Els millors hotels de Curaçao

Valoració dels millors hotels a Curaçao

Curaçao, sovint aclamada com la "perla" de les Antilles Holandeses, gaudeix del sol del Carib, coneguda per la seva costa impressionant. Aquesta illa compta amb platges verges, mars cristal·lins i un servei excepcional, creant un entorn idíl·lic per a una sèrie d'activitats. Tant si us atreu la natació, el busseig o la pesca, Curaçao s'adapta a tothom. Els seus esculls de corall, entre els més exquisits del món, són el somni d'un bussejador. Per a aquells que busquen el seu propi paradís tropical, Curaçao és l'opció per excel·lència. La vibrant bellesa natural de l'illa es fon a la perfecció amb el seu estil exòtic local, creant una experiència de vacances inoblidable. Per ajudar-vos en la selecció d'allotjament, la nostra llista seleccionada dels millors hotels de Curaçao està al vostre servei.

Baoase Luxury Resort

Preu mínim / dia: 546 €

A cozy bay with an isolated lagoon, covered with light clean sand. Entry to the water is gentle, the bottom is sandy, there are no strong waves.


The hotel offers its guests lush green villas located right on the coast. Eco-style prevails in the design of rooms and common spaces, natural materials are used in interior design. The hotel has a villa with a private pool and beach. Showers and bathrooms in these luxurious bungalows are located outdoors. The on-site restaurant offers themed dinners, evening menus can be entirely devoted to Asian cuisine or barbecue. Excellent location in a secluded bay, professional service and unique interior rooms are landmarks of the hotel.

Scuba Lodge & Suites

Preu mínim / dia: 117 €

Platvorm on kaetud lahtise liivaga ning varustatud lamamistoolide ja päikesevarjudega. Ujumiseks on mugavad laskumised vette. Sügav vesi, kivine põhi.


Hollandi traditsioonilise arhitektuuri stiilis kaunistatud värvikate villade kompleks. Piirkonnas on hoolitsetud aed, kaks basseini (lõpmatus). Valgusküllased ja avarad toad on sisustatud koloniaalstiilis. Kohalikus restoranis pakutakse suurepärase kvaliteediga klassikalist Euroopa kööki; neljapäeviti on grillõhtu. Hotellil on oma sukeldumiskool ja sukeldumisvarustuse pood. Hotell sobib suurepäraselt mugavaks peatumiseks ja saare huvitavate objektide (sh veealuste) avastamiseks.

Renaissance Curacao Resort & Casino

Preu mínim / dia: 139 €

A wide strip of snow-white sand with a comfortable entry into the water and a natural shadow. There are no big waves and wind.


A stylish hotel with a private casino and a great beach is located on the coast, in a well-kept garden. It offers spacious and bright rooms, most of which have panoramic ocean views. There is a large infinity pool on the area, right on the coast. The hotel has a restaurant and Starbucks coffee house. One of the best options on the island for those ones who want to combine a quality beach holiday and other entertainment.

Kontiki Beach Resort

Preu mínim / dia: 200 €

Pehme heleda liivaga lai rand. Vette sisenemine on õrn, suured lained on haruldane asi.


See on hubane nurk troopilises paradiisis, mis on täis luksust. Hotell pakub keskkonnasõbralikke villasid. Piirkond on suur ja väga roheline, lõõgastavaks õues puhkamiseks on palju päris nurki. Suur restoran asub otse rannas, kus õhtuti toimuvad kontserdid. Hotell on suurepärane võimalus neile, kes koos hea teeninduse ja asukohaga suurepärase ranna lähedal otsivad saginast eraldatuse tunnet.

Avila Beach Hotel

Preu mínim / dia: 141 €

Secluded bay with light sand, completely protected from waves. The entry into the water is smooth, the sea is clean and transparent, there is a natural shadow. Equipped with sun loungers.


Modern hotel with its own wonderful beach and three types of rooms (colonial, bungalow, European). The area is green and well-kept, many flowers in the garden attract humming birds. There is a large beautiful pool. The hotel has two restaurants that are located on the coast. Dinners and entertainment programs are held at the pier. The hotel is within walking distance of local attractions, and the city can also be reached with a free shuttle service.

Valoració dels millors hotels a Curaçao

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