area allows you to find many secluded corners for a relaxing holiday. One of such place is a large outdoor swimming pool. Guests who wish to work out can use the excellent fitness room. The local spa offers 10 types of massages, which can be enjoyed in the room or in the gazebo with ocean views. The hotel has no vacationers with children, so it has a calm and peaceful atmosphere everywhere. This option is popular with couples seeking romantic solitude in exotic luxury settings.

Amsterdam Manor Beach Resort

Preu mínim / dia: 130 €

Lai ja pikk lumivalge pehme liiva ala. Vettepääs on õrn ja ohutu, põhi samuti liivane. Puuduvad tugevad lained ja tuul.


Hotell on heledate kahekorruseliste villade kompleks, mis on kujundatud Amsterdami vanade häärberite stiilis. Piirkond on väike, kuid väga maaliline, kaunistatud parimate maastikukujundajatega. Villasid ümbritsevad troopilised puud, lilled, purskkaevud ja skulptuurid. Hotell pakub avaraid tube, kus on magamistuba, elutuba ja kööginurk. Kohalike kokkade andeid saate nautida mitte ainult stiilses restoranis, vaid ka õhtusöögi ajal rannas, kust avaneb vaade päikeseloojangule. Hotell sobib suurepäraselt lõõgastavaks ja eraldatud puhkuseks, kuid üks selle eeliseid on linna kaupluste, restoranide ja meelelahutuskeskuste lähedus, mis pakuvad erinevaid vaba aja veetmise võimalusi.

Marriott's Aruba Ocean Club

Preu mínim / dia: 388 €

A snow-white beach with a smooth entry into the water and a gradual increase in depth. The sea is calm.


Modern comfortable building with well-maintained area and its own beach. The large, cozy rooms are decorated in a classic style. There are several restaurants serving European cuisine with a Caribbean “note”. The hotel also has several theme bars, open both in the hotel building and on the beach. The local spacious fitness room with modern equipment allows you to keep fit in the resort. The hotel has excellent service, which is combined with a variety of opportunities for both relaxing and active leisure.

The Ritz-Carlton Aruba

Preu mínim / dia: 325 €

Pehme valge liiva ja selge merega rand. Puuduvad tugevad lained ja tuul. Rannikul on lõõgastumiseks palju lamamistooli, päikesevarju ja vaatetorni.


Stiilne klassikalise interjööriga hoone asub saare kaunil rannikul. Hästi hooldatud piirkond võimaldab teil õues lõõgastuda lillede ja troopiliste puude vahel. Siin saate ujuda suures välibasseinis. Hotellis on mitu restorani, kus serveeritakse maailma kööki. Siit leiate elegantse, ülemaailmse maine ja teenindustasemega kuurordi rahuliku õhkkonna.

Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino

Preu mínim / dia: 221 €

A wide, flat coast covered with soft white sand. A gentle entry into the water, the depth is increasing gradually, the sea is clean and very calm.


A large modern hotel offering a luxury vacation. Several buildings are located on a large area offering many opportunities for varied leisure activities. It offers elegant and comfortable rooms with large comfortable beds and spacious view balconies. Local restaurants are famous for their rich breakfasts, especially on Sundays - the menu on this day includes lobsters, oysters and royal shrimps. Daily guests are invited to take part in a variety of recreational and sports activities. In the evenings live music is played in the lobby and on the beach. The hotel is ideal for those who want to spend a holiday in an elegant setting with a rich relaxation program.

TOP 5: Classificació dels millors hotels d'Aruba

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